
Bedtime for Democracy
1986 LP
Take This Job and Shove It/ Hop with the Jet Set/ Dear Abby/ Rambozo the Clown/ Fleshdunce/ The Great Wall/ Shrink/ Triumph of the Swill/ Macho Insecurity/ I Spy/ Cesspools in Eden/ One-Way Ticket to Pluto/ Do the Slag/ A Commercial/ Gone With My Wind/ Anarchy for Sale/ Chickenshit Conformist/ Where Do Ya Draw the Line/ Potshot Heard around the World D.M.S.O./ Lie Detector

Take This Job and Shove It
Take this job and shove it
I ain't working here no more

I will not get all the pieces
I've been working for
Paper cups, minimum wage
Just walk on out the door
Take this job and shove it
I ain't working here no more

Take this job and shove it
I ain't working here no more
I will not get all the pieces
I've been working for
Paper cups, minimum wage
Just walk on out the door
Take this job and shove it
I ain't working here no more

They'll have you in this factory
From now on for fifty years
All this time I see my woman
Drowning in her tears
I see a lot of people who
Got to have a piece of me
I'd give the shirt right off my back
If I had the nerve to say

Take this job and shove it
I ain't working here no more
I will not get all the pieces
I've been working for
Paper cups, minimum wage
Just walk on out the door
Take this job and shove it
I ain't working here no more

Let's all go use our sick leave up
And then we'll shoot some pool
Got brand new skinhead hair cuts
You think he's a fool
One of these days I'll blow my top
Or somebody's gonna pay
I'd hate to see the process
As you enter the factory and say

Take this job and shove it
I ain't working here no more
I won't let that shit bother me
That I've been working for
Paper cups, minimum wage
Just walk on out the door
Take this job and shove it
I ain't working here no more

Take this job and shove it
I ain't working here, ain't working here, ain't working here no more

Hop with the Jet Set
I say, come on!
To pleasures unknown
Where we fly to when we are all bored
C'mon for the ride
And hop with the jet set tonight

We'll sun ourselves red down in Montego Bay
Hotel-hired guards keep the natives away

We wanna save the whales
We'll go watch them feed,
Buzz around them in boats
'Til they won't breed
Just here for the ride
Then we hop with the jet set tonight

Check out them Indians' ancestral art
Some of that would look cute up on our walls
Yeah, suit it just fine
When you hop with the jet set tonight

We'll hire out some poachers to go steel their dolls
Who cares if they're sacred—they look awful cute

National Geographic found a stone age tribe
Let's feed them their first hot dogs on film
Won't that be a prize
To show the jet set tonight

"Aren't they cute, aren't they pure…"
Muse subscribers back home
Next weekend the junta exterminates them

Back home by the sea at our outdoor cafe
Our chameleon tongues catch the flies in the air

Dear Abby
Dear Abby,

Got a problem. I'm a decent, underpaid, hardworking county coroner. It's
important that my family eat meat at least three times a week. But we just can't
afford to with the prices the way they are. So I bring home some choice cuts from my
autopsy subjects. Just mix in the Tuna Helper…and ta-da!

The whole family thinks my new meals are delicious. They ask me what's
my secret. Abby, I think they're getting suspicious. My smart-ass 8-year-old keeps
asking, "Where's all the meat? The red dye #2 kind that's kept in the fridge."

If they find out the truth I don't think they'll understand. Abby, what do I tell
my family?

DEAR REAGANOMICS VICTIM: Consult your clergyman. Make sure the body's
blessed and everything should be just fine.

Rambozo the Clown
Got a deadly toy
To brainwash your boy

An egocentric muscle thug
Kicks butt on screen like a brat outa hell
Bullshitter in the Indochina shop
Pull the string in his back, we win the war

That we never should have started at all

A cabbage patch terrorist to call our own
Who rewrites history with a machine gun
Don't think about it—KILL IT
That's what we teach your child

RAMBOZO the Clown
To draft age kids
It sure looks like fun—
"Kill 'em all
And let God sort 'em out."

Like video games—no mess
Just fuel for a mass lapse of common sense
You can be Don Quixote
We'll dice you with our windmill blades

Brawn over brain
Means a happy ending
G.I. Joe in the cereal bowl
Grey shrapnel-flavored chewing gum
Mass murder ain't just painless
Now we've made it cute

RAMBOZO the Clown
War is sexy
War is fun
Iron Ego
Red Dawn

Be a wolverine. You'll rule the hills
Just get some guns and Cheerios
Any kid can conquer Libya
Just steal a fighter plane

Look who came home in a wheelchair
V.A. Hospital, they don't care
"We're the machine
You're just a tool."
Who fell for the myth of Rambozo the Clown

We're world industry's thoughtlords
The entertainment wing
We keep you all in line

By fixing your free will
Surround you with pop fantasies
Just slightly out of reach
To soften all the blows
Of your forced daily routine

We strip-mine your underground culture
Take the bite out and rinse it clean
Give ourselves credit for creating it
Then sell it back to you
At twice the price

Our pool of talent vampires
Has blown into your town
To dazzle, sign and milk you
All strictly on our own terms

You think you've got a lot to say
We'll change that real soon
You're not a person anymore
We've made you a cartoon

By the time we're through remolding you
You won't even recognize your face
There's no end to the eager beavers
Drawn the moths to our Babylon's mirage

Conveyor belt of fleshdunce
They all want to do the fleshdance
Conveyor belt of fleshdunce
Who all want to do the fleshdance

The Great Wall
Great Wall of China
It's so big it's seen from outer space
Put there to keep starving neighbors
Locked outside the gates

What's changed today?
Empires hoard more than they need
And peasants threaten our comfort

We'll build a Great Wall around our power
Build a Great Wall around our power

Bankrupt L.A.'s streetcar line
So people pay more to drive
Plant strategic freeways
To divide neighborhoods by color lines

We'd rather pay for riot squads
Than pump your ghetto back to life
We let your schools decay on purpose

To build a Great Wall around our power
Another Great Wall around our power

Warlords in grey suits
Take a different route to work each day
Second-hand green berets
Form the companies' private armies.
We'll take all your gold
But won't teach reading or feed your poor
The League of Gentleman
Would rather feed guns to puppet dictators

There's too many people in your world
And refugees are expensive
When they trickled down onto our soil
We hunt them and arrest them
Classify them insane
And put them back on the next plane
To the waiting arms
Of the same death squads they fled

We've built a Great Wall around our power
Economic Great Wall around our power
Worldwide Great Wall around our power

Give us your poor,
Your tired and your weak
We'll send 'em right back
To their certain death

If only people could shrink
Our world wouldn't be so overcrowded
Bring ourselves down to size
There'd be so much more food to go 'round

Why don't we build a machine
With all the know-how of the industries
We put a man on the moon
On earth we'll need more room to breathe real soon

Drink your vaccine and let's shrink
And bring your poodle so it doesn't eat us
The roads will be so wide
No traffic jams when we're half a foot tall

Bring what you need down here
We'll shrink it all by microwave
Don't wanna die like dinosaurs
We'll have enough resources to go round


So now you've made the big shrink
Meanwhile we'll keep acting big
We well-bred beautiful people
Who says we have to go too?

Cops and Mason businessmen
Were exempted from the ovens
As if you weren't already.
The rest of you are all our termites now


Triumph of the Swill
Life can only get better
All you need to do is fall in love
Everyone else has fun but you
Buy that fun you'll fit in too

Dance your problems away
Cheap escape to that mind-control beat
Mellow out—Life's too hard
You don't even want to think

See the macho cock-rock metal heroes
Vomit fire out of their big mouths
Shake your fists obediently
Make Leni Riefenstahl real proud

See the Aryan bozo with the red guitar
Parachute on the White House lawn
Gonna bomb the commies with his air guitar
So dumb he can't drive 55

Like Bing Crosby before them
Too idiotic to be real
You want it loud?
We'll make sure it goes nowhere
So you won't get ideas

Triumph of the swill
Triumph of the swill
Triumph of the swill
Triumph of the swill

Music is banned in Khomeini's Iran
On the grounds that it stimulates the brain
We've done him one better in the land of coke & honey
Using music to put people's brains to sleep

Ever wonder why commercial radio's so bad?
It's 'cause someone upstairs wants it that way
If the Doors or John Lennon were getting started now
The industry wouldn't sign 'em in a million years

So what do we get
Christian censorship and taxed blank tapes
Shoppers strung out on our false hopes
Will flock to obey

Triumph of the swill
Triumph of the swill
Triumph of the swill
of the swill

Macho Insecurity
Name one thing on earth lower than a tough guy
Who talks with his fists instead of using his head
Who beats the shit out of anything it can't understand
Behind the muscle mask is a scared little boy

called Macho insecurity
Macho insecurity
Macho insecurity
'Cause you can't stand

Got a bitch with me?
Why won't you say it to my face?
It's so easy to mouth off to others
But where's your proof?
Maybe we can talk if you'd just drop your act
Nothing's ever solved by making childish threats
That's Macho Insecurity

Why do you want people to be so afraid of you?
Why are you so scared of anything that's different?
No one's ever there when you need friends
You wonder why…
It's 'cause you take yourself so seriously
But being such a clown
Gives the rest of us the right to laugh
At your Macho Insecurity
'Cause you can't stand yourself

I Spy
You look at me from the back of the room
All I see is a bumbling buffoon
Head down like you don't see much
Until you move in to make your bust

I spy for you and me
I spy for you and me

Disguised like you're one of the scene
Just stand alone with no real friends
Scared people will find out who you are
Alone in the world without your telephone beeper

I spy for you and me
I spy for you and me

Curious folks ask questions of life
But you can't answer 'cause your heart's like a knife
Still you feel you sing the last song sung
You're just a heartless piece of scum with a gun

I spy for you and me
I spy for you and me
I spy
I spy
I spy

Cesspools in Eden
Poison is bubbling
Beneath your dreamhome
Buried there years before

Kid runs in crying
From playing in the garden
"Mommy, I burned my hands!"

"What's making our eyes so itchy?"
"Don't rub 'em—they'll swell up."

Oh Oh Oh Oh
It's the big waste dump
Oh, yeah

We built your ticky-tacky houses
On landfill soil
To cover up a gift
We left you years before

Of toxic chemicals
And leaking gas
Just dig a little while,
You'll find our acid baths

In Eden
Oozing away…

Groundwater's poisoned
Air stings like hell
The lines for doctors grow long

Over martinis
The company laughs
"We don't owe you one damn thing."

But what about all these fainting spells?
How'd you like a lick
From my open sores

And Oh….Oh Oh Oh
Why are our babies stillborn?

A storage tank's leaking
It's about to explode
Why evacuate
When you can watch the fun

Nothing happens here
Get out the lawn chairs
We'll drink pink lemonade
And watch Martinez burn

In Eden
Oozing away
Cesspools in Eden
Leak by the day

The land we sold you
Is right atop our acid pits
We fill them by the truckload
In the dead of night

There's thousands more toxic
Tips of the iceberg
We pay a little bribe
Or we just don't report them

And see what you get—
In Eden
In Eden
No accident—
Just a little of our greed-fueled negligence

So you've found the proof why
Your cancer rate's shot up
But whatcha gonna do
When we've got all the cards

Times Beach, Rocky Flats,
Love Canal & Bhopal
Merry Christmas, hostages
From the folks who care

Cesspools in Eden
Oozing away
Cesspools in Eden
Leak by the day
Cesspools in Eden
Have a nice day

One-Way Ticket to Pluto
_______________________ Countdown!
Get ready for the Blast Off!
And don't forget the Hype!
We're going into space.

Distinguished scientists
A pesky senator
And monkey turds leaking from the lab
All brought to us play-by-play by Howard Cosell

You're going where no man has gone before
Because we owe you some favors
And besides you're bright
A little too bright

Step one:
Senator, your vomit,
It's time to analyze it
For the folks back home

Open the hatch, launch the war satellite
That the commies aren't supposed to know about
Our real challenge is to keep it a secret
From the press back home

You're going where no man has gone before
Don't ask us where that is—we have no idea

You're chosen for this great mission
Because you're hearty and strong
And make a lot of fuss
Especially around us
We like you better when you're far away

Have you noticed?
You're gong the wrong direction
We have,
But that's your
We planned it that way
We had to dispose of all of you so
We can spoil the final frontier
How dare you question our Star Wars plans
For the farce that they are?

You're going where no man has gone before
For rocking the boat
In our temple of doom

You're on a one-way ticket to Pluto
We wash our hands
Of you and your lost Ark
Don't forget to write…

Do the Slag
Have you heard about the latest craze
That's sweepin' across the nation
All the punks from coast to coast
Have discovered an old invention:

"Your hair's too long
Man, you're a queer
You're too new wave
Put down that beer…"
Do the Slag—Look at 'em run
Do the Slag—Hey you scum
Do the Slag—Ain't it fun
Do the Slag—Let's all be dumb
Badmouth people we don't know
Make sure it's behind their backs
Don't let new people in our scene
It's more fun than having a friend

We'll slag everyone each and every night
So we can pretend that we're all right
Make those pricks feel just so small
We'll show the world that we're three feet tall

Slander their integrity
Doubt their humanity
Talk about their haircuts
Are their politics correct?

Do the Slag!
Don't let those sissies on the floor
They're unhip, man, they bought the wrong clothes
Let's all do the latest craze
'Cause having allies never pays

We'll slag everyone each and every night
So we can pretend that we're all right
Make those pricks feel just so small
We'll show the world that we're three feet tall

A Commercial
Have we got a telethon for you coming soon on MTV! A rockin' bankroll
extravaganza featuring all your vigilante rock stars! Sammy
Hagar…Sylvester Stallone…Clint Eastwood. It's so important we've even
exhumed the bodies of Lynyrd Skynyrd! This ain't no sissy concert to raise
food for the needy; this concerts whipped up the American way to raise
money for guns for the greedy! So stay tuned and dig in those heels

It's USA for South Africa 'cause those poor, sex-starved riot battalions
need more machine guns, more tear gas, more nerve gas, more electric
fences for those prison camps they call "homelands." And who's going to
give it to them? WE ARE! Every one of us! Everytime we go to the bank.
Everytime we buy food at Theftway. Or those fancy chrome wheels for your

Don't delay! Apartheid is a BIG business! What would these American ladies
do without those diamonds? You heard the White House…DON'T MISS IT! Have
you're rich parents' money ready, world hunger's gone forever once your
check's in the mail when MTV and the rock and racism connection bring you
live, from Sun City, USA FOR SOUTH AFRICA!

Gone With My Wind
Wake up! Get down here quick!
The president's had too much to drink
His days of power are about gone
He's been talking to paintings in the hall

He says, "I'm finished, so what the hell?
My life is ruined, what matters now?
I've always itched for that last great thrill…
If I die all of you should too."

Gone with my wind
Out with a bang
I'm gonna end it all right now
Gone with my wind
Out with a bang
You're coming with me, oh wow

My bombs will rain down on D.C.
We'll nuke our enemies while they're asleep
We'll be safe in the ground below
And laugh and drink till the cows come home

So c'mon John, whadya say?
It's been dancing in my head for years
What'll happen if I push this button…
Let's start World War III for fun

Gone with my wind
Out with a bang
I'm gonna end it all right now
Gone with my wind
Out with a bang
You're coming with me, oh wow

Mr. President, just sit down
We should talk a little while, I'll pour another round
What about your memoirs' TV rights?
Sit tight—and watch the fire…

Let go of me. Do you think I'm mad?
To tell the truth, sir, I'd rather not say

Just keep your paws inside your pockets
And planet earth will be OK.

But you reached for the button anyhow
I had no choice but to knock you out
That's just last night's bump on your head
On to the next crisis, it's another day

Gone with my wind
Out with a bang
I'm gonna end it all right now
Gone with my wind
Out with a bang
You're coming with me, oh wow

Anarchy for Sale
Step right up folks

Anarchy for sale!
T-shirts only 10 dollars
Badges only 3.50
I nicked the design, never asked the band
I never listen to them either

Buy Buy Buy from Circle A
Like hula hoops, it's a disposable craze
Another fast-food fad to throw away

Get your Anarchy For Sale
Anarchy For Sale
Anarchy For Sale