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"Honey, I'm a pig who knows
how to show a chicken a good time."

Militia Friends and Neighbors

The Handsome Family--Husband/Wife team. Some truly great mournful songs, perfect for your next bout of heavy drinking and severe depression. Small sample: "Late New Year's Eve, paper hat on your head, it's hard to believe you'll ever be dead. But that dream where you're falling you've had since you're five is a bird on your shoulder who whispers goodbye." There's much more on the webpage, along with song samples.

Kinky Friedman--Kinky is the best thing in Alternative Country. Period. Lyrics that combine pain in a poetic, unique way; music that is beautiful. Check out his new CD, with Lyle Lovelett, Yoakum, Waits, Nelson, etc. Still, Kinky needs no one but himself. Kinky is scary, because his lyrics are funny, weird, poetic, sad, and always intellectual. This turn of the century Jew-Gypsy is leading us into a new age. The Militia can't thank him enough.

Bob Childers--Bob Childers has inspired everyone from Garth Brooks to the Red Dirt Rangers to the Delicious Militia. He's even played at the White House (something the Militia likes alot), and at the annual Woody Guthrie festival in Okmulgee, Oklahoma. Check out the huge story on Bob in the new issue of No Depression magazine (Sept.-Oct. 1999) Check out this website and order his CDs. all-around guide to alternative country. Lots of links that will help you to tell your Son Volt from your Wilco.

The Gourds--A great alternative Country band with weird lyrics, bug noises, hick drinking, beauty, and incredible instrumentation.

Meat Purveyors--Check out this punky bluegrass band from Texas. Hugh Foley (program director for CUSH radio and father of Nokose) and the Militia got a chance to hang out with them when they kicked off their US tour in Stillwater, OK. Some great musicians, and a really cute chick who plays upright bass.

The Flaming Lips--Known for their big hit, "Vaseline," this band from Norman, Oklahoma has now spaced out into the other realm. Their new CD, The Soft Bulletin, uses instruments unknown to rock, and their live show is concept-oriented, where they pass out headphones, cassettes, etc. This band knows that the turn of the century is with us, and they are well prepared.

Neutral Milk Hotel--Cool college radio band from Athens, Georgia. With strange lyrics and arrangements, this band proves some people are still making real music.

Wesley Willis--A 6 foot 5, 350 pound paranoid schizophrenic mass of weirdness with "demons" in his head and headphones, Wesley Willis lives in Chicago, writes songs on his keyboard that all sound the same and mention famous people, including himself. Some fans even call him God of Chicago. Check him out. He even makes a living from selling his artwork of city landscapes. A Militia kind of guy.

The Belgium Waffles--A band that writes in the New World Order, Government Conspirancy, Year 2000 genre. They reside in Louisville, Kentucky, but are originally from Bloomington, Indiana, where Militia Man Doug Martin during the 80's once introduced one of their gigs while wearing a pretty white dress. This band will play chainsaws on request.

D.C. and Selby Minner--As a bassist for Freddy King, Bo Didley, and Chuck Berry in the early days, D.C. has been around long enough to spot the phonies in the blue's genre. D.C, who appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show a few years ago (a nice connection to the Militia's "Hello, Oprah Winfrey, Please Talk to Me"), is the real deal. So is his wife Selby. Together, they organize the annual Dusk 'til Dawn Blues festival in Rentiesville, Oklahoma, (which hosts such greasts as Hubert Sumlin, a guitarist who did a 20 year long gig for Howling Wolf), as well as the Blues in the Schools Program. For their teaching in the schools, D.C. and Selby were recently awarded the Keeping Blues Alive Award from the Blues Foundation in Memphis. D.C. is a big fan of Nokose Fenton Foley, as well, and is happy as hell that the four-year-old drummer of the Delicious Militia is topping the charts in China.

Larry Brown--Oxford, Mississippi writer, actor in the film 100 Proof, Hollywood screenplay writer (his latest gig is for an upcoming Billy Bob Thornton movie), Larry Brown is a good friend of the Delicious Militia's. If you want downhome writing at its most artistic, then buy his books. The Militia is trying to persuade Larry to cut his own CD. He's been in the studio recently recording his music with author and banjo player Clyde Edgerton. See UnoMas for an upcoming review of the Militia CD, as well as a story about Mormom author Brian Evenson.

Brian Evenson--Kicked out of an instructor's job at Brigham Young University for his controversial short stories, Brian Evenson came to Oklahoma to teach fiction and hang out with the Delicious Militia. A dear friend of the band, B.E. often took Doug Martin to the local Walls to purchase used copies of Eraserhead, and to eat food as well. A great music reviewer, as well as a poetic prose writer in the vain of violence and Old English alliteration, Brian Evenson creates stories on the wild side of Mormom life. A devoted Mormom, Brian now lives in Denver. The Militia miss his lessons (he taught Doug Martin how to properly open a sack of resturant crackers), his life, and his ability to completely accept people who are different.

Odd John--The Boss Webmaster for the Delicious Militia, Odd John is now teaching the band how to do it for themselves. He's a great writer and wild bro. Check out his site for weird cartoons and links to other strange places.

Andrew Fuller--A good ole friend from Pre-Militia days, Andrew Fuller is a writer, editor, and musician. Kiddies, look at his site, where you will find his own original work, his magazine Three-Lobed Burning Eye, and his press, Legion Press. Feel free to submit, and help the world become a better place. Plus, the graphics on this site are great!

Kevin Dayton--When he's not lipringing around town paying bills, Kevin--one of the editors for Renton Magazine--is throwing himself into real music. On this site, Kevin gives us a dose of band links such as Creed, My Little Dog China, Starflyer 59, and the Delicious Militia. You can also find links to various mags here, and in the near future a section devoted to the Oklahoma music scene.

Burke Thomas--The local government wants to change the date of Hollween. Check out this editorial from an artist and Militia friend in Indiana and see what he says.

The Rural Route Twangzine--"Covering Real American Music that Don't Suck." Not recommended if you are into cookie-cutter country music, or if you don't know what cookie-cutter country music means.

Tia D!--One of our earliest fans. She knows good music when she hears it.

If you would like us to link to your page, send Earl and Jewel over, or send us your URL, and we'll partake us some bourbon and consider adding your link. Our e-mail address:

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