
Welcome to Dreams World. You're wanna be a dreamer through all the articles that you can trade or buy here. If you want to know the tracklisting and more info about the articles such us things to trade or the price to buy something, please email to abaworld@yahoo.com.

By the moment, we only have very few articles of the corrs, but we can trade all that you have or buy our articles.

All that you want and all that you need, you came here for this!!!


1. The Corrs : "Live".


1. Leave Me Alone.

2. The right time.

3. Runaway.

4. Secret Life.

5. Someday.

6. Love to love you.

7. Toss the feathers.

8-14. Dreams (Six Mixes of Dreams).

15. The right time (Radio Edit).


We are waiting for more articles in the next weeks ...

For more info or tracklisting, please email to abaworld@yahoo.com

Don't forget, "what you want we can get it : ask for it".