Loss for Words would like to thank: Our Lord and Saviour for guiding us along the way and making all of this possible, our managers ~ Matt, Matt, Mike, & Chris (thanks for all the help along the way), Greg for being a great example of Jesus, Tim, The Colliers, Paul & everyone at Silas, our parents and family for all the support, The Myers, everyone who helped at the "all nighter", Chad & Jeremiah we couldn't have done it without you, Levi, Brodie, Bands ~ Ghoti Hook, TickleWatson, 7 Knots Crain, Ephphetha, Perfekt Gentlemen, Another Fiasco, and the Dialtones, If we forgot anyone this space _______ is for you. Last and certainly not least all our fans who come out to our shows and support our Mission and goal of bringing everyone to know the Truth that we KNOW!!!! God Bless you all!