BSB Horoscopes

What the stars foretold when they were born.

Birthstone:Peridot-meaning felicity
All are kind-hearted, generous, sympathetic, idealistic, executive, and magnetic.
More merciful than just. Excitable and accessible to flattery. Generous with money
and expects the same in return. He is a great optimist,fairly domestic, generous, and bright.
Can't hold a grudge.Likes danger and adventure. Happy in responsibility. He is always expressing
creativity. He makes strong, meaningful gestures. Designer clothing is popular among Leos.
He has a great zest for life. His organizing ability is great. Leos
have a well-developed sense of drama and loves to entertain. Being born under the Virgo moon,
he tends to be modest and cautious with a practical instinct.
Best companions: Aries and Sagittarius.
Astrology of Love:Howie was born with so many aspects to Venus (the planet ruling love) that he seems destined to be a complicated lover, never quite finding the path to romance simple or easy.
Howie's chart has a trine-the most positive relationship-between Venus and the planet Jupiter. This makes him a natural peacemaker in any group; he wants harmony with others strongly. It's easy for him to let others know he cares.
When Howie was born Venus was in another fortunate aspect. Neptune, the planet of dreams and wishes, formed a relationship with Venus, the planet of love. A person with this pattern in their horoscope has heightened creativity and an active romantic imagination. Howie brings a lot of romantic creativity to the Backstreet Boys, and it is also apparent in his desire to build houses by the sea (ruled by Neptune) for members of his family.
But when it comes to one-on-one love, Howie is a problem child. He tends to keep his attractions secret. This might be a result of Venus in conjunction with Pluto on the day he was born. Pluto is the planet of secrets and sudden reversals. Pluto also rules a person's deepest feelings. Intense, secret passions, and possible disappointments in love can often afflict someone born with this horoscope pattern.
If Howie is suffering from secret desires, you'd never guess it. With his Sun in Leo, it's important to him to keep a happy face in public. He wants to shine in any group. Even Leos who aren't in show business try to keep their fans pleased at all times. As a typical Leo, Howie is generous and chivalrous-meaning he wants to be a knight in shining armor. Leos like Howie want loyalty and praise from their partners; admiration is everything.
As a Leo, Howie is attracted to outgoing, courageous, good-natured people who sparkle in public. Leos are drawn to people who are thoughtful of others, gracious, and appreciative. They don't mind being flattered at all! They like honesty. Leos don't like people who are lazy or mean.

Birthstone:Garnet-meaning fidelity
An all around person, but specializing in nothing. Fond of imparting knowledge to others.
An excellent teacher, a good surgeon and a poor mathematician. Kind, generous and courageous.
Common sense stupendous. Never gives quick or drastic decisions. Is intellectual,
a trendsetter and possible leader of his generation. Aquarian style is very up-to-date.
His ideal career includes a good deal of human cantact. He is happy, kind, and has a caring attitude.
Aquarians tend to be private and can find a polite way of easing out of answering a question. Many Aquarians have dramatic flair and are stagestruck from a young age. Born under the Gemini moon,
he tends to have distinctive ideas, logic, and originality. He has a low boredom threshold.
Best companions:Gemini and Libra
Astrology of Love:When Nick was born, Venus and the Moon were nearly touching. Astrologers say two planets this close are "in conjunction." With Venus in conjunction with the Moon, Nick tends to be a very friendly guy with a tranquil, hard-to-make-him-angry personality. He also has a good eye for beauty and a love of all that is fine and luxurious.
Venus was also in a harmonious relationship with the planet Uranus on the day Nick was born. Uranus is in charge of new ideas, creative thinking, and visions of the future. So, Nick is romantic, artisitc, and has attractively unusual ideas about sex and love.
There's a difficult side to Nick's romantic character according to his star chart. He was born under a "square" apsect between Venus and Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet that rules luck and fortune and also the ability to persuade other people. With Venus 90 degrees from Jupiter when Nick was born, Nick can sometimes be a flatterer.
With the Sun in Aquarius, Nick loves computers (and Nintendo), novel ideas, and humanitarian concerns. He tends to think about the future a lot. Aquarians are attracted to cleverness and intelligence, tolerance and difference, enthusiasm and independence. Aquarians are turned off by people whoa re judgmental of other or bullies.
Aquarians like Nick are very sensitive to what other people think. They seem to pick up people's "vibes", especially when those vibes are good.

Birthstone:Turquoise-meaning success
Energetic, ambitious, and self-centered, but very conservative. Reliable,
just, accurate to the last detail. Writes and speaks eloquently, but without originality. He has
a great deal of practical common sense and is outgoing. Capricorns are usually tall and thin.
They have heavy hair and large foreheads. He takes good care of himself. Born under the Virgo moon, he
approaches problems in a rational, logical way. He has a sharp, analytical mind. AJ is a naturally adept communicator.
Best companions: Taurus and Virgo.
Astrology of Love:Born with Venus in conjunction to the Sun, AJ is-no surprise-a natural born lover and a very attractive individual. Other people find him sociable and charming, and he is truly warmhearted. With this major aspect on his side, AJ doesn't have to worry that his chart shows few other aspects to Venus. He's already got the spotlight shining on his love life. But he does have two major aspects to Venus in his chart: an easygoing relationship with Uranus and a more difficult square to Pluto.
Like Nick, who also has a relationship between Venus and Uranus, AJ is a romantic. He's got all sorts of great ideas about how to woo the object of his affections. He is also a rebel in love. The fastest way to make sure AJ goes out with someone is to tell him not to do it. AJ can also be very sentimental. The square between Venus and Pluto in AJ's chart foretells of reversals and betrayals in love. He might discover, for instance, that someone he thought was perfect for him really isn't. His Capricorn Sun sign, with its love-vibe strengthened by conjunct Venus, means AJ is attracted to women who are responsible, well-organized, kind and caring. Ambitious people are an inspiration to him.

Birthstone:Amethyst-meaning Sincerity
Natural wanderers. Adaptability to circumstances, and environment may be their
salvation. Genial and life of party. Most domestic. Makes a good friend.
Pisceans are flexible in their views and have great creative potential. He is very kind.
Piscean eyes appear to be gentle and show a capacity to be very emotional. The eyes are the dominant
Piscean feature. The Piscean image is very romantic. He has a softness and gentleness. He listens
with interest, has an eagerness to sympathize, and hates to hurt others. Born under the Taurus moon, Brian is reliable and stable.
He has creative potential and enjoys music.
Best companions: Cancer and Scorpio
Astrology of Love:Brian was born when Venus and the Sun were in Pisces. Venus joined with Jupiter expanding the effects on the personality. Someone born with this pattern has a magnetic sex appeal. The effect of Jupiter helps make Brian popular and gives hima reputation as a charmer. Mars was also in good relationship to Venus. Mars, the planet of energy, passion, and aggression and male sex drive, was in good position to Venus, making it easy for Brian to express affection. He's enthusiastic about love and feels a need to be in a relationship with a woman. He will assert his feelings for the one he loves.
With both the Sun and Venus in Pisces, Brian is a sensitive soul when it comes to love, and most other areas of life. Like most Pisceans, he has a great capacity for spirituality and a vivid imagination. He ought to find a partner who will be aware of his feelings and is compassionate toward him and his friends and family. Pisces people can be moody and like to have quiet time by themselves to meditate. Pisces natives can be the most romantic and dreamy types in the world. They are attracted to gentle, kind people who can express tenderness and inspire them. Pisces men, like Brian, appreciate partners who know when to leave them alone and when to be a friend. They don't like people who are unkind or sarcastic.

Birthstone:Opal-meaning hope
A deep, mysterious character; often deceptive in telling the truth. Very rhythmical and fond of dancing. Gentle and amiable.Inclined to procrastinate. Mathematical ability great. A gentle and subtle speaker. Peace is important to him and he has a motivation to work hard. He always makes time to listen to others and is outgoing, charming, and agreeable. Librans have natural good looks. Libran eyes show a capacity for kindness and understanding. He has good taste in fashion. He has a pleasant ablilty to calm others and be a peacemaker. Born under the Cancer moon, he has the ability to sympathize and empathize with others. Kevin can be extremely kind, but can express himself rather shaprly.
Best friends:Aquarius and Gemini
Astrology of Love:Like his cousin Brian, Kevin's Sun and Venus were in the same sign when he was born. Also like Brian, these 2 planets were far enough apart in the sign so that they were not conjunct. But with Venus in Libra, Kevin looks for a calm, beautiful, and well-balanced love partner. Libra natives find realtionships very important. They strive for harmony, sometimes pushing too hard. Venus in Kevin's chart is in a good relationship to Mars, a pattern called a trine. This makes for a good balance between his aggressive energies and his needs for love. A man with this aspect bewteen Venus and Mars will have no trouble letting the object of his affection know exactly who she is and what he wants from her. Kevin's enthusiasm for his chosen one will sweep her off her feet!
Kevin's emotional nature is easily excited. No wonder he cries at sad movies. The relationship between Uranus and Venus enables him to do original artisitc work, like songwriting. it magnifies the sensual side of his personality. He expresses his romantic nature in original ways and will always come up with ways to surprise his love. With so much Libra energy, Kevin is attracted to bright, intellectual women who are theatrical and gracious. A Libra will admire someone with principles, even if he doesn't agree with them. Libras value sincerity in their friends and lovers. They love to be in love and want to be admired by their partners.

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