Here is mail I have recieved and my responses.


George writes....

Reading your diary about Nights in Tokyo. Sounds like you're having a hard time. I had six girls in five days last year in Tokyo and hell I'm pushing 40. Prefer to stay in Hong Kong these days. It's cheaper and you can say more to the girls. They actually understand. Japanese girls have nice asses and are cute - but so are HK girls....Regards,George.

Thanks for reading. Maybe life should be easier than I'm making it. 6 girls in 5 days? Impressive. Do you think its because they like you as a person, or something about you - your clothes, job, approach,etc or both. Good luck keepin' it goin.

George replied...

No. I just planned it before I arrived. You live there. So you have other pressures. I think Japan must be alienating. Here in Hong Kong we have English radio, English newsapersand evryone in authority has ot speak English. It makesa differnece. That's why I stay here. But I like Jap girls. But not enough to try and beatmy record for some time. It would be an anti-climax.

Alan writes...

Loved your web page. Great reading. Always wanted to go there, but neverdid. Best of luck.


Thanks Alan, appriciate the feedback.

Risa wrote

Interesting page! You should check out this site called: Tokyo Daze. It's funny as hell and would make an interesting link with your stuff.Risa

Thanks Risa, here is the web address for anyone interested... or click >here