A Brief History of Plunger

Plunger was born in 1997 in the bedroom of Adam, the original bassist, in Clinton, MI. Along with guitarists Karl and Ross, the founding members of Plunger wrote their first original song, "Stuck In An Elevator". Pleased with their first efforts, the three guys looked for a drummer. Adam had been in a band with Jake, a local drummer. The guys had one practice, but interest seemed to be lost. The three never practiced with Jake again. Track season came along, and the boys asked Jobba, a drummer with the Clinton High School band, if he'd like to play drums. Although he hadn't played in a long time, Jobba had his own drum set, and was already a good friend of the three guys. He came to a practice and was in the band for good. After several months of practicing, many of which were only with three members, they named themselves Plunger, found a singer in Adam (a different Adam, who left the band within a month), and struck up a friendship with another Clinton band, Youth Society. It was soon decided upon to play a show together, Plunger's first. It was called Cornfest, and it was to be held at Ross's house. Five bands were to play: Plunger, Youth Society, Malachi, Devil's Outkast, and Let's Form Voltron (now Redlined). But, the weather was terrible, and the show was cancelled that day. That night took another bad turn when Adam (the bassist) informed the band he was moving to Chicago in a week. That was it for Plunger, or so it seemed. A replacement was found in Matt, another local bassist who used to be in Youth Society. Unfortunately, he quit after three days. Plunger had no bass player, no new material, and they really missed Adam. Plunger didn't do anything for nearly a month, then Ron called. He was a bass player from Clinton and wanted to play. He was auditioned, and got the job. Karl took over the lead singing duties, and not long after, a horn section was added to the band: Niki, Josh, Jeff and Adam. This made Plunger even more diverse than before. With their new lineup, Plunger played several shows, but in February of 1999, Ron quit after a show at the Where Friends Meet hall. Ross took over the bass duties, and Plunger played a few more shows. But then, Ross and Jobba decided to move on, and Plunger consisted of Karl and the four horn players. Soon after, everyone joined again and we played two reunion shows! We found a new drummer in Pat, and Ronnie stuck around when Ross and Jobba headed off to college, and Jeff departed from Plunger a few months later. So Plunger returned with a new lineup and some new songs finally! Within the next thirteen months, Plunger played a million shows at Mr. Mug's, had two amazing nights in Coldwater, MI, played for the hometown crowd at the Clinton Fall Festival, traveled to New York City to play CBGB, recorded a six song demo tape, and achieved their biggest dream by taking the stage at St. Andrew's Hall in Detroit. And finally, when the band had graduated from high school, and college plans were underway, the curtain closed on Plunger's stage, with a final farewell show at Mr. Mug's, the site of their first show two and a half years prior. Some of the members will join new bands, or start new ones, or put music aside to get on with their futures. It will never be the same, but the show must go on. The rest, as they say, is history.

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