
This is the Introduction

A rather simple statement that is very true. Welcome to the first update of the Foresight web page where our idleness is our inspiration. Apologies to anyone who has been feverently awaiting our latest news although judging by the counter it looks although you have been one of a privileged one (if any?). The plan from this update on is to have a fresh(ish) page by the second week of the month.
The update will contain regulars like news, reviews, etc but whatever else is on our, or your's, minds. This month sees the latest lot of charts, images, thoughts, news, reviews and rants that have invaded our thoughts over the past few months.
Specials going this month for the price of a phonecall + connection is a piece from Stevie about what we are about, a review of the club on the 31st of July through the eyes of a f***ed up clubber amongst others. We honestly didn't give him any sweetners for the piece and we had reservations about putting it on but what the hell its the first piece of feedback I've had for the website from w=outside the club.
We hope you enjoy what could be considered the first real page and We hope to see you down the club on the 25th of September for our third birthday party or in the following months. If that's not possible, drop us a line through the contact page or at 'f_sight@hotmail.com'. See The Latest News for what we are up to this month.

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