I'm Odd or David or Kiss of Steel. whatever you know me as. I've done alot on chainmail stuff also some new jokes

I decided, screw the music, screw the other stuff and I'm going to focus on chainmail for a while. It would help if Geocities had a decent builder, but NOOOOO! they get the geobuilder That never works, So I've had to do everything in HTMl lately.Basically the thing is: Its all under construction.(What webpage isn't?)Sign the guestbook or I'll Break your legs and stab you with the points(Not Really but it sounds like fun) And check out all the random crap. e-mail me if you're bored or have a good picture of someone or if you want to tell me I suck. Whatever.

March something: Started on a Bayeaux Teapestry page that will be up as soon as Geocities starts working again. I've added a few new jokes and a link or two. Thats about it for me. Except for the chainmail bikini on the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition. I can do that. I should make one and say "As advertised in the Sports Illustrated" Maybe not

Feb 17 Random updating and such things I need to buy a camera but the paying for the bloody Ap and ACT tests are kind of getting in the way of any type of cash fund. Fairly soon I'm going to work on getting a large profile up of myself so that people can learn a bit more about me as a person. Also I'm going top start compiling a large database of Viking research So if you have stuff to add to it, let me know because I will gladly add it. And if anyone knows how to do decent timelines on a computer let me know.

Feb 4 Tried to get more pictures up for the chainmail page but yet another camera tried to commit suicide before taking a picture. (Thats two. Should I be worried?) Put some new jokes in under the funny section. And that's life in general.Oh and I'm looking for ideas on chainmail stuff. Just random ideas. If you have any, e-mail me at oddbeeslayer@hotmail.com

My chainmail page(in progress)
My SCA page
My music page, the pride and joy of my webpage
funny stuff
Links page
Metallica page

Yell at me

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