*Danielle: silverchair, 04/25/97*

silverchair, handsome, local H
April 25th, 1997

On April 25th, 1997, I attended a silverchair concert. My mind is now a bit fuzzy about that concert since it was awhile ago but I will try my best to remember everything.

My friend Tammy and I arrived at Arrow Hall in Mississauga around 4:30 pm. But since the doors where opening at 5:30 we though might as well go find something to eat so we went to the Wendy's that was just down the road. I was too nervous to eat so I just had a coke. There were a few silverchair fans in Wendy's which made it busy in there, and one group of girls had a card for Daniel and I over heard them saying they were going to throw it up on stage.

Anywayz, finally the door open at 5:30 but I didn't get in till 6:00. I was in no rush, I could always make my way near the front, and I did, not exactly near the front but close enough.

To waste time, my friend Tammy and I would made fun of the little girls wearing bascially nothing, hopeing Daniel might get a look at what they "got", but since they were around 12 and 13 they didn't really have that much to show off. I remember one girl though was wearing "FREAK ME DANIEL JOHNS" on her shirt, and her and her friend were trying to rub it in that they could get there autographs because there friends dad works for Sony or some shit like that, I just gave them a nasty look actaully it was more like a "i don't care" look. but anywayz.

Handsome came on around 7:00 .. I am still not sure on each time the bands came on because I don't have a watch. But Handsome did an excellent set, this was the first time I heard them and they actually weren't that bad.

I am guessing abit after 8 Local H came on. I am not a huge fan of there's so I didn't really care to see them but oh well, they still did a good set.

Finally silverchair came on, the crowd went wild! They started off with Slave..and next came a blur, actually not really, I personally don't remember the set list. It was too long ago. The whole concert experience is becoming a giant blur. But anywayz, the whole set rocked, I have the bootleg to it so I should listen to it cause maybe I will remember, but nah I am too lazy. Ok off track let me get back on. I remember during one of the songs, don't remember which one Daniel's guitar strap broke, at frist I was kinda like what the fuck? but then I realised what happened. Some comments Daniel made where: "You guys are fucking loud!" "You guys rock!" "Hey you guys back in the snack bar, get your asses out here and mosh! Food is bad. Unless your anorexic, then food is GOOD," "I wanna see you all jumping, and don't fucking screw it up." He also said something about not having anything to say, so we'd have a moment of silence for his green PRS. He waited about 10 seconds then said "Okay, that's enough time." That's all I can remember. That was probably one of the best days of my life, except Warped Tour, but that's a different review.
