This page is currently under re-construction so the amount of links is minimal. New information is being added and old links and material found to have lost its integrity are being removed. Visit those listed below and please come back soon.

Links to events and happenings within the low brow, rockabilly, hot rod culture.
The Bowlarama is a psycho-rockabilly bowling experience. This is probably one of the few good places left to catch a fairly priced venue for which bowling is included in the entrance fee. As well, it could be a great place to take a date since the alley has a little Asian restuarant connected to it. Dinner, dancing, booze, and bands. What more could you want? And sometimes you can catch a few nice cars in the parking lot. Click the logo for more info'

The Hootenanny is a psycho-rockabilly custom car show festival. This is the largest event and is usually held the first week of July. It is beer, 3-4 stages of music, vendors selling goods, more beer, cars & car clubs, fine eats, some more beer, porta potties, good looking folks, and lots of beer. Click the logo for more info'

Links pertaining to vintage pin ups, the lovely ladies and other information of the fetish world. Some of which you will find pitures of contained in the graphics we make.

Dita Von Teese is one of the most recognized women in this scene. Dita is an extrodinary model, from porn style to cheesecake pin up. It is her style, along with Perephone's, that have brought back some of the class in nude modeling, with the use of vintage corsets and stockings, or the presence of a powerful attitude. Dita's beauty defines the style. And some of her beautiful pictures are contained in my graphics. Click the logo for more info'

Mistress Persephone is the most recognized women in this scene, and who I credit for bringing back the Betty Page style pin up model. Her beauty has helped to define the modern day pin up modeling that has become popular. Persephone has helped to pave the way for this new wave of burlesque and fetish purveyors. And it is her photographs that I enjoy using the most to create some of my graphics. She can be found in Los Angeles to New York, and sometimes places in between making personal appearences. She is quite a site to see! You can look but you can't touch. Persephone is the wife of legendary neo-rockabilly king, Tim Polecat. Please see the music page for the Polecats. Click the logo for more info'

Check out one of the best resources for pin-up pic's. Click the logo for more info'

Links to those things so cool that they can't be catergorized. Everything from places to buy tiki mugs, to websites containing information on the sick and twisted.

Also known as the Demon Psycho Photos Page,this page is filled with psychobilly photos of bands,gigs,and also contains numerous links of the same subject matter.I have got a lot of help from using her page. Annlisa is a doll, so if you liked my page, then pay your respects to hers. Click the logo for more info'

And you only thought cars were customized! Visit the depths of the pit and feast your eyes on the evilest bicycle club that's reaching world domination. Go now you miserable slug! Click the logo for more info'

This is your connection into the low brow culture; the art, music, life, etc. JUXTAPOZ is an amazing publication that encompasses and pays tribute to all aspects of the culture. Nothing but the best goes into each issue which is maticulously put together,since they don't come out monthly. Such people as COOP, Robert Williams, R.K. Sloane, Frank KOZIK, and so many more fantastic individuals have graced their jump in your rod and go get a copy know! Click the logo for more info'

This is the mecca of Lost Angeles' low brow scene. La Luz De Jesus is a gallery and specialty shop in one including WACKO and Soap Plant.Their are different art shows monthly of the actual artists who grace the pages of JUXTAPOZ, along with their fine selection of books,t-shirts, santos, and to many other novelties to list. This is a great place to spend a day and spend some money, leaving with a lot of cool sh*t and lint in your pockets. Click logo for more info'

Attention you rockabilly guys & dolls: If you are looking for that missing person in your miserable life. Or you just want to find some friends with similar interests. Click the logo for more info'

This is a page that virtually has everything you need or want, from rockabilly to how to build your own web page. Shannanigan has some stuff of her own, and offers links to a whole lot of sites. This page is what helped me create my page and I continually reference it for help all the time. Click the logo for more info'

The Wreckingpit is the largest psychobilly resource and the site that started it all. As well, is the sponser of the Psychobilly Webring and the Official Meteors website.Click the logo for more info'

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