Anya's Frida Page.

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Hi everyone.... I figured a revamp on this page was long, long, LONG overdue! This page is dedicated to the person who has given so much warmth and meaning to my life. Yes, that person is Frida. Well, I am 20 years old, but have been a fan of ABBA for many years now. It is through ABBA that I have met many of my good friends: Colin, Michael, Mandi and Sabine just to name a few! You can go and see Mandi's homepage, she has many records, CD's and memorabilia for sale. Please pay her page a visit!

I became an ABBA fan at an early age, and their music has affected my life in many ways, mainly for the better I think! The music always brings a joy to my heart whenever I hear an ABBA song. And it makes me feel very warm inside, I am sure many people feel the same way as I do!
    I became a Frida fan more because I love her vocal style than anything else. I always felt she added a "mysterious" tone to any song that she sang. Of course, she is also very, VERY pretty too! I admire the work she has done for the environment and basically, one day I would love to meet this amazing person, who has touched my life many times.
    Favourite songs of mine include "When all is said and done", "Dancing Queen", "I let the music speak" and "Super Trouper" (Which was the first ABBA song I got to know really well, so it has some special meaning for me in a way). My favourite Frida songs... Oh! It would be easier to name the ones I totally DISLIKE! They would be "Peter Pan", "Peter kom tillbaka", "The way you do" and basically anything from the "Shine" album, of 1984.
    My favourite Frida album I must say is "Something's going on". It has many values for me for personal reasons, and I believe the album was undercredited in many ways. I think in short, that it is a masterpiece! (Ditto for "Djupa Andetag" of 1996)! Well... I hope you will like my little homepage.. maybe you wont. Who knows!?! My love to all you ABBA fans out there, Thanks for reading this! 

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