With My Looks and Your Brains
The Mr. T Experience
Revenge Is Sweet, And So Are You

So far there’s no doubt
Things are working out
Between us we can cover every base
You’re cute, I’m not
I’m sharp, you’ve got
A certain way of spilling all over the place
But you just keep me warm
And I’ll fill out that form
And when they kick me out again
Tell them to let me back in
Look nice
And they won’t think twice
About it baby because
There’s no stopping us
With my brains, your looks
Your bait, my hooks
We could catch a thousand gravy trains
It would be bad
If all we had
Was my looks and your brains
So hold my hand
Just like we planned
So you won’t get lost and I won’t get thrown out
If they get wise
Just flash those eyes
And I will give them something to get wise about
You just make your splash
And I’ll supply the cash
When some comes in
It’s looking kind of thin
And glum
But some will come along
You’ll be glad we stayed
‘Cause we’ll have it made
With your looks, my brains
Your tracks, my trains
We’re re-writing all the record books
Just study the floor plan
Be glad we got more than
Your brains and my looks
I wonder if under pressure
We could make it on our own
Could we stand it
Empty handed
And stranded
And all alone
But let’s not find out
What that would be about
I’ll stick with you
You let yourself be stuck to
You and me
Have a legacy
That we can pass on to our kids
They could get lucky
With my brains, your looks
Your knights, my rooks
They could really win a lot of games
But just think, what if
They end up with
My looks and your
My looks and your
With my looks and your brains

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