this is a list of talkers/muds/pages i visit. those with links, i just linked to the homepage. those without, i gave a brief description and the addy


Knights of the Red Dragon - a very nice, heavily modified Diku code mud. some very cool imms and very fucking stupid imms. same with the mortals. it's fairly easy but challenging enough that it is fun


Clepto's WhatEver - basicly one of those all ages no real theme hang out places. almost no one there anymore, but i still pop by...

Hotel - 5150 - a spiffy little place to just chill out. not too many people there these days, but still nice if you wanna just kick back and relax

Beyond the Grave - an EXTREMELY modified NUTS talker, it has some oddball socials, commands, etc, a pretty decent group of people there

NOTE: the following are adult oriented talkers, themed around BDSM and D/s (some more so then others)

Lintilla's Multiple Worlds - several talkers on different ports, i go to port 5013, the dungeon. not very serious, but a nice place to hang out for more adult oriented conversation

Crystal Palace - a little more themed then linty, some nice bdsm commands, and an interesting roleplay/credits system. overall a very nice place

IronRose - hardcore bdsm here. the webpage has an online store, the people there are very serious about D/s. they have occasional discussions, Q&A type things on the subject. nice if you want bdsm D/s related topics but not so great for just hanging out


Sanctuary - this is my best friend jesse's page

The Acid Tea Party - this is elise. she's just cool. and hot too

Above the Trees - a great nin page. BEAUTIFULLY made, the designer is very very talented. excellent news and updates, overall a very impressive page

Painful Convictions - another good nin page. not as good as above the trees but more up-to-date, although they are missing a few things here and there. some funny stories/pictures though (the pic on my main page is from this place)

Goth Goose - this site is utterly hysterical, a great poke at all those masonite super duper uber-goth weekend warrior baby bat butt fuck's we all hate so much

Catty Goth Reality Check - somewhat like gothgoose but not even half as good. the 3 girls who run this are oober goths (see goth thingie section) and end up sounding even worse then the people they are trying to making fun of, but it's good if you're bored enough

CO-Goths - in a fit of boredom at work i signed up to this mail list of colorado goths, it includes upcoming events, etc, as well as a public chat list for goths is CO to talk and interact. the member list is the biggest bunch of pretentious oober goth morons i've ever seen

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