Message From Simon's Mam

This email came from Toria off the 911_UK Mailing List!!


well I have taken time out of my busy schedule of crying my eyes out to send

this message.

I spoke to Ben (Simon's brother) and Mo(his mam) on Saturday and I know

that although we were upset. I wanted to speak to them and get them to tell

the lads thank you from me and my best friend.

Anyhow I spoke to Ben and apparently there had been few fans on the line

that morning but those that had phoned had been sobbing and

he was really shocked that I was able to keep it together

(I was in shock and after the phone call I broke down into tears and haven't stopped!)

Anyway, Simon's mam spoke to me and she wanted me to tell you all something,

although 911 were around for 5 years,

she lost her son and she knows that they made us all happy

and that it was a sad time for us, but now she was happy just to be able to spend time

with a son she hasn't seen properly in 5 years,

and so I think we all ought to spare a thought for the lads' families

as we are all upset as we have lost them,

but how must their families have felt when the lads travelled

all around the world and they never got to see them.

I know this is no consolation,

but we have to remember that 911 as they were will always be around,

however they would have stopped being 911 if they had carried on and

didn't enjoy what they were doing.

911 have helped me though some unbelievable stuff,

like suicide attemptes etc., and the lads we knew will always be there only if

in our hearts. When someone in our family dies we don't forget them,

we just rememebr the good times and this is what has to happen with 911.

I'm sorry if this email seems a little confused, but it was my thought

as they came out. Here's the message from spike's mam:

"Thank you for making my son happy for 5 years,

you won't know how much he appreciated you all,

but now it's mine and my family's turn to get to know

the Simon he has become.

Hold you heads up high and try not to get too upset

as I know simon wouldn't want that.

Remember all the good times you had and

I am sure you will see all three lads again soon!"

-Special Thanks to Toria-


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