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Greetings all and welcome to MUSIC@SONGS. My name is Rosha® . I hope U all enjoy the latest in music, remixes & pop songs .thIS weBPagE Was CReaTEd jUSt fOR fuN As i GOt nOThiNG to DO. i mIGth NOt bE AblE To uPDatE ThiS WebPAge FReQUenTLy, sO I wiSH yoU GuyS WilL BarE WitH Me......??¿¿ iF TheRE is ANy bROkeN LinKS or YOu gUYs hAVe aNY upDAteD NewS, PleASe dO KeeP UpdATinG Me¿?¿? This site's official url is 

10/2/2000~ Aiks so long abandone this site liao. Hmm.. just added a link to a dunno what award lar.. I'm entering an award.. if u guys can help just vote for this ite ok? Thanx!Vote for this site in Online Music Awards
7/10/2000~Do not ask wat happne t othis page. and this diary. why it ends at first of january . this is bcoz of some people got nothing better to do erase th ewords here. i gotta fix it. anyway. I'll fix it ASAP!!! sorry guys!!!
1/1/2000~ HAPPY NEW YEAR!! wish u guys have a merry Y2K!!!
11/20/1999~ I finish with the midi site. try and see there is quite some nice song there.
10/21/1999~ I had added some image for this site. cool huh?
10/6/1999~ I had finnaly updated my page and it's still on this heavy construction. Do come back and paya visit
Legalese - All mp3 the tracks submitted by artists/DJs are original works/mixes to the best of my knowledge. Some tracks might have full or partial sampling of other works. Reviews of all tracks submitted are the personal opinions of Rosha®. Rosha® is not responsible for the content of the songs, remixes and/or others. Rosha® maintains no responsibility and shall not be liable for the content of any midi/mp3/others. Those who downloads/listens to any midi/mp3/others listed or served herein assume all risk of being offended or suffering any other form of damage.