John Lennon
John Lennon 1940 - 1980

On December 8, 1980, the world lost a great humanitarian soul. His death shocked millions and left a mark on all who loved him that will be with us for the rest of our lives. I myself was probably one of his greatest fans and his philosophys and outlook on life were of great influence to me. I would not be a musician today had I not been priviledged to live during the same time as him.

His way with words was uncanny and has yet to be matched by anyone. On the night of his murder, I was at band rehearsal and was driving home when I heard the news over the car radio. In my entire life I have never felt a numbing like I felt at that moment...I got very little sleep that night and the first thing I saw in the morning was news of the event on the television. I myself am a songwriter and owe my desire to write and my passion for music to John.

At rehearsal the next night the band could do nothing. We all just set around and drank heavily to drown our sorrow. Although his death was in 1980, it was 1985 before I could force my self to set down and express my sorrow in words. The result was what I consider the best song I have ever written, and ironically the hardest for me to listen to...

I have the lyrics here on my site. It is entitled Goodbye To Johnny and I hope you will read it. Please feel free to e-mail me and give me your opinion. Writing the song was a great help to me personally and I hope you enjoy it. I went as far as to record it and it has set on a shelf since then. Few people have heard it but even people who are not Lennon fans could not deny the passion he stirred in all of us can't help but be touched...

In closing let me say this..The world is a better place for having had his soul here for the short time that we did. The generations to come will know of him, but can only struggle to experience the joy we felt to be growing up during the same time as someone with so much passion.

John if you're listening, we miss you, and we thank you for taking the time to touch all of us with your words.

May we strive to have the passion for life that he showed, and the dedication to humanity that was so much a goal in his life, and may we never ever forget that we can, and must always,.....Imagine.....

Steve Berrier

Click on the Lennon Guitars link on the front page to see some recent replicas of these now famous Gibson guitar models..

Videos on John Lennon & The Beatles

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