So you want to get noticed hu? Well, you're off to a good start! The Music Haven is proud to present our musicians database for all serious musicians to display their picture, midi's and bio for the world to see!

Please fill out the following form to be added to our database. We update the database weekly (usually Sat. or Sun.), so please try and get your entry in before Friday. This form does not have a place to send pictures or midi's, so what you will have to do is send them to me in E-Mail - Include the following:

  • The subject line in your e-mail should read: "Pics & Midi's".
  • Place your name in the comment box & any additional information you feel we may need.


Thanks for visiting my site!

Let's Get Started!

Just complete this form. Click on Submit when ready to send.


Your name:

Email address:

Your URL (if applicable):

What type of musician are you?:



What kind of music do you offer?

Top 40
Classic Rock

Please specify music type if you checked "other":


Please give us a short bio to go with your database entry.
Please be as specific as possible and include how many years
you have been performing, instruments you play, etc.



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