SHadow of a shadow

this is a variety of weird pics. they range from heavy gothic to odd hippy-looking things.


The klown

my infamous klown pic. this one is a combo of cgi, paint and colour pencil.


The other klown

a redo of the klown. this one is a cgi-enhanced photo.



annother cgi-photo. the mark on his forehead is my older symbol.


angel of death

an unfinished cgi-pencil sketch. i did a weird style here, kind of a manga offshoot. this is one of my faves.


groovy symbol

all cgi. what my symbol would look like if you happened to be on an acid trip.


egypt eye

all cgi. yes, i do like the cgi. this is an eye. and it looks egypty. wow.



i did this one for a client, and got money. its done in pencil, cgi (haha) and photo pieces. photography is a great talent for the lazy artist.



a doctored picture of me. i made it look vampire-y and nifty. give me money.




nothing on this site may be reproduced without permission

copyright 2001, Craig Campbell