Sweetie pie

Lars Ulrich was born in Denmark, 1963. As a kid he used to be a really good tennis-player, so good that the Ulrichs decided to move to LA to concentrate on the tennisplaying, and Lars was to become a tennis pro like his dad, but well there he changed his mind and started ocncentrate on the music instead.

He got his first drumkit from his grandmother in 1977 and he has been beating the hell out of it ever since! But Lars felt musically a little left alone, because he listened to bands under the genre "New Wave Of Brittish Heavy Metal" (bands like Iron Maiden and Dimondhead), which was not popular in LA. So it was really a relief finding a musical-soulmate in James, who also liked this type of music.

Lars is what you would call a true Dane; open-hearted, good humoured, talkative and a bit silly, likes beer and football (soccer for narrow minded americans!). Pretty cool and cute!!

Ready for the heavier version of Lars? Click here for a longer version.


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