Here's some recent artwork of mine. Click on any graphic to see it bigger.
I printed this lithograph in the fall of 1996. Lithography is this time-consuming, back-breaking, medieval way of printing, but damn if the results don't look sharp.
another lithograph from about the same time
This oil painting is about 2.5' X 3' and it hangs in my room for now. This was done just a few weeks before I started the one below. I don't know what got into me that made me change my style so much in such a short period of time. Those months were a high point for me compared to now, visual-art-wise anyway. Lately I just haven't been doing anything nearly as satisfying. I just switched to acrylics and they are just so different that I feel like I'm painting with my feet or something.
This oil painting from the spring of 1997 inhabits my friend Steve's living room, since he's the first person so far to like my work enough to buy it off me. The original is 3' X 5'. I have another one much like it leaning against the wall in my own apartment, where it hoovers over my roommate and I as we watch tv and eat our daily bowl of rice and beans and drink kool-aid.
This is the only color lithograph I ever did. Maybe I'll take intermediate litho sometime and learn how to do multiple color prints, where you have to do alot of registration crap to get it lined up perfect...but only if I go psycho and get nostalgic for spending the night on the couches outside the printing workshop. My pal Dwayne now owns one of these prints.

Now that you've had your fun laughing at my tortured artist's soul, go on back to the punk rock stuff at the 86 POUNDS home page,

...unless you would like to see some tattoos I've done.

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