Tool guide


1. UNDERTOW (GOOD) Released in 1993, this debut album rang out with loud distorted bass and dark lyrics. This album dared to walk the line between heavy metal and a near industrial sound. There are several strong selections on this album, starting with the two hit singles, "Prison Sex," and "Sober." Other enjoyable tracks on this album are "Intolerance," "Bottom," and "Swamp Song."

2. AENIMA (GOOD) Released in 1996, this follow-up continued the same basic sound started in the band's first album. The album contains several dark and heavy works of brilliance like "Eulogy," "Jimmy," and "Pushit." Unfortunately, the album is also full of filler as well. Some of the tracks seem to simply take up space on this album. Examples of this filler include "Intermission," "Die Eier Von Satan," "(-) Ions," and samples from Comedian Bill Hicks. If one wants comedy, they would do well to buy one of Hicks's CDs. But, is it really necessary to have it sampled on this album? Hicks's style of comedy does seem to fit well with Tool's general attitudes, but it is more distracting than anything else. Nonetheless, the dark and edgy sound of the aforementioned strong tracks makes this album a worthwhile purchase.


© 1997