Now Here: Rizzo Games!

  Steve's Shareware of the Month!!

For the month of May 1999, and every month that I feel like it after this, I will feature a game that I feel suitable as being the game of the month. So to start it all off, the first shareware which I have chosen is Ladder Man. This is a William Soleau product, one of many engenious games/puzzles that he has released on shareware. The object is to collect all the diamonds and then get to the top of the screen. Sounds simple right? Well try it for yourself... ----And I have enclosed my solutions aswell incase you get stuck :^) -----
Ladder Man (.zip, 350K)
Requirements: colour monitor, computer that turns on

Computer games are one of the most amazing forms of entertainment ever developed by man kind. Ever since the invention of Pong, almost anything imaginable has been made. This page is devoted to some issues concerning computer gaming, in particular, gaming for 486s and worse (or better) and of course, exposure to some of my favourite games.

Steve's favourite games of all-time (for 486's)

What makes a game so good? For one, it must run smoothly on a pentium, and that means it should run (albeit bumpy) on a 486. It must be fun, but at the same time be challenging. It need not have outstanding graphics, but must have a new or original concept to it that separates it from other games in its category. Here are my favourite games.

  1. Descent - by Parallax Software
  2. Stunts - by DSI
  3. Warcraft2 - by Blizzard
  4. Duke Nukem 3d - by Apogee
  5. Rayman - by UbiSoft
  6. Doom(2) - by ID Software
  7. Wolfenstein 3d - by ID Software
  8. Sopwith2 -shareware
  9. Free Cell - Microsoft
  10. Syndicate - BullFrog

Not every game can crack my top ten. But here is a link to some honorable mentions of mine and why some others didn't make my list.

Steve's Honorable Mentions

Steve has also been known to make some of his own games. Though they may not be as entertaining or as impressive as some of the games above they are still fun. I think.
Download Disco Pong!
Do you have Q-Basic on your computer? If you have DOS, then chances are you have Q-Basic. Now here are some games that me and my good pal Bill Gates have helped put together to pass the time. Included are nibbles, gorilla, my versions of nibbles and gorilla, and my hangman game. Have fun!
The best of Q Basic

CGA Games. The good old games where instead of focusing on top notch graphics, they decided to make the games fun instead.

Now Here: Rizzo Games!

And now some links to games on the internet (that us people with slow modems can play too)


This site is groovy. You're given a name and you have to type as many words you can find from the letters of the name before others do. joffebob

Little Jason

Do you remember playing Lemonade Stand on your old Commodore? Well click here to refresh yourself how to play it


Free Bingo site where they actually PAY YOU CASH if you win! I just won $12 US on this site! fun fun fun, BUT i recommend you have a FAST connection for this site. Visit it from school or work through a LAN, trust me.


This site is a big money tree. If you click on the right part of the money tree then you can win $1000!! That simple. Just don't try to hack your way into it, they're watching you!
Page created by Steve. Feedback?