Adam has had a few brutal haircuts in his day, and unfortunately i only have the terribly embarrassing ones on the puter. oh well. ankh::kyle as mullet::adam as grateful dead::gabe as liz::me. we all have those skeletons in the closet. some of us more than others.

Adam "bunky" Morrey

Adam and I have been good friends since 8th grade, and he has somewhat punk rock since his hessian days, which he is so non-proud of. I am happy to say that he is the only one of my friends who has EVER had a mullet, and that is just awesome. Anyway, Adam sometimes may seem quiet at first, but he's done some crazy shit. For example, when we were on a school trip to OSU campus in 8th grade, Adam carelessly pushed the button on one of those shitty rape alarm things with the blue lights. And polices cars and fire engines came (as TJ would have it, "oh you're getting raped and you're on fire? well we can help!). Also, at a recent Vandals show, these security gaurds were fucking with some kid, and as they were walking off, Adam tripped one of the gaurds and he fell flat on his face. That also ruled. Shit there are so many funny-ass ideas Adam has come up with, I cannot even begin to recount them. . . . But I will try. When we were in middle school Adam and I were posing off Megadeth and trying to come up with 99 ways to die. Once we had finished the list (including "be JFK" and "eat batteries") Adam somehow wrote his name on the top of it in his own blood. The paranoid-of-the-future-generations teachers got ahold of this list and added the incedent to the growing list of infractions Adam had taken part in. The list got sent home to Adam's parents and one day Gabe was high from whip-cream can propellants, and was reading this list over the phone to a girl with a moustache and he was absulotulely cracking up. The girl with a moustache is now a cocaine fiend. Speaking of girls with moustaches. . . . oh well, we will get into that some other time.

Adam and i have had pretty similar musical tastes throughout the years, and we would often frequent rad metal concerts with my uncle Ruben. Ha, he wore coochie shorts. Adam is mostly into punk and some brutal metal-type stuff nowadays. Since Adam is one of the biggest misfits fans i know, i must now give him credit for his ingenious realisation of Danzig's dirty little secret...