Excerpts of Mel B from "SpiceWorld" by the Spice Girls

(About her character in the movie section.)

Scary by name, scary by nature, Mel B lives up to her nickname and is the loudest, most up-front example of Girl Power in action. She's the one with the pierced tongue and zebra suits.

'The character I play is quite close to the real me. Everyone's made up of different parts, and the loud, energetic part of me was the bit that come out in the film. I'm the one who says, "Don't do that! Let's do this! Come on!"'

"Hanging Around"

'At first it was very boring hanging around to do scenes. They often told us we had half an hour to go, but really they meant an hour. But I soon got the hang of making the most of my free time. I went shopping a few times. One day I got World of Leather to open up for me during one break.

'I took my cat to the studios quite a few times. It was comforting and soothing to have a little animal around. I made everybody give him lots of loving so that he wasn't left alone. We even made Dean the photographer give him a little photo-shoot so that he could be in on it all and experience what my life's like. Oe day he jumped out of the window and nearly killed himself. I saw him on the other side of the window and I called to him. He looked at me and then just fell off the ledge. I didnt dare to look down in case he was lying there splattered. Apparently cats fall really well, so he was fine.

In the trailer, we spent most of the time eating round a little table, having a laugh or sleeping.'

(this is a new little paragraph)

'No matter what I do, I always have a social life. That's what keeps me sane. I had a couple of mates down on set and my sister came down , too. I think it's really important to keep up with your mates even when you're working such long hours. Some days it's not possible because you're literally exhausted, but then there's always the telephone.'

(another part - argument scene)

'When we had our argument scene it was easy, because I just flicked on to that part of me and brought back the feelings of when I was last angry. Ot really was easy. Maybe that's because my life is one big drama. Us five do argue occasionally. It's only natural when we're together all the time, but it's never anywhere serious."

(This is about prince albert hall scene)

"I really enjoyed the Albert Hall scence because it was performing and thats what it's all about, really. Forget all about your interview and meeting and greeting people - at the end of the day people want to see you getting up there and performing the music that they like. Thats' 100% important to me.

'It's on stage that your own personality can come out. A prime example is Mel C - she may seem really quiet but when she gets up on stage she lets it rip. That's what it's all about.

'I designed the outfit for that scene myself. It was a cross between Salt-N-Pepa, a bit of a wild cat and me. I wanted that wild look, but with a different feel. So I went for animal print, but with spots instead of stripes. I hadn't been down the dalmatian road up until then, I told the wardrobe lady Eleanor what I wanted , she measured me up and they made it. It was just how I'd envisaged it - and if it hadn't been, I would have sent it back! I chose everything I wore in the film. Well, I wasnt going to wear anything that I didnt't like was I?"

(screwing up on set ) Mel B: "I messed around a lot on set and had quite a laugh with the crew. I got quite a few giggle fits especially when i got my lines wrong. Who messed around the most? I suppose every one of us would say, "it wasn't me" but I think we're all just as bad as each other.'

Emma: "Mel B gets the Gumbo of the Film award because she always got her words wrong! Not really. Sometimes we'd just crack up and wouldnt be able to do a take again because we'd be silly and then when we tried to do it again seriously we'd remember the silly things we said and crack up again. It would be like, "Oh, no! Let's come back to this after lunch!"

(Last day) "at the end of the film I felt pleased and chuffed. A big pat on the back for everyone. Film is like music in the way that it gathers all kinds of people together. It;s a people's film. You have to go see it first before you label it."