The first book i can ever remember reading was called "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" i was about three and a half years old. Since then i've had my fair share of books. There was the "Sweet Valley Twins" and "Baby-Sitters Club" phase, followed by the "R.L. Stine" Phase, followed by the "Laura Ingalls Wilder" Phase..Now, i'm a bona fide Stephen King Junkie.

Don't gt me wrong, i read other books (Ken Follett's "The Pillars of The Earth" and Jane Auel's "Clan of the Cave Bear" are among my most strongly recommended), but alas, nothing makes me happier than another Stephen King Book.

maybe that fact alone makes me a demented weirdo.

Stephen, currently at age 52, has written about 64 works (under his own name and his pseudonym Richard Bachman), including 28 full-length novels, 5 episodes of the Dark Tower, a 6-issue version of "The Green Mile", 10 screenplays (including 2 x-files episodes and one music video), 6 works as Richard Bachman, and the Bachman Books, a collection, 7 collections of short stories, 1 non-fiction book, 1 creepshow comic,

if you want more on Stephen King, try:

The Official
Stephen King Web Page
The Official Stephen King Web Presence
(need I say more??) A good site, has all the books, some breakdowns & explains crossovers in King Novels
Organized pretty well

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