Last Updated:
99/03/04 1700 PST
99/03/04 0100 UTC

Re: Rumor: S8 sound film revived by EKC?
Author: Super8mm
Date: 1999/02/26
Forum: alt.movies.cinematography.super8

---> Your Source for Super 8mm & Regular 8mm Film Services <---
Plattsburgh, New York  12901-1827 U.S.A.
Tel:  (518) 561-6312
* Business hours Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm e.s.t. Closed for all USA holidays.

--> Visit KODAK's New Super 8 dedicated site!

February 26, 1999

Hi George,
You posted:
>I don't want to start a rumor, but on the cinematography forum on
>the web, there was a poster who mentioned
>that s/he had heard from a filmmaker that Kodak had "perfected an
>environmentally friendly design" for single system Super 8 prestriped
>stock manufacture.

---> Well, the news that I received and others was almost correct.  It was
stated by a firm in the Netherlands (Jewe Photo) that Kodak Germany was
reintroducing the 200ft cartridge with Sound Kodachrome film.  I researched
this thoroughly, and even The Widescreen Centre in England believed this to be

---> The new word is that the film is coming out next month (March), will be 200ft on cores....for user loading into the Beaulieu
manufactured 200ft Super 8 Magazine.  So, it's 200ft plastic
cartridges, and no 50ft cartridges.

---> The film is supposed to be available sound striped also, and Tony Shapps
is checking into this.  If this is so....I will consider cutting this filmstock
down to 50ft lengths and reloading it into Sound or Silent Super 8 cartridges
to order.  (and maybe even into Single-8 cartridges, provided I can get enough
of these).   So.....something's happening soon, more details are
forthcoming...and's not what many of us hoped for.

---> On another note:  Now with FUJI discontinuing their Sound-Striped Single-8
filmstock in both silent and sound means the ending of my
reloading services of this stock into Super 8 sound or silent cartridges.   I
had hoped that demand for FUJI Single-8 Sound film would pick up, enough so
that they (FUJI) would decide to keep making it.  But, it didn't happen.  Too
many Super 8 users don't really understand what Single-8 film is, and
frankly.....everyone just kept scrambling within the past two years to keep
getting whatever Kodak sound film stock they could find.  What's that overused
adage...use it or lose it?!

>Many of you may recall Kodak's famous communique
>about Super 8, where they mentioned they were forced to discontinue S8
>sound stock, as well as the dreadful type G Ektachrome, because of
>environmental concerns.

---> We used to refer to the Ektachrome Type G, "Type G for Garbage"!   IF used
in mixed lighting situations, it was pretty good.  The only other way to get
really decent color out of it...was to filter it so that it's color temperature
matched that of the available light.  It was a bit too cool for Daylight, and
way too warm for Tungsten......color rated at approximately 4400°K.

---> Anyhow, to recap....the demise of sound striped film is a big loss to the
Super 8mm community.  Perhaps something can be worked out eventually.  I just
hope that sound striping materials get made that we can continue to
at least have post-process sound-striping.  With so many Super 8mm filmmakers
now transferring their work to video and doing all their post-production work
on video with the final product on's hard to say if there is or
will be enough interest to warrant the investments required to keep sound
striping alive.  Time, as always will determine things for us all.  I for one,
like to remain optimistic.  They'll have to cut my fingers off to remove my
Super 8mm camera from my dead corpse's hand!  :o)

Best wishes,
Martin W. Baumgarten

Subject: Super 8mm SOUND Film Situation 
  From: (Super8mm) 
  Date: 1999/03/04 
  Newsgroups: alt.movies.cinematography.super8 

  Here folks....are the facts regarding the rumor of sound Super 8mm film being 
  made in Germany. It's both good and bad news....but, hey, at least someone is 
  doing something. 
  Best wishes, 
  Martin W. Baumgarten 

  18 February 1999 

  All in PMI UK 

  Ladies & gentlemen, 


  On 1 January 1997 we announced the discontinuance of Kodachrome and Ektachrome 
  Sound film and also the discontinuance of 200 ft ( 60m ) rolls of either 

  In the past few weeks Kodak UK PMI has received several enquiries 
  concerning the re-introduction of Kodachrome Sound film 

  Please Note. Kodak will NOT be re-introducing either Kodachrome or Ektachrome 
  Sound Films or 200 Ft spools of these films. 
  ( In fact all the sound striping equipment has been dismantled and 
  scrapped ). 

  However please note that Kodak has supplied S8 "pancakes" of both 
  Kodachrome 25 & 40 to: 

  Ritter Film & Videotechnik GmbH, 
  Hans -Thoma -Strasse 1, 
  D-68163 MANNHEIM 
  Phone ( 49 ) 621 328880 
  Fax ( 49 ) 621 3288822 

  He is supplying a 200 ft magazine ( at a cost of approx. £ 3000 or $ 5000 ), 
  for use on 200 ft load camera. The use of the magazine also requires a camera 
  modification of approx. £ 340 or $ 560. 

  He also supplies: 
  a). 200 ft rolls of Kodachrome 25 or 40 Mute at a cost of approx. £ 75 
  ( inc. VAT ) or $ 124 

  b). 200 ft rolls of Kodachrome 25 or 40 Stripe at a cost of approx. £85 ( inc. 
  VAT ) or $140 

  Note in the UK the list price for a 50 ft cartridge of Kodachrome = £9.73 ( 
  inc. VAT ) 

  If you get an enquiry from a UK customer, please tell them that we do not make 
  S8 sound film or 200 ft rolls and we have no plans to reintroduce these 

  Please then refer the customer to: 
  Mr Tony Shapps at "The Wide Screen Centre" on 0171 935 2580. 

  If the enquiry comes from a non UK customer, please give them the same 
  information, but refer them to Ritter Film & Videotechnik, at the address given 
  If you have any questions please let me know. 

  Best regards, 
  Peter Milson, 

  Marketing Planning Manager, 
  Kodak Professional Motion Imaging. 

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