(Poison Live in Concert)

I saw Poison and the other bands on June 25 at Sandstone Amphitheatre in Kansas City, KS (technically, Bonner Springs, but close enough). I have been going to concerts for almost 16 years, and this was by far the concert of my life. I had waited 13 years, since their first single, to see Poison live and they more than fulfilled all of my expectations. And, this was in spite of some major frustrations that I had to deal with on this concert. The word of the evening seemed to be "F**k" as everyone used it which doesn't bother me, but it might some. The uniform for the first 3/4 of the evening seemed to be black, preferably black leather/vinyl. I have to say KUDOS to the stage crew!!!! They kept the show moving with tear down times at a record pace. I was impressed. :)))

Before the Show

The show was set to start at 6:00 p.m. (an early show). We arrived at the venue at about 4:45 p.m.. This concert was my birthday present, for my 30th so it was extra special or was supposed to be. You can help me judge that. I had hoped to put up all kinds of pictures of the concert on this page, but my first frustration upon arriving at the gate was being told I couldn't take my camera into the concert. Cameras weren't allowed. I could take in my camera earlier in the summer to this venue, so I guess this is Poison's policy?? :( But that was okay because I was still gonna be able to go backstage after the show since I was a member of Club Rockett. WRONG!!! :(But I'll address that frustration later For now onto my impressions and review of the wonderful concert.

It started at 5:58 p.m.. Someone there knows it's bad luck to start a show on time. :) To kick off the show, Johnny Dare introduced the first band. A little background, Johnny Dare is one half of the morning show (along with Murphy Wells) on KQRC, The Rock, a rock station in KC that helped sponsor the event. These two are always so funny. He introduced the band as being from Los Angeles, "please, welcome, the m-f-ing LA Guns." He also said something to the effect of welcome to the biggest breast-baring party. The audience lived up to Johnny's expectations.

LA Guns

LA Guns took the stage at 5:59 p.m. and played for 30 minutes. They were on the radio that morning and performed The Ballad of Jayne. It was performed again in concert that night and sounded 100% better. Guess it was a little early for the guys that morning. I'll be honest, this band is the one I know the least about. Other than that song, I really don't remember them from the 80's. I do remember that the band broke up about the time Jayne hit. They have a new lead singer who has a great voice. I'm sure that the band must have been hot. It was about 90 degrees when they started playing and all were dressed in black. Only the lead singer was wearing a shirt, and he came out wearing a black shirt with a black leather jacket. It took about half of a song before he shed the jacket. The venue was only about half full when they began playing. But the people who were there were very receptive and many were even singing along with most of the songs. :) Some girls in the lawn seats even flashed their breasts to the stage until security yelled at them to stop (LOL) I was impressed both with the music and showmanship. The band has a new album out (didn't catch the title); I know I will be checking it out. I know people come to see Poison (including me), but this band is great, too, and everyone needs to give them the same kind of respect and attention that you would to Poison. :) The lead singer ended the night by saying this had been the best gig of the tour. :) My only complaint is I wish they could have played a longer set. Maybe next time.

Great White

15 minutes later, Jaws-like shark music started to play and Great White started to play their 45-minute set. While I don't know this band well enough to give you their set list or name the members, I am a fan of their music. Of course, they are best known for Once Bitten, Twice Shy, which I love, but my favorite works are Psycho City (the album) and The Angel Song. But none of them were performed. :( However, the place was starting to fill up by now, and the crowd was responding very well to them. More of a response than to LA Guns, but that may just have been because there were more people. Again many people were singing every word to all of the songs. All of the members were dressed all in black once again. I was very impressed with the performance. At one point during the third song, the lead singer tripped over the guitar (I think lead, but not sure) player's foot and nearly fell. He never missed a beat or note of the song; if you looked away from the stage for a second, you would never know that it even happened. Again, female fans all around were flashing their breasts. One pair of guys were wandering around the venue with a sign that said "Poison = Naked Breasts." Gee, I wonder what was on their minds (LOL) The set ended with their signature song (Once Bitten, Twice Shy) and I don't think anyone was sitting down during the song. The whole place (including me) was on their feet and singing along. The band performed one new song from their forthcoming album Can't Get There From Here which is out July 6. I plan to check it out and so should everyone else. Again, my only complaint, I wanted to hear them play longer. But I guess that's a good complaint to have. :)


17 minutes later, Ratt took the stage after an introduction by more Rock DJs, Valerie Night and Moose. Valerie reminded everyone to hold up their banners when Poison played Nothin' But A Good Time for a chance to get backstage passes. They introduced Ratt and a 55 minute set started. I stood up for the first couple of songs by Ratt so I did see them for a bit. The drummer's outfit was so funny!! He had on a silver-sequined top and black daisy duke shorts. Talk about trying to relive the 80s. (LOL) The rest of the band was dressed totally in black, mostly in leather or vinyl, couldn't tell exactly what the material was from my seat. I was in the nosebleed section, but dead center stage. To be honest, I was not remotely impressed with their performance. They got a great response from the crowd with most of the arena on their feet. But as for me, I only like a couple of songs by Ratt (Way Cool Junior and Round and Round), I just never got into them. Their sound was also incredibly poor; you could not understand the lead singer at all except for the occasional word or phrase. The other three bands could be heard just great. I spent most of this performance sitting in my seat, not just because I couldn't understand them, but by now my knee was quite tired and I really wanted to stand up for all of Poison. So I laid my leg across the chair in front and tried to listen. (In case anyone is curious, I am awaiting knee surgery in a knee brace, not a fun time.) It was still fun to have them there, but please, guys, fix your sound. I was really anxious towards the end of their set, since I knew what was next: POISON!!!! But I was back up for their signature song (Round and Round) performed as an encore. Ratt also has a new album out on July 6, but I didn't catch the title of it.


It took the stage crew only 20 minutes to change from Ratt to Poison's setup. It is a really cool stage setup that I find hard to describe so I won't try for now. The lights went down and the crowd was on its feet and on their chairs. But this time it was only a tease. Highway to Hell by AC/DC started playing.(LOL) We had to wait five more minutes. That song never seemed so long.But, then, finally, (at least it seemed like finally), the intro for Poison started and the band launched into a 75 minute set. Unlike the other bands, Poison didn't try to look like it was still 1988. The glam look was gone, and it was all about the music. The keyboard player was dressed in leather (not a clue on a name here) and looked severely out of place with the other guys. :) But I was still impressed with his playing

All were dressed in jeans, and jeans never looked so good. :)))) I was watching part of the concert on the video screens; otherwise I would have missed probably half of this concert since I'm so short and the people in front were on their chairs. Anyways, Bobby had on a long-sleeve black button-down shirt with jeans. Rikki started out the concert in a T-shirt (couldn't tell what color) with a leopard-print shirt over it that was quickly shed; he later changed it to a black mesh shirt that you could see through. He changed it yet again for the encore, but to what I don't remember. C. C. had no shirt on the entire concert; he has really worked out and is quite muscular. :) The part that was funny with C. C. was he started the concert with blue X's (looked like tape) across his nipples. I started out rollin' when I saw it. Bret started out the concert with a silver button-down shirt with a black jacket (or shirt, not sure) over it. He also had on a cowboy hat with a dalmation-type design on it. Personally, didn't much care for it, but he managed to pull it off. :) He quickly lost the black shirt, and later in the concert, under the silver shirt was one of the Poison tour T-shirts cut into a tank top style shirt. He had on one of the cat in the hat style hats for the encore.

Okay, set list, I am probably screwing up the order because I had no way to write it down at the concert, and I was too busy singing along to keep the list in my head after 3 songs. But I think this is right: Look What the Cat Dragged In, I Want Action, Your Mama Don't Dance, Something to Believe In, 1173959193, and an encore of Talk Dirty to Me. My complaint is a common theme: play longer!!! I was ready for two hours+ of Poison. Since this was so short, they didn't play many of my favorite songs. :( I would have absolutely LOVED to have heard (Flesh and Blood) Sacrifice and Cry Tough live in concert. On Let It Play, I was disappointed to hear that my favorite parts of the song (the acapella intro and Bret's scats) were left out, but I still loved it. I was SO HAPPY to hear the song live cause it is one of the things that has always held true in my RL; music just makes the troubles disappear. :))))

The crowd reaction to Poison was unbelievable!! People were up the entire time; the smokers were too busy with the band to even smoke a cigarette. A few highlights that stand out. The Rock had a contest for a chance to perform with Poison onstage during Every Rose Has Its Thorn. The winner was Dan Lief (no clue if spelling is correct). They had a contest on June 23 in a local bar where guitar players played their favorite Poison song and the audience chose a winner. The guy was so nervous the band had to start the song twice before he caught on. But the place was almost entirely sold out, so nerves are understandable. The final number was Rock and Roll All Night; members of Ratt joined Poison to perform the tune. They perform it better than Kiss. :) Didn't catch all of it with the crowd noise, but Bret said something about the concert in Kansas City being on VH1. I don't know if this means VH1 was taping it to use as concert footage for the Behind the Music (airing July 11) special or if it's going to be broadcast in its entirety. Personally, I'm hoping for the latter. :)))))) That way, I would have a very special souvenir of my first Poison concert. :)))) Apparently, the guys with their sign got their wish. The concert started out simple enough with girls lifting their tops for a quick peek of bare breasts or in a bra. By the end of the concert, there were three girls behind me (and probably more elsewhere) that were jumping, dancing, and singing along completely topless. I think security had given up by now on keeping everyone dressed. (LOL)

Rikki's drum solo was awesome; he did some really neat things with his drumsticks as he was performing. I admire that since drums was one of the instruments that I could not quite get the hang of; I'm awful at doing rolls. This was NOT a low energy performance; they gave 125%. The guys were all over the stage. Bobby was rarely still. Bret danced through most of the numbers; he even did a roll down one side of the ramp on the stage. They were clearly high on performing and having a great time; it showed!!!! The pyro was perfect. Poison was the only band that used any, and it was just the right amount with nothing over the edge or overdone. It just managed to highlight and enhance a stellar performance. A personal highlight was the fact that they were singing backup vocals in harmony; one of the things I always loved about Poison's albums were the arrangements (since that is a hobby of mine). Their live album didn't have too much backing vocals so I loved the fact that I was hearing it now live in concert. :)) Bret kept thanking the audience for their support and saying how much we "kick ass" all night long since he had been watching in the wings all night long. He said it was one of his favorite places to play and rock is alive and well. I cannot wait to hear some new material from these guys!!!!

C. C. deserves his own paragraph. He is such a show stealer. He is clean and sober, but still high on life and music. He loves to perform and it showed!!! The last time he performed in KC was on the Flesh and Blood tour. Before his guitar solo, he spoke and asked three times if we missed him. It was one of the biggest reactions of the whole night. Then he asked one more time "for his mother" if we missed him. Makes me wonder if she was there??? He is one of the best guitarists that I've ever heard. He was being a clown while playing some major kick-ass music. :)) The funniest part all night involved C. C. The band had performed their encore and he was still on stage playing. A stage crew member/roadie had to carry him off-stage while he was still playing and "air dancing" as he was being carried. He is back in a major way and I couldn't be happier. :))

What can I say? I was majorly impressed, which isn't that easy to do. I have a degree in music; I played in professional groups for several years. They reminded me why I fell in love with Poison as a junior in high school when I was musically clueless and why I still loved them after studying music for five years and why I love them still: their music. :) It's a total musical package backed with first class showmanship. If Poison is in your area this summer, run to the nearest ticket outlet and get your ticket. If you don't, you'll kick yourself later. :)))) Would I go again? In a heartbeat and will next time that they are around here. I waited 14 years to see them live and this concert was worth every minute of the wait. This is in spite of some major frustrations that I still haven't brought up. So this is where it starts. The Rock also sponsored a banner contest. You were supposed to make a homemade banner about Poison and the Rock and display it when Nothin' But A Good Time was played. 98 people with winning banners would get backstage passes to party with Poison. And I will admit some of them were excellent (one was the second album cover). And the people got to go backstage. Sounds great, right? Well, not if you're a fan club member. :(

After Show

Two years later, I can erase what now sounds to me like I was whining. The fan clubs were learning how to deal with meet 'n greets. Compared to most fan clubs, they do a pretty good job to accommodate the fans :) So to recap that after show, I'll leave it at it never happened. At the time, that seemed devastating; I was so excited at the thought of meeting them after my first Poison concert. But I understand now why it was cancelled. I was able to meet Rikki and Bret during the 2000 Power to the People tour; that was DEFINITELY worth waiting 15 years to do :)))) Both of them were incredibly sweet and my pictures proudly sit on my desk, even though I look like a total doofus in them. So go; try to meet them if you can. There's a 50/50 chance of it happening and those are pretty good odds :)