The Fame Game!

Starting off my career as a top journo showbiz type as I mean to go on, I've managed to meet a fair few celebs in the past couple of years. This page is just to show you who I've met and what they were like; incase you're interested! Hopefully I'll be able to hook up with Steps and A1 later this year, so watch this space!!!

Me and Fran from Travis

Me and Andy from Travis
<--Here I am with 3 out of the 4 members of top Glasgow indie band Travis. They were probably the first famous people I met; although when I met them they weren't very big; it was back in May 1997 just after their first single "U16 Girls" was released. I met them after a gig they did in Bournemouth and they were all really, really nice to me and we chatted for 5 or 10 minutes. They also signed the single cover for me; see below! Oh, and please don't tell me I look like a small child in these photos; I know, I was a mere sweet 16 at the time!

Me and Dougie
Signed U16 cover

Rich from 5ive <---Here I am with the lovely Rich from top boy band 5ive. Again, I met 5ive before they were famous; they were the warm-up act for the Radio 1 roadshow in Plymouth in 1997. I met Abs and Rich from the band; Abs was miserable as sin and begrudged me a grumpy photo, whereas Rich was really smily and friendly - and a big hit with the laydees!!

<--Here's my and my little sister with top anarchist Boff from flash in the pan popsters Chumbawumba. One of the women from the band took this photo for us which we thought was nice, but Boff was pretty arrogant. He said we didn't even know who he was, which of course we did, making him look slightly foolish. Not that it's that difficult really.

Me and Edwyn Collins <--Here's me and my uni mate Rich with top Scottish popster Edwyn Collins. Rich and I were at a Bis gig in Liverpool (see "More Me" page for pic of me with Manda Rin!), just having a drink in the bar before going into the venue, when Edwyn waltzed past us! He was unaware that Bis were playing and told us he was just meeting some friends for a drink. Made our night anyway!

Me and Patrick Berger

Me and Steve Mcmannaman <--Here I am with 3 top Liverpool footballers; Patrick Berger, Steve Mcmannaman and David Thompson. I met them all when a friend and I went out to Anfield to do some interviews for a radio package. Patrick was really jolly, whistling around the corridors, and Steve was really friendly, chatting to us for a while. David though, I just fell in love with! He was really cute and cheeky - and check those puppy dog eyes!!!

Me and David Thompson

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