All About Jen

First off, my full name is Jennifer Christine Wilcox. I was named after some singer who was discovered singing while sitting at an open window. Don't ask me...

The Vitals

Full Name: Jennifer Christine Wilcox
Birthdate: November 22, 1982
Place of Birth: Royal Jubilee Hosptial, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Education: Completed Grade 9 standards at Dunsmuir Junior Secondary School

My Friends

Probably some of my favorite people, but people I never see are Madeline St. Obein and Yvonne Some-Thing-Or-Other (sad, I don't know her last name). My closest friends however, are Sterling Turner, Gillian Jackman, and Lindsey Miller. My other good friends are Liz Morrison, Katrina Chikowski (I know I didn't spell that right), Deann Fleming, Josh Martin, Meredith Obetkoff, Matt Rose, Jose Rodriguez, Sukhpal Bajwa, and Rachel Dominy. I know a lot of other people, but I tend to have more aquaintances that good friends.

My Cyber Friends

My best cyber-friend is definetly Zack McDonald (Campbell) he is just so nice, and just ultimately cool. My other best cyber-friend is Jon Adams, and then probably Carrie Camley. Then there are all the Pants Minions. I don't know all of them, but some are Jaded, the mother, Revidescent, Zealous, Squidgirl, Impatient, Frenzied, Distempered, and Tangerine to name the ones I can remember right now. And then of course there is the miracle-working Kate Ladniak. Others are Monique Sparks, Josh Big-Unpronouncable-Last-Name, Melissa Haley, and everyone else I'm forgetting.

My Interests

I've been playing the piano for coming on seven years now, and have been taking keyboard theory for one. I used to think of it as a chore, but I love playing now. I also love singing. My thing is singing with the window open so people hear me. I'm also currently in the midst of starting a band. We have no name, we haven't even all met yet, but it might work. I'd be doing vocals on that. I also love acting. I'm a very dramatic person, and my grandmother always said that I'd make a good actress. Drama is my favorite subject at school. I like to write too. I haven't done that much writing lately, but I used to write some pretty good short stories. Lately I've been writing songs, but I'm trying to get back into stories. The other thing I love and couldn't live without is my Super Nintendo. I love video games, even though I usually suck at them. This was my first crack at webpage designing, but I really enjoyed making this page, it was easy, and a lot of fun.

My Family

I am from Scottish/English decent, and come from the McLean clan of Scotland. Every woman born on the Wilcox side has had some form of psychicness to them, and I find that really cool. I have quite a few famous ancestors, like Charlemagne, King Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, and a ton of Louis'. I don't know a whole lot of my geneaology right now, but I'm hoping to learn more fairly soon. My mom was Valerie Wilson, then Wilcox, and now McNabb. My dad is Allan Wilcox, and I have an 18 year old brother, Alec. I also have a stepdad, Harold McNabb, and two stepsisters, Heather McNabb and Christing W-something, I'll find out later...

My School

I go to Dunsmuir Junior Secondary, and I don't like it all that much, buts it's not as bad as I'll make it sound like. My favorite subject is Drama, even though some wouldn't call that a subject. After that, it's French, and then Science. I didn't do that good in Science last year, but hey, I'm trying. I massively brought up my grade. I don't mind school, if I didn't have anything to do in the day, I'd go crazy. I like learning new things, too. My least favorite subject is math, because I hate it, and I'm no good at it. Numbers will always hate me, and I'll always hate them. Unless of course, it's the numbers (six digits) seen on my paycheck (keep dreaming Jen).

Things/People I Hate

Things I hate are people who will say one thing, and the next second totally change their opinion. I hate people who think they are so godly over every other human being, they are literally stuck in their own world, where everyone worships them. There is one person in particular who I really hate for being all of these things when I thought I had found a friend. I'm not mean enough to post your name, you know who the fuck you are, you egotistical asshole.

Bittersweet Ending

Well, it looks like for now, I have nothing more to say. *Sob* Parting is such sweet sorrow. Ah well, if you don't all ready know me, Email me, I'd like to hear from you.