Welcome to the Bodybags, a collection of all of those who have visited the Electricland and chosen to leave their mark.

Justin - 12/28/00 05:59:39
Favourite Band: (currently) Fugazi, Radiohead, Underworld, and now JD.
Favourite Movie: (currently) Twin Town, Cries and Whispers, Mean Streets
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): M, yeh
I just bought a JD disc this evening with some of my X-Mas money. Until now, I never gave much thought to their music. I heard their songs before, and heard the stories of Ian Curtis and his struggle with life. Recently, I have been giving much thought to a painful ending to a relationship I had last summer. Hearing Curtis' anguishing vocals and poetry against the backdrop of the rest of the band provided something of a catharsis for me. His was a talent that will surely be missed.

João Flores - 12/01/00 18:05:38
Favourite Band: JOY DIVISION
Favourite Movie: LOST HIGHWAY

Dan Johansson - 11/27/00 21:20:55
My Email:dagenhamdan@telia.com
Favourite Band: Joy Division
This a great site!

- 11/24/00 21:13:28
My URL:http://home.planet.nl/~cotl
Favourite Band: JD
Favourite Movie: Mädchen in Uniform (1931)
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): male
Drop by and see my work.

gerasimos panagiotidis - 11/13/00 18:22:27
My Email:iancurtis666@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: joy division
Favourite Movie: the song remains the same
ian lives

Ryan - 10/17/00 17:55:58
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/ryanlallbaugh
My Email:ryan911_a@hotmail.com
Favourite Movie: Fukk
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): M/No
Does anyone know where I can find the Warsaw album? A lot of bands I really like have covered "Warsaw" and I haven't heard the original, so you know... anyone? Please? Thanks.

Sarah Stierch - 09/20/00 16:33:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in2/showlist
My Email:sarah@bewley.net
Favourite Band: So many...
Favourite Movie: same..
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): F.
Hi. I added a link to your Joy Divsion page, from mine, the Midwest Show List. I'm not sure if you have any interest in trading links, if so, the link is above for mine. If not, no big deal. Rock n' roll.. Sarah

RICK MONOMANIA - 09/18/00 00:03:46
My URL:http://www.monomania.co.uk
My Email:monomania@jpcummings.freeserve.co.uk
Favourite Band: Joy Division
Favourite Movie: Lolita
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male
www.vitaminic.co.uk at the above site there is a free MP3 of the Monomania track "Sofa Bed". It is currently at number seven in the rock chart. It is found under the IN THE CITY 2000 BEST UNSIGNED BRITISH BAND SECTION BANNER. CHECK IT OUT

moti - 08/25/00 13:19:13
My Email:moti.j@angelfire.com
Favourite Band: liz phair
Favourite Movie: liquid sky
i strated to listen to joy division all the time, beacuse ian is someone i can relate to his words but sadly i can't realy understand the meaning of the line "love will tear us apart again"? can any one explain me this line in the song?

Aquiles - 07/30/00 10:22:13
My Email:aquiles@megamail.pt
Favourite Band: Joy Division
Favourite Movie: Dracula (with Bella Lugosi)
Your page about J.D. is fantastic, as a big fan of J.D. i felt like i was with the band for real. Keep the faith towards Joy Division as they are the best band ever. See you...........

Gareth Simmons - 07/16/00 22:32:12
My Email:http://3foxgrove.freeserve.co.uk
Favourite Band: Strangelove and Joy Division

alberto - 07/01/00 22:25:01
My URL:http://hammer.prohosting.com/~velouria
My Email:summerlands@usa.net
Favourite Band: fields of the nephilim
Favourite Movie: dreams(kurosawa)
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): not as much as i'd like!
there is no other like Joy Division, the true poetic and expressive music is not present anymore. this is one of the most important bands to rock and roll in general for more than musical reasons, i'm relieved to see people who preserve the spirit and bea ty of music gone but not forgotten..r.i.p. IC

Sphinx NiteClub Station - 07/01/00 20:20:14
My URL:http://www.SphinxMontreal.com
Hi There Music Worshipper: To listen to New Order, Joy Division and other great Alternative NiteClub Music around the clock, please visit http://www.SphinxMontreal.com/ Thanks for listening! Montreal's Sphinx NiteClub Station Rockin' 24-7

vanessa - 06/05/00 15:55:45
My Email:darkstarfactory
Favourite Band: joydivision,suede,cure,strangelove...
Favourite Movie: naked
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): F,yes
wish i could meet you...but i'm condamned to sign guestbooks and leave messages...sad...sad...sad...isolation...isolation...

gibby - 05/31/00 15:12:52
My URL:http://www.procession.nu
My Email:raindrops@mediaone.net
Favourite Band: JoyD.
Favourite Movie: NightPorter
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): male.
come see the boredom of boston... only when it snows... xoxoxox

- 04/27/00 21:26:09
My URL:http://elftreefanclub.homestead.com/Elftree.html
My Email:elftree@terraworld.net
Favourite Band: Elftree
Just stumpled apon this site See ya

Neil Larner - 04/25/00 21:45:41
My Email:nlarner@gm.dreamcast.com
Favourite Band: Peyr
Favourite Movie: Cosmozone 2772
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male
I love you. If you love me - tell me. I'll never say NO!! -N.

- 04/24/00 20:11:08

Michael Nimocks - 03/07/00 16:29:30
My URL:http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=274653689
My Email:nimocks@tamu.edu
Favourite Band: J.D. of course!
Favourite Movie: Apollo 13
I saw this item for sale at eBay, the world's largest personal trading community, and thought that you might be interested. Title of item: Joy Division-Grave Rubbing, Ian Curtis To bid on the item, go to: http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=274653689

Mark - 02/24/00 00:49:32
My Email:mark@mfrench57.freeserve.co.uk
Favourite Band: Roxy Music, iggy pop, The Beatles, Tom Waits U2 ,etc.
Favourite Movie: Deepends how i feel.
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male
"I dont listen to Joy Division as much as i used but when i do it's like opening the door to an old friend". I hate self pitty thats why i like Joy Division so much the songs were about escape,not acceptance,there was alwayas light at the end of the tunne . There was only darkness when passing through it. My Favourite Joy Division track is The Sound of Music from the peel sessions. Does anyone out there agree? Let me Know.

angelique faye loe - 01/05/00 01:21:42
My Email:pseudo80@yahoo.com
Favourite Band: new order/ smiths
Favourite Movie: lock, stock & 2 smoking barrels
PLEASE BUY YOUR OWN DOMAIN NAME... it's not that expensive and your site is put together very very very well. it's layout is minimalist powerful, organized, well thought and i can tell that a lot of effort has been put into this. i'm actually more a new o der fan... but i read the words to Ceremony the other day and it really affected me... my b/f just picked up Still and now your web site is one of our favorites!! this is great...

David Dalton - 12/29/99 23:24:29
My URL:http://welcome.to/electric.dreams
My Email:valeriun@freeuk.com
Favourite Band: Gary Numan
Favourite Movie: Alien 2
Hi This may be of interest to people who visit your site. We are an eighties New Wave/New Romantic Club in London called Electric Dreams, and on Monday the 10th of January 2000 we are hosting a gig by the Joy Division covers band "Unknown Pleasures". They ar a fairly new band, but have already played a few gigs in and around London. Anyone interested in coming should note the following details: the address of the venue is Gossips Club, 69 Dean Street, Soho, W1. Entrance is £3 pounds with a flyer, £4.00 witho t, and the gig starts at 10.30pm approx. For more details please visit our website http://welcome.to/electric.dreams Regards David Dalton

Born the day they released Transmission - 12/14/99 12:37:17
My Email:Hj197683@stmail.staffs.ac.uk
Favourite Band: Manics, Joy Division, New Order, Therapy?, PJ Harvey Etc.
Favourite Movie: The Shorshank Redemption
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male
When the darkness broke in I just broke down and cried.

The girl born when Ian died - 12/10/99 15:51:31
Favourite Band: Joy Division
Ian Curtis: the greatest poet

Barry Cotter - 11/30/99 19:01:18
Favourite Band: The stone roses
Favourite Movie: Trainspotting
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): male

Barry Cotter - 11/30/99 18:58:55

Nige Edge - 11/20/99 11:10:18
My Email:No
Favourite Band: Cocteau Twins, Radiohead, Wedding Present, Smiths, Joy Div (of course), and many others
Favourite Movie: Love and Death
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male (yes/no what? yes I am male)
I saw for sale at £35 a box set of Joy Division CD's for sale called 'Heart and Soul'. Does anyone know what this one is all about? There is little on the outside sleeve to check. If anyone does know can they sign the guest book with the answer. Thank . P.S. Joy Div 10 v New Order 3.

joanel lugo - 11/13/99 08:33:17
My Email:plugo@coqui.net
Favourite Band: pet shop boys
Favourite Movie: 2001 space oddissey
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): m,no
i'd been DYING to get the SUBSTANCE lyrics and i regret not having heard any REAL issued albums yet(they are very difficult to find in P.R.)Still i love your page:very attractive visually(those contrasts!),all nicely laid and verycomplete.Sincerely the BE T i've found on JD.Thanks a whole lot.

Antoie Tremblay - 11/06/99 23:35:23
My Email:dreammaster4@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: Joy Division
Favourite Movie: The Exorcist
I just discover joy divion a couple of days ago...shame on me.They are the master with New Order

Jimmy Nail - 11/03/99 16:18:49
My URL:What's URL?
My Email:No
Favourite Band: Joy Division/The Smiths/The Clash/Sex Pistols/Radiohead/My Bloody Valentine/Super Furry Animals/Pulp
Favourite Movie: The Hill (old Sean Connery)
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): I'm Male, Is George Michael gay? Of course! Although the chance would be nice.
'Ello. I truely love Joy Division, but I found New Order to be abysmal. No that's wrong...they're f***ing terrible. Did you see them perform 'Blue Monday' on 'Top of the Pops 2'? They sold out. Intresting web site. Surprised to find Canadian fans. The level of coverage given to Joy Division even here in England is bad enough, so I'm surprised their fame has spread over the pond. On the point that the members of Joy Division didn't take the band as seriously as we do today; intially the point of the band was to get a bit of beer money, but I'm pretty sure that by the time that they recorded 'Closer' they had realsied the importance of the art they were creating. Tony Wilson said rather than 'Closer' being a reflection of Ian's mood, he submerged himself into the darkness and even contributed to his decision to end his life. Whetever the reasons behind it, the suicide enables us fans to imagine the way Joy Division could have been - an invincible and perfect artform. The truth is that at some point they would have lost their touch. The way it stands. Joy Division (hardly) never put a foot wrong. But check out the 'Warsaw' CD, espiecally if it has bonus tracks. 'Your'e no Good fo

Jimmy Nail - 11/03/99 16:04:26
My URL:What's URL
My Email:No
Favourite Band: Joy Division/The Smiths/The Clash/Sex Pistols/Radiohead/My Bloody Valentine/Super Furry Animals/Pulp
Favourite Movie: The Hill (old Sean Connery)

Jimmy Nail - 11/03/99 16:03:42
My URL:What's URL
My Email:No
Favourite Band: Joy Division/The Smiths/The Clash/Sex Pistols/Radiohead/My Bloody Valentine/Super Furry Animals/Pulp

Suicide Sean - 11/03/99 15:49:05
My URL:The Internet's shit!
My Email:hk
Favourite Band: Joy Division
Favourite Movie: Trainspotting
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): No thanks, I'm British
Good evening. I would just like to declare my hatred for Kurt Cobain and his hippie/fake punk horde of fans. I am currently organising a poster campaign around my school designed to eradicate grunge. If you believe in the supremecy of British punk and post-punk rock rather than American fake, stadium rock, burn the Stars & Stripes. I am a weirdo, but I'm serious. Anyway, has everyone seen the Joy Division web site 'Shadowplay'? With pictures of his house (the one he died in) and his gravestone, it's all a bit creepy - ideal for JD really then. As the English say,

rebekah wright - 10/07/99 15:57:31
My Email:wright_rebekah@hotmail.com
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Female
I need some cool merchandise!

Billy Umbella - 09/28/99 16:15:00
My Email:billy@api.com.br
Favourite Band: Joy Division
Favourite Movie: Hellraiser
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): M, YES !!!

sinisa - 09/27/99 13:12:58
My Email:alehsinBG@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: joy division
Favourite Movie: uber berlin
this is mine web site!!!

ofwalkingabortion - 09/22/99 09:53:47
My Email:thecreamofsumyungui@yahoo.com
Favourite Band: jd, the smiths, rem, manics, nick drake, faith no more, the doors, gang of four,
Favourite Movie: gattacca, elephant man, clockwork orange
i just bought 'joy division live in amsterdam 1980' on cd -- mmmm nice.

Joe Sigmund - 09/18/99 15:15:30
My Email:joesig@ibm.net
Favourite Band: Rage
Favourite Movie: Why?
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male
Does anyone hear my unspoken message? Please e-mail me.

Ana - 09/15/99 22:59:28
My Email:U2FanEdge@excite.com
Favourite Band: U2, Joy Division, 80's stuff
groovy i love ian curtis and the edge!

John - 09/07/99 22:13:44
The “Blairwitch Project” soundtrack is better than the movie itself. The soundtrack contains the very gothic and dark music that helped make the movie so scary. Check it out!

Mark - 09/07/99 22:13:26
Let the Lords of Acid bring you into their dark world of Sex, Goth, and Beats. Check out their album “Expand Your Head” and see what all the talk is about!

kimberley - 09/02/99 04:46:01
My Email:zeitgeisthalo@excite.com
Favourite Band: joy division / morrissey
Favourite Movie: a certain sacrifice
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): female

Byrne - 08/23/99 18:43:42
My URL:click below
My Email:bookie@cnet.com

The most influential electronic music performers from the 1980’s old school! The ART OF NOISE continues it’s ambient legacy with it’s brand new CD, “The Seduction of Claude Debussy.”

For an AMAZING AON music nd video experience, click on the pix. below!

- 08/18/99 04:19:27

- 08/18/99 04:19:26

caron - 08/18/99 04:17:49
My Email:caron.andr@sympatico.ca
Favourite Band: Joy Division
Favourite Movie: Clockwork orange (Orange Mécanique)
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): men
I`m used to speak in english, but i`m a french guy i hope you`ll understand. Joy Division as been a declaration to me (in music). I was very intense in the music area, at this time. Then I discovered JD. If you want to echange about music (JD or else) ---> caron.andr.@sympatico.ca

Ben - 08/11/99 15:07:11
My Email:ben@consensys.com
Favourite Band: Joy Division, U2, REM, Radiohead
Favourite Movie: theatre is so much better
amazing unfinished writings...the blunt honesty of the lyrics and their emotionally charged presentation makes the hair on my neck stand on edge. stunning when you compare to the majority of candy-floss crap you'll find today

- 07/15/99 12:14:04

gaz - 07/15/99 12:08:49
My Email:jackmolly@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: who do you think!!
Favourite Movie: yojimbo
Watching them play in a dingy club in altricham,m/c, in the 70's,i would not have imagined the impact they are still having.i was sorry to hear rob gretton had died,hi & bye.

niky - 07/11/99 01:17:03
My Email:moonsmeg@aol.com
Favourite Band: joy division, radiohead, the smiths, bauhaus, portishead, the doors, the cure, placebo.
Favourite Movie: a clockwork orange
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): female
joy division is an incredible band and i love the music. ian's lyrics are also very beautiful, along with the music. i don't know any joy division fans besides me, and i'd like to discuss them with any willing person. and the site is really good, better t en most..

Rockie - 06/23/99 20:09:05
My Email:Rockie420@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: The Gathering, Cradle Of Filth, Type O Negative
Favourite Movie: Silence Of the Lambs, The Crow
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Female, Yes please
Hi to all! Stephen Wright, if you're out there Meditations in green is a cult classic among my kind- if you're reading this Email me (i'll feel special) love you all, bye!

Dan Tennant - 06/05/99 22:39:02
My Email:vyvyan25@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: I can't decide
Favourite Movie: slackers
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): male
Hey. I have a joy division fanzine if anyone is interested in ordering a copy. just email me.

Voltaire - 05/25/99 22:25:28
My Email:datlow@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: Slayer
Favourite Movie: Fear/Boys On The Side
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Female
: If there is anybody out there that is sick of seeing nothing but rap,Hip Hop and The Real World on M.T.V. Me and my organization are in the process of getting funding for our own Metal station that will play Metal,Glam,Rock,Goth,Punk, Death Metal,Black etal,Industrial and Gothic Industrial Videos. If you would like to join us as a member the membership is free unless you wish to make a donation towards the funding of the station. To become a member contact me at Datlow@hotmail.com or if you would just l ke to give your support and/or make a donation contact me at Asmodeus_6666@hotmail.com I used to have the Nickname Viper in case You have seen this message posted by me elsewhere. Thank You.

mark - 05/05/99 11:15:14
My Email:thecreamofsumyungui@yahoo.com
Favourite Band: joy division, the smiths, r.e.m., nick drake, manic street preachers, faith no more, new order, dave bowie ... and other stuff
Favourite Movie: a clockwork orange, freaks, 1984, trainspotting, the crow ....
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): male, and it depends who with
hello,i'm mark. i'm 19 and going nowhere fast ... ... anyway, how come shite pop bands like the beatles, oasis and other such drivle gets famous and genuinely profound bands like joy division don't? nick drake is the most underated genius ever. i don't k ow whether my e-mail address works but please give a try (i've only got an address last week, so i don't get much e-mail).

Michael Rasico - 05/04/99 23:28:40
My Email:Yahoo@Unicorn under the rainbow
Favourite Band: Many
Favourite Movie: Many
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male
A definate means to an end.

Ady Youds - 05/01/99 11:52:28
My Email:shady@publiconline.co.uk
Favourite Band: Joy Division/New Order ACR(A Certain Ratio)
Favourite Movie: ????
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male (Yes Please)
Great site keep up the good work. Cheers Ady (UK)

Viper - 02/04/99 22:20:15
My Email:datlow@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: Manson
Favourite Movie: Fear
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Female
Anybody out there want to hear more Metal, Rock,Glam,Punk, and Goth on M.T.V.? WELL YOU ARE SHIT OUT OF LUCK BECAUSE THEY DO NOT CARE WHAT YOU OR I WANT TO HEAR!!!! ALL THEY CARE ABOUT IS THAT RAP AND TECHNO BULLSHIT!!!! BUT I CARE AND THAT IS WHY I AM GETTING TOGETHER MY OWN T.V. STATION AND PLAYING NOTHING BUT THE MUSIC LISTED ABOVE!!!! It will cost me at the least 65 million and if anyone out there would like to help me with the funding or you agree with me and want to join my organization in bringing the station to T.V. contact me as soon as you can. Thank You.

Mile Matejic - 01/31/99 21:39:12
My Email:orient@eunet.yu
Favourite Movie: smoke
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): m,y
I was disappointed when I visited the Joy Division chat. Instead of hearing other people's comments and opinions on the band phenonmenon, I was sorry to find several people talking rubbish which has nothing to do with music. But I was pleased to find his nfinished writings available.

Alec - 01/23/99 19:55:12
Favourite Band: NewO, Kraftwerk, Electronic
Favourite Movie: Haven't got one
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male
For God's sake! JD were never goth and will never be! They were just a bunch of 4 lads having a laugh! They were never as dark as their music suggested them of being. New Order are JD without Ian, and I dare say he would've sung Blue Monday or Thieves L ke Us because they were going in that direction anyway. Listen to Digital, it sounds quite punky and fun, but most of you lot with just absorb yourself in the lyrics.

fdg - 01/11/99 13:27:42
Favourite Band: zz
Favourite Movie: xcb
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): gf
why the hell are your 'soundclips' .wavs? ? ???

michael traver - 01/05/99 01:08:50
My Email:mrtraver@webchoice.net
Favourite Band: nine inch nails
Favourite Movie: chasing amy

dan - 12/09/98 22:32:38
My URL:http://www.adam.org
My Email:dan@kidpowered.com
Favourite Band: fugazi
Favourite Movie: fire walk with me
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): boi & please
i like your site. if you get a chance ckeck out my band adam joy division is one of our influences along with u2, the violet burning, the swans and fugazi.

Butterfly Messiah - 12/03/98 07:41:09
My URL:http://listen.to/butterflymessiah
My Email:butterflymessiah@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: Joy Division
Favourite Movie: Eraserhead
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): male
I wish Ian were alive. I think he would have dug the music my love and I are doing:

Anonymous Coward - 11/19/98 15:13:33
My URL:echo://localhost
.wav files are huge. Can anyone send the web-owner a mp3 encoder ?

Moray - 11/09/98 02:28:04
My Email:morayf@aol.com
Favourite Band: JD - who else
Favourite Movie: last Picture Show
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): M y
Walking away - but you'll be glad to hear, never in silence...

Carlos - 10/25/98 19:24:27
My Email:jocarlos@teleline.es
Favourite Band: joy division, james...
Favourite Movie: Blue Velvet
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): M.
The best Joy Divison Web Page I´ve seen.

Donnie - 10/25/98 18:33:04
My Email:Greenstare@msn.com
Favourite Band: New Order
Favourite Movie: Weird Science
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male
Great site!

carla - 10/21/98 21:41:04
My Email:spookykillface@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: joy division
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): f yes

Rob Crickmar - 10/19/98 16:28:21
Favourite Band: N/A
Favourite Movie: N/A
I wish that once and for all, Joy Division fans would pay attention to what the remnants of the band have to say and actually understand that Joy Division are not dark,depressing Goth rockers. They were literally a bunch of Manc scallies, needing to do wh t they did, without really knowing why they did it. It just so happened they created the most uplifting, brilliant music and continued to do so even after Messr Curtis's demise. I know that not every Joy Division fan needs to read this, but I had to say t make sure that this excellent band were not being misrepresented as the prophets of doom, Goth legends or even worse food for the likes of Marilyn Manson to claim influence off of. Thankyou and nice one Bernard for the reunion concert. It were fuckin mar ellous!!!

Veteroski Goran - 10/17/98 23:05:18
My Email:g_veter@yahoo.com
Favourite Band: Joy Division
Favourite Movie: Trainspotting
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): male
The great site !!!

elizabeth lagouranis - 10/14/98 07:44:00
My Email:lagouran@ucsub.colorado.edu
Favourite Band: joy division
Favourite Movie: clockwork orange
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): f,
where is the picture of ian smoking?! i have wanted that since the begining of time! aauuugghh!

10/12/98 11:14:47
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

William Byron - 10/05/98 01:03:42
My URL:http://www.Geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palladium/8271
My Email:Bernard_Sumner@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: Joy Division, David Bowie
Favourite Movie: Basquit, Jesus Christ Superstar, Dawn Of The Dead
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male
Great, well designed page. To Scott, who asked about this down below; Ian was actually hypnotized by Bernard who states in an interview that he thought giving Ian the tape was a bad idea because there may have been something on it. In NME, Steve says his tape player in his car ate it. Anyone who signs the guestbook of my web page before Nov. 1st will get a free CD! (Slaves Of Venus- www.Geocities.com/SusnetStrip/Palladium/8271) Thanks.

Rick - 10/03/98 06:15:47
My Email:ghost87@yahoo.com
Favourite Band: JOY DIVISION, Smiths, The Jam
Favourite Movie: Stanley Kubrick films
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): male
Very nice website. Glad to see so many fans of JOY DIVISION. Together with the music and the lyrics, no band has played with my mind and heart like JOY DIVISION has and still does. Keep listening and keep feeling the music of JOY DIVISION.

Brittany - 09/18/98 00:30:39
My Email:Rhodes909@yahoo.com
Favourite Band: Joy Division, Bauhaus, Duran Duran
Favourite Movie: T2
This is really cool. I LOOOOOOVE Joy Division.

BiRd MaD GirL - 09/15/98 18:44:19
My Email:the.figurehead@usa.net
Favourite Band: The Cure, Joy Division...
Favourite Movie: The Crow
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Female
I found some new pics I've never seen before. I'm gonna put them on my wall. Thanks.

john cushman - 09/03/98 05:15:51
My Email:jonrac@onlinemac.com
Favourite Band: hum
Favourite Movie: monty python's holy grail
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): male

Me - 08/31/98 20:48:33
Favourite Band: Hole/The Clash/JD
Favourite Movie: The Craft
Great Page

Scott - 08/23/98 10:35:02
My URL:http://www.studioinfo.com
My Email:scott@studioinfo.com
Favourite Band: Squarepusher Autechre New Order Rayuichi Sakamoto Cabbageboy
Favourite Movie: Secret Adventures of Thom Thumb Naked Lunch Barfly
I read somewhere about a session Ian had with a therapist about a week before he died where he was hypnotized and the session was taped. As critically morbid as it appears, any info about this recording? Also I recommend reading The Idiot by Dosteovsky.

Scott - 08/23/98 10:20:09
My URL:http://www.studioinfo.com
My Email:scott@studioinfo.com
Favourite Band: Squarepusher Autechre New Order Rayuichi Sakamoto Cabbageboy
Favourite Movie: Secret Adventures of Thom Thumb Naked Lunch Barfly

Gret - 08/22/98 06:34:46
My Email:TINOMEN06@aol.com
Favourite Band: skinny puppy, feilds of the nephilim, leaetherstrip, tool, sisters of mercy, my bloody valentine, and of course joy division
Favourite Movie: anything quirky or 80's
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): female
I love your site...you have really good pictures... Just looking at Ian.....

Gret - 08/22/98 06:31:30
My Email:TINOMEN06@aol.com
Favourite Band: skinny puppy, feilds of the nephilim, leaetherstrip, tool, sisters of mercy, my bloody valentine, and of course joy division
Favourite Movie: anything quirky or 80's
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): female
I love your site...you have really good pictures... Just looking at Ian.....

Feodor - 08/16/98 16:39:03
My Email:pleasureproducts@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: Joy Division, Alien Sex Fiend
Favourite Movie: Clockwork Orange
I Love myself and I want to live!

m - 08/07/98 18:59:08
My Email:thehague@msn.com
Favourite Band: JD, Lou Reed, The Bats
Favourite Movie: "THIS GUN FOR HIRE", "BASQUIAT"
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): M-STILL NO THANKS

m - 08/07/98 13:08:13
My Email:thehague@msn.com
Favourite Band: JD, Lou Reed, The Bats
Favourite Movie: "Far Away So Close", "Basquiat"
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): m-no thanks
great band, great site

sean - 07/27/98 02:08:39
My Email:provision9@aol.com
Favourite Band: the cure
Favourite Movie: saving private ryan, the crow, good will hunting...
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): m..
lovely page! i've been searching long & hard for an appropiately worshipful joy division page *after my favourite one got trashed for some reason or another* and i've finally found it...many thanks for your hard work on this site.

sean - 07/27/98 02:07:03
My Email:provision9@aol.com
Favourite Band: the cure
Favourite Movie: saving private ryan, the crow, good will hunting...
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): m..
lovely page! i've been searching long & hard for an appropiately worshipful joy division page *after my favourite one got trashed for some reason or another* and i've finally found it...many thanks for your hard work on this site.

Jimmy Remington - 07/14/98 20:45:23
My Email:jreming@theparamount.org
Favourite Band: Joy Division / New Order
Favourite Movie: Light Years
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male
They are the one's...

Edwin Maatkamp - 07/12/98 22:35:00
My Email:Warswaw@daxis.nl
Favourite Band: Joy Division
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male
Hello there! It's great to find out that there are so many YD fans at this time who remember daily the greatest band of "the seventies". I'm a YD fan since aug.1979

SR - 07/12/98 22:15:24
My Email:SR79 21@aol.com
Favourite Band: skinny puppy, joy division, SOM, LAM, DIJ, morrissey, type o negative, xymox, lowlife, bauhaus, ministry, pigface....
Favourite Movie: heathers, lost highway, anything 80's
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): female
Joy Division is one of the greatest.....

Anarchia Rachela - 07/11/98 14:41:40
My Email:alexsem@polbox.com
Favourite Band: Einsturzende Neubauten, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, The Birthday Party, JD, Bauhaus, Siekiera, TZN Xenna, Radiohead, PJ Harvey, Alien Sex Fiend, Sonic Youth
Favourite Movie: From Dusk Till Dawn, Earase Head, Dune, Bram Stocker's Dracula, Delicatessen
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): 2xF, not together

Billy - 07/11/98 00:31:40
My URL:http://www.api.com.br
My Email:billy@api.com.br
Favourite Band: Joy Division, of course
Favourite Movie: Hellraiser 1
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): M, YES, PLEASE !!!
Cool page !!! The name of the page is the name of my band, and, obviously, it was taken from the same place I took mine !!!! Congratulations, Billy Umbella Sao Paulo, Brazil

Shannon Rae - 07/02/98 06:29:58
Favourite Band: erasure
Favourite Movie: sunday's children
great page, but only about half of the pics links went through...hmmm... joy division is amazing! i can't believe a bunch of geeks could come up with such incredible music. my favourite song is atmosphere, although from safety to where is growing on me every day.

Bill - 06/30/98 13:11:38
My Email:bveit1@flash.net
Favourite Band: Husker Du or JD
Favourite Movie: Heat
Nice Web page. THe best Joy Division one that I have seen. It is a tough call to say who is better Joy Divison or Husker Du. Bob Mould is great! Keep up the good work.....

Moral Advisor - 06/29/98 02:38:30
Favourite Band: currently: Merzbow, Godflesh, Pitchshifter
Joy Division is dead. Long live Joy Division.

Kara Townsend - 06/28/98 12:10:55
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)

DAVID LEVI ANDERSON - 06/23/98 07:16:52
My Email:levi03@earthlink.net
Favourite Band: anything that gives me pleasure
Favourite Movie: LEAVING LAS VEGAS

Ciaran Albrecht - 06/14/98 17:17:25
My Email:Stella1607@aol.com
Favourite Band: Smiths / Joy Division
Favourite Movie: 'Taxi Driver'
As I passed by, I couldn't help noticing a shaft of light in a window to my left. Moving towards it, I felt I had to touch it, to immerse myself in it, making myself part of a beautiful cycle, and hoping that the ground would absorb me as it had the light .. Wonderful site, wonderful band. I'm only young (I was born just a few weeks after Ian's death), but the band affect me so much every time I listen to them. I live in Manchester, close to the city centre, and I can look out of my window and just immerse my elf in their world. The music keeps pushing towards me from a time I never knew, but I instantly recognise it. It's hard to explain, and I probably am just another sad, lonely Manc in a trenchcoat. Thanks, this site made me happy.

- 06/14/98 17:10:31

Melanie Howarth - 06/09/98 16:06:41
My Email:c1980@flash.net
Favourite Band: JD..by far
Favourite Movie: Edward Scissorhands, any brat pack film, cult movies from the 70's etc.
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Femme fatale, always
Ok. I am a long time JD fan. Let me clear this up. Anyone who can honestly say that Ian Curtis was not the best fucking lyricist for our generation and beyond, can come to my house, and I will buy you the world, and give you an old set list from the Electric Circus gig JD played in 3 Oct. 77'. On the whol , I can't seriously rank too many bands up there on that same fucking pedalstal with JD or NO. That says loads does it not? I wish the newer fans thouhg wouldn't have bought up the Apollo and Pheonix tix before me and the oldies could make it. I'm not so old you know,I am right young compared to your new yuppster fan. Aside all that, the page rules, it's better than most, but do tend to go to Atmosphere more often, lack of message boards here. ...a moment of silence, fer your Ian love..... um..i quite love all Manc based bands..your Durutti and Smiths and such..all those. i can even remember when Ludus was a figment to life there. wow..she reaches back into time. I have never stopped wearing my trench..it's needed, esp. the nice wool guernseys mum sends me...well... So's the lovely life in this part of the world..... Be moving to Manc soon..back to the old home..where it all began for my family. Back to Macclesfield, where it began for his. Have fun, all. See you soon. You're never dead til your forgotten!

Adam Rayfield - 06/05/98 21:02:44
My URL:http://webhome.idirect.com/~yayaya/HOUSEPG1.htm
My Email:yayaya@idirect.com
Favourite Band: Stiff Little Fingers
Favourite Movie: Romper Stomper
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Yes Please
Hey how do I get wav or real audio files to link to my page, Ive tried everything and it wont work, help and also were do I get a counter to see how many people have gone to my sight.

Gerry McGeady - 06/03/98 23:40:57
My URL:www.letterkenny.com
My Email:gmcgeady@indigo.ie
Favourite Band: JD
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): TBA
Ian Curtis touched places where other bandx could'nt reach. Sorry about the pun but what else can be said. A terrible waste of his life, leaving me with feelings of disappointment, sadness and anger.

Beaver - 06/03/98 22:49:12

Edward Garcia - 05/29/98 19:41:14
My Email:edward.garcia@sprint.mail.com
Favourite Band: Joy Division
Favourite Movie: Basketball Diaries
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male

Bryan Potvin - 05/28/98 18:04:48
My Email:Jorog@aol.com
Favourite Band: Skinny Puppy/joy division
Favourite Movie: Nowhere/ A clockwork Orange
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male/ perhaps
the second coming is upon us. ian will walk the earth a again.

Lizza - 05/09/98 17:24:45
My Email:acidqueen80@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: Killout Trash........
Favourite Movie: Shallow Grave, Tom and Viv
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Quite Female, preferably in the future......
So beautiful it makes me want to cry. Joy Division-I am so new at this. Great page. Please do mail me sometime......

LaLuna - 05/05/98 01:56:57
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/l/a/l/laluna98.html
Favourite Band: New Order
Favourite Movie: Three Colours Red
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Female
Great page!

pedro gaspar - 04/30/98 19:58:01
My Email:pedrogaspar@yahoo.com
Favourite Band: joy division
Favourite Movie: titanic
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): masculin
very good,oh yeah.Joy forever

jrün - 04/30/98 10:59:18
My Email:jeroen.delaet@student.kuleuven.ac.be
Ian Curtis was God

Jay (Ian) Holzgang - 04/28/98 08:15:31
My Email:jjh1971@aol.com
Favourite Band: Joy D. Peter Murphy
Favourite Movie: Star Wars
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): M - not for a while
I haven't listened to the Division for years now...but it was nice to hear your sound waves and bring back those feelings again. They were probably the greatest band that I ever have heard. I do have some "rare" LPs by Joy Division ...but who doesn't righ ??? Thanks for the flashback

Jos - 04/18/98 19:49:05
My Email:ambiorix@zeelandnet.nl
Favourite Band: Joy division\REM

Gretta - 04/14/98 18:16:59
My Email:Gretta30@aol.com
Favourite Band: Tool
Favourite Movie: "Heathers"
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Female
Hello...I'm quite new at Joy Division, and I found this site to be very interesting...but I'm wondering how Ian Curtis died...

Gretta - 04/14/98 18:09:28
My Email:Gretta30@aol.com
Favourite Band: Tool
Favourite Movie: "Heathers"
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Female
Hello...I'm quite new at Joy Division, and I found this site to be very interesting...but I'm wondering how Ian Curtis died...

Shane Bergoch - 04/06/98 20:11:18
Favourite Band: Cure\Depeche Mode
Favourite Movie: Usual suspects
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): yes
Thanks for all the info. Been looking for Joy division Info for a while.. Duhh try lookin on the WEB. Thanx again.

alli baby - 04/05/98 02:24:04
i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you

michael e clark - 04/04/98 18:21:56
My Email:michael-e-clark@uiowa.edu.
Favourite Band: a toss up joy division or underworld
Favourite Movie: citizen kane

Duncan - 03/27/98 00:41:46
My Email:dancs@iconz.co.nz
Favourite Band: Joy Division; Boo Radleys; Stone Roses; Pulp; Cure; The Who; Pixies; Sebadoh; Primal Scream; Bowie; Radiohead; Nirvana; T. Rex; Kraftwerk; Tom Waits; Blur; Backstreet Boys.
Favourite Movie: A Clockwork Orange
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): girly man
Haven't really looked at yer site as yet, but just popped in after reading Touching From a Distance, not hugely impressed w Deb Curtis' account I must say, though it was a fucking terrible situation to be in, In any case I must say that Joy Division reall were one of the greatest bands ever to grace this planet, |Ian's ghostly, emminently human lyricism and not-of-this-earth voice floating over some of the most atmospheric soundscapes ever created (Martin Hannet really was a part of the band in that respe t.) In any case, too beautiful, I'll leve the rest to you.

Chris - 03/25/98 01:44:17
My Email:c_coulter@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: JD, Cure, Depeche Mode, Smiths, Bauhaus, Portishead, and OF COURSE the Spice Girls, etc..
Favourite Movie: Trainspotting
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male
Nice to see a Canadian site. I'm a somewhat new Joy Division/New Order fan -- better late than never, I guess. Death to McAlternative Crap and long live good shit! -- which Joy Division is.

mariel - 03/21/98 12:15:25
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TelevisionCity/Set/9266/index.html
My Email:fuchsia@mailcity.com
Favourite Band: cure, cranes
Favourite Movie: heathers, star wars, anything with john malkovich
nice page. really

vicious monk - 03/13/98 23:30:51
My Email:xmonk123@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: radiohead
Favourite Movie: rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead
i like joy division. they are cool. yeah.

aurelia sousa - 03/09/98 16:53:51
My URL:http://www.isla.pt
My Email:aurelia.l.sousa@lr.isla.pt
Favourite Band: Joy division, Pixies, Sonic Youth, doors, Rage against the machine
Favourite Movie: The crow
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): female
i LOOOOOOOve Joy division.If you like too send me an E-mai

Matthew - 03/09/98 06:40:37
My URL:http://AOL
My Email:JoyDivision@AOL.com
Favourite Band: Joy Division
Favourite Movie: Don't really know probably something with Stephen Buscemi in it.
Just thought I would mention again how much I like this site I purchased Heart and Soul yesterday and was very thankful did. Has some really cool versions of songs already done before. Like (chance)Atmosphere. In a Lonely pladce was great too. Thanks Peter Hook. He has been an inlfuence in my bass playing. Ever since I started

Michael - 03/01/98 07:22:06
My Email:Fact37@aol.com
Favourite Band: Warsaw.JD,SOM,Echo,
Nice site...'bout time some one did it right... Just got Heart and soul..a real bargin, esp for a new JD fan, but then again, I'd have gotten it just to hear Ian singing In a Lonely Place.

Jason Pliler - 02/27/98 03:07:06
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/capitolhill/lobby/1534/index.html
My Email:pax00@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: Joy Division
This is a good web page man... Keep up the work...

Jason Pliler - 02/27/98 02:48:23
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/capitolhill/lobby/1534/index.html
My Email:pax00@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: Joy Division
This is a good web page man... Keep up the work...

Matthew Mohri - 02/25/98 06:28:31
My URL:http://www.JoyDivision@AOL.Com
My Email:JoyDivision@AOL,Com
Favourite Band: Joy Division,Nick Cave, Henry Rollins, Tanner,Brainiac,The Who,No Knife,Sisters of Mercey
Favourite Movie: The Crow
Thanks for putting out one of the most accuarate and lyricly thourough Joy Division web sites. I am impressed mainly because you had the lyrics to the Warsaw Demo Gutz,At a Later Date, The Kill, and Inside The Line, but you forgot You're No Good for me. Oh well you can't win them all. I really like this sight and will visit it more often. For writing Ian's one of my favorites.

Marco - 02/14/98 18:23:16
My Email:closer@swissonline.ch
Favourite Band: Joy Division
Favourite Movie: Eraserhead
Joy Division and Virgin Prunes are for me the best bands still now!!

Thomas Padoan - 02/13/98 19:39:32
My URL:http://www.ac-nancy-metz.fr/
My Email:l.padoan@ac.nancy-metz.fr
Favourite Band: Pink Floyd,The Doors,Jimi Hendrix,Beck,Boss Hog,Cure,Eels,Led Zep,Joy Division,Manic Street Preachers,L.Cohen,Noir Desir,Pixies,Sonic Youth,RHCP,Seven Mary Three,Pavement,Tindersticks,Velvet,Sebadoh,Neil Young,Vic Chestnut,etc...
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male.
First,xcuse my english(I'm french).I think your site is a great site!But to my mind,there's a lack of informations towards each member of the band.I've read "touchin from a distance"(in french,"Ian Curtis and JD,life's story)I found it very strong and sti ring bother.I think your site proved feel the atmosphere of book,combine respect with admiration.Many thanks to you...

Thomas Padoan - 02/13/98 18:55:33

pain - 02/09/98 20:16:52
My URL:http://hotmail.com
My Email:crulone@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: switchblade symphony skinnypuppy
Favourite Movie: none
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): male
cool page!

chris mays - 02/05/98 22:17:24
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/9088
My Email:freak421@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: any thing besides country and gospel
Favourite Movie: the crow
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): male
youur web site is phat. mine's alright but not compared to this one. oh well. check out my site and let me know what you think. out.

Stephanie Polansky - 02/03/98 00:35:22
My Email:Tufie145@aol.com
Favourite Band: Beastie Boys
Favourite Movie: Brazil
I just wanted to say that im very impressed with your web site.

Bill Morgan - 02/02/98 03:48:56
My Email:bmorgan@stratos.net
Your discography contains an error: under the listing for Still, you incorrectly credit the song Sister Ray to the Doors. It is actually by the Velvet Underground, Lou Reeds first band.

David Jones - 01/31/98 18:50:06
My URL:http://home.aol.com/majortom79
My Email:MajorTom79@aol.com
Favourite Band: David Bowie,Joy Division,The Smiths,Suede,Iggy and Stooges etc
Favourite Movie: Performance,The Man who fell to Earth and Le Nuit Fauves
I've just bought the "Heart and Soul" boxset and I think it is so amazing and inspiring.The Warsaw "Punkish" demo's are among my faves on there.Well worth the money!!

David Jones - 01/31/98 18:48:33
My URL:http://home.aol.com/majortom79
My Email:MajorTom79@aol.com
Favourite Band: David Bowie,Joy Division,The Smiths,Suede,Iggy and Stooges etc
Favourite Movie: Permormance,The Man who fell to Earth and Le Nuit Fauves
I've just bought the "Heart and Soul" boxset and I think it is so amazing and inspiring.The Warsaw "Punkish" demo's are among my faves on there.Well worth the money!!

- 01/23/98 22:05:24

Thommy Carlsson - 01/23/98 19:55:59
My Email:tece60@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: Joy Division,The Clash,Laurie Anderson
Favourite Movie: The Double Life of Veronique
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): male
Thank you for a great site. "TC"

jada leblanc - 01/17/98 03:45:23
My Email:spacecadet41@hotmail.com
Favourite Band: cure, joy division, dead can dance, u2, newe order, jeff buckley
Favourite Movie: harold and maude
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): female
hello!! im also canadian, so i had to visit your canadian joy division page, i love this band so much,i just couldnt begin to describe what they mean to me, but i beleive its mostly the lyrics that i love most, and atmosphere being my fave song by them, w ll i feel strange signing guestbooks, but i had to..i hope you email me sometime!! love jada

Bill Steffenberg - 01/16/98 08:07:24
My URL:http://www.net1plus.com/users/steff/
My Email:steff@net1plus.com
Favourite Band: C'mon!!!
Great site! When you have time drop by my (evolving) JD site and tell me what you think! Thanks!

Milorad Matejic - 01/02/98 16:59:11
My Email:savam@bits.net
Favourite Band: Joy Division, Sonic Youth, Sisiters of Mercy
Favourite Movie: Lost Highway
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): sometimes
thanks for the unpublished lyrics!

Nick Kenyon - 12/24/97 19:22:42
My URL:http://liv.ac.uk
My Email:ab0u600c@liv.ac.uk
Favourite Band: Joy Division, The Smiths, The Doors, David Bowie
Favourite Movie: Night of the Hunter
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male
Hi Nik. Times are changing.

Arnold J. Rimmer - 12/09/97 14:56:41
Favourite Band: The Cure/Joy Division
Congratulations, finally a decent Joy Division Site!

MPradillo - 12/08/97 22:05:20
My Email:mpradillo@src.com.mx
Favourite Movie: TRAINSPOTTING
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): sometimes
Saludos desde Mexico, excelente pagina

woottie - 12/06/97 13:03:37
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/FashionAvenue/4186/
My Email:woottie@oocities.com
Favourite Band: Pet Shop Boys, Erasure, New Order, Dubstar, Electronic
Favourite Movie: The Ladykillers
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): "it's... aaaa............ BOY!!!!!"
"ooo ooooo oooo... Christmas comes this time each year"

NIK CLAYTON - 12/02/97 13:15:11
Favourite Band: JOY DIVISION
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): MALE

tomzon - 11/29/97 13:03:11
My Email:tomzon77@hotmail.com
O.K. site

Zimbo - 11/28/97 13:05:36
My Email:L30496033@fch.ucp.pt
Favourite Band: Pixies,P.Furs,Joy Division,Chameleons,The Sound,Mazzy Star,Echo & the Bunnymen,Pj Harvey,My Bloody Valentine,Low,Red House Painters,Grant Lee Buffalo,etc...
Favourite Movie: David Lynch & Kubrick
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): feminin
I don´t know what to say...Today i´m gonna meet Peter Hook!!!!! Your Homepage is very nice...keep going ;) And after all, I LOVE JOY DIVISION!!!!!!!! I´m in a good mood...:) How sensational!!!!!

Tânia Mendes - 11/26/97 12:01:59
My Email:L30496033@fch.ucp.pt
Favourite Band: Pixies/P.Furs/PjHarvey/JDivision/CocteauTwins/Tindersticks/Chameleons
Favourite Movie: All from David Lynch & Kubrick
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): feminin
No comments...Joy Division were my Heart & Soul...

Tânia Mendes - 11/26/97 11:50:43
My Email:L30496033@fch.ucp.pt
Favourite Band: Pixies/P.Furs/PjHarvey/JDivision/CocteauTwins/Tindersticks/Chameleons
Favourite Movie: All from David Lynch
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): feminin
No comments...Joy Division were my Heart & Soul...

Chris Cates - 11/24/97 21:36:13
My Email:cateschr@pilot.msu.edu
Favourite Band: Joy Division
Favourite Movie: Apocalypse Now
Sister Ray was a song by the Velvet Underground from White Light/White Heat. It is not by The Doors.

Bielsky - 11/21/97 12:41:12
My Email:Bielsky@lbsrvr.snjo.pwr.wroc.pl
Favourite Band: Joy Division
I'm hungry!!!

Bielsky - 11/21/97 12:37:37
My Email:lbsrvr.snjo.pwr.wroc.pl
Favourite Band: Joy Division

Gordon Sumner - 11/18/97 13:10:22
My URL:http://Hungerford UK
Favourite Band: Marilynn Manson
Favourite Movie: Killer bees

Tommy McGregor - 11/15/97 19:15:10
My Email:akira@veneto.shineline.it
Favourite Band: theCure,Joy Division,dEUS
...love will tear us apart again...

Michele and Greg Likens - 11/10/97 20:17:54
My Email:likens@bestweb.net
Favourite Band: Miles Davis
Hey! We were apprised of your home page and thought we'd drop in! It looks great! Love the tunes; out of web development curiosity, how did you get them? Anyway, drop us a line at our new email address: likens@bestweb.net We look forward to hearing from you, and catching up more with you soon. Hi to Allison! Love ya

urosh - 11/06/97 15:38:41
Favourite Band: joy d.
bvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

Olivia - 11/01/97 23:34:16
My Email:olivia.daisy@securenet.net
Favourite Movie: The Clockwork Orange
Ian Will Forever Live In My Heart... Very Nice Page

Charley - 11/01/97 02:05:07
My URL:http://members.aol.com/TrAgIcLoSs/CharleysChocolateLesbians
My Email:tragicloss@aol.com
Favourite Band: Joy Division
Favourite Movie: pulp fiction/doom generation/natural born killers/so i married an axe murderer/the people vs. larry flynt
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): i'm quite male, and sex would be preferable
so this is permanent, love's shattered pride what once was innocent turned on it's side a cloud hangs over me, marks my every move deep in the memory of what once was love... ~ian curtis & his joy division

Jennifer - 10/30/97 00:18:15
My URL:http://members.aol.com/JDGothGirl/index.html
My Email:JDGothGirl@aol.com
Favourite Band: Joy Division
Favourite Movie: Can't Decide

toko - 10/29/97 22:37:46
My Email:sirshitow@lettera.skios.es
Favourite Band: the smiths
Favourite Movie: cinema paradiso
gran banda...compadre! saludos desde CHILE

Frank Ramirez - 10/24/97 22:50:21
Favourite Band: Christian Death
Favourite Movie: Blade Runner
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male,

NLWH - 10/24/97 14:14:15
My URL:http:// ?????????????
My Email:Can't Email. Sorry.
Favourite Band: Chuwamunbawumba
Favourite Movie: Beautiful thing
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
Canada? All the way over there? My God. I'm from a small town called North Hykeham in England, and I'm 17. I'm of on a pilgrimage to Maccelsfield, Joy Divisions home town. Try it some time. Take a packed lunch and a rain coat. You must! It's part of the E hos! I'm so glad so many people from so far away enjoy the music. I hope my band can sustrain such a cult. The American market is flooded with rock and grunge, so Joy Division are totally unkown over there, thy're just not econmicaly sound, that means in nglish they won't sell may CD's. Personally I can't listen to some of that teenage angst s***. It sucks. Then again the music seen in Blighty isn't too great. I mean, everones into house, and jungle, garage, whatever the bloody hell they call it. Theres n depth, not like Joy Division, that's what I like so much about them. They've more of a legend, an ethos than bloody Happy f***ing hardcore! It's cold in Britain, it's a really cold place. Canada is as well. Phew. I'm doing this at collede actually. We on y have limited Net facilities, so that means we can't ruddy Email anyone! B******s! Ah well! I'm nursing a twisted ankle from a nasty pogo stick accident at the mo. Ow! I wonder if theres any Joy Division fans in Australia? Or Sudan? I think not. I alos l ke XTC, Smiths, Killing Joke(Remember them?), New Order(OF course), A nice bit of Bowie, Monaco, Electronic, Revenge, The other two(Gillian Gilbert and Steve Morris out of New Order), KLF, EMF, GAF, REM, FMB, KLM(Ha ha), Pouges, Pulp, Oasis, Beatles, Sex istols, Queen, Portishead, Radiohead, Technohead, Stereophonics, Strereolab, Voice of the Beehive, Elton John, Geneva, Roxy Music, U2, UB40, Leftfield, Rolling Stones, Happy Mondays, Durrati Column, The Who, Love, Puressence, The Verve, Mani, Reni, Johni nd Slade. Phew. I'm off for some tea. Bye!

NLWH - 10/24/97 14:13:46
My URL:http:// ?????????????
My Email:Can't Email. Sorry.
Favourite Band: Chuwamunbawumba
Favourite Movie: Beautiful thing
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
Canada? All the way over there? My God. I'm from a small town called North Hykeham in England, and I'm 17. I'm of on a pilgrimage to Maccelsfield, Joy Divisions home town. Try it some time. Take a packed lunch and a rain coat. You must! It's part of the E hos! I'm so glad so many people from so far away enjoy the music. I hope my band can sustrain such a cult. The American market is flooded with rock and grunge, so Joy Division are totally unkown over there, thy're just not econmicaly sound, that means in nglish they won't sell may CD's. Personally I can't listen to some of that teenage angst s***. It sucks. Then again the music seen in Blighty isn't too great. I mean, everones into house, and jungle, garage, whatever the bloody hell they call it. Theres n depth, not like Joy Division, that's what I like so much about them. They've more of a legend, an ethos than bloody Happy f***ing hardcore! It's cold in Britain, it's a really cold place. Canada is as well. Phew. I'm doing this at collede actually. We on y have limited Net facilities, so that means we can't ruddy Email anyone! B******s! Ah well! I'm nursing a twisted ankle from a nasty pogo stick accident at the mo. Ow! I wonder if theres any Joy Division fans in Australia? Or Sudan? I think not. I alos l ke XTC, Smiths, Killing Joke(Remember them?), New Order(OF course), A nice bit of Bowie, Monaco, Electronic, Revenge, The other two(Gillian Gilbert and Steve Morris out of New Order), KLF, EMF, GAF, REM, FMB, KLM(Ha ha), Pouges, Pulp, Oasis, Beatles, Sex istols, Queen, Portishead, Radiohead, Technohead, Stereophonics, Strereolab, Voice of the Beehive, Elton John, Geneva, Roxy Music, U2, UB40, Leftfield, Rolling Stones, Happy Mondays, Durrati Column, The Who, Love, Puressence, The Verve, Mani, Reni, Johni nd Slade. Phew. I'm off for some tea. Bye!

NLWH - 10/24/97 14:13:43
My URL:http:// ?????????????
My Email:Can't Email. Sorry.
Favourite Band: Chuwamunbawumba
Favourite Movie: Beautiful thing
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
Canada? All the way over there? My God. I'm from a small town called North Hykeham in England, and I'm 17. I'm of on a pilgrimage to Maccelsfield, Joy Divisions home town. Try it some time. Take a packed lunch and a rain coat. You must! It's part of the E hos! I'm so glad so many people from so far away enjoy the music. I hope my band can sustrain such a cult. The American market is flooded with rock and grunge, so Joy Division are totally unkown over there, thy're just not econmicaly sound, that means in nglish they won't sell may CD's. Personally I can't listen to some of that teenage angst s***. It sucks. Then again the music seen in Blighty isn't too great. I mean, everones into house, and jungle, garage, whatever the bloody hell they call it. Theres n depth, not like Joy Division, that's what I like so much about them. They've more of a legend, an ethos than bloody Happy f***ing hardcore! It's cold in Britain, it's a really cold place. Canada is as well. Phew. I'm doing this at collede actually. We on y have limited Net facilities, so that means we can't ruddy Email anyone! B******s! Ah well! I'm nursing a twisted ankle from a nasty pogo stick accident at the mo. Ow! I wonder if theres any Joy Division fans in Australia? Or Sudan? I think not. I alos l ke XTC, Smiths, Killing Joke(Remember them?), New Order(OF course), A nice bit of Bowie, Monaco, Electronic, Revenge, The other two(Gillian Gilbert and Steve Morris out of New Order), KLF, EMF, GAF, REM, FMB, KLM(Ha ha), Pouges, Pulp, Oasis, Beatles, Sex istols, Queen, Portishead, Radiohead, Technohead, Stereophonics, Strereolab, Voice of the Beehive, Elton John, Geneva, Roxy Music, U2, UB40, Leftfield, Rolling Stones, Happy Mondays, Durrati Column, The Who, Love, Puressence, The Verve, Mani, Reni, Johni nd Slade. Phew. I'm off for some tea. Bye!

NLWH - 10/24/97 14:12:19
My URL:http:// ?????????????
My Email:Can't Email. Sorry.
Favourite Band: Chuwamunbawumba
Favourite Movie: Beautiful thing
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
Canada? All the way over there? My God. I'm from a small town called North Hykeham in England, and I'm 17. I'm of on a pilgrimage to Maccelsfield, Joy Divisions home town. Try it some time. Take a packed lunch and a rain coat. You must! It's part of the E hos! I'm so glad so many people from so far away enjoy the music. I hope my band can sustrain such a cult. The American market is flooded with rock and grunge, so Joy Division are totally unkown over there, thy're just not econmicaly sound, that means in nglish they won't sell may CD's. Personally I can't listen to some of that teenage angst s***. It sucks. Then again the music seen in Blighty isn't too great. I mean, everones into house, and jungle, garage, whatever the bloody hell they call it. Theres n depth, not like Joy Division, that's what I like so much about them. They've more of a legend, an ethos than bloody Happy f***ing hardcore! It's cold in Britain, it's a really cold place. Canada is as well. Phew. I'm doing this at collede actually. We on y have limited Net facilities, so that means we can't ruddy Email anyone! B******s! Ah well! I'm nursing a twisted ankle from a nasty pogo stick accident at the mo. Ow! I wonder if theres any Joy Division fans in Australia? Or Sudan? I think not. I alos l ke XTC, Smiths, Killing Joke(Remember them?), New Order(OF course), A nice bit of Bowie, Monaco, Electronic, Revenge, The other two(Gillian Gilbert and Steve Morris out of New Order), KLF, EMF, GAF, REM, FMB, KLM(Ha ha), Pouges, Pulp, Oasis, Beatles, Sex istols, Queen, Portishead, Radiohead, Technohead, Stereophonics, Strereolab, Voice of the Beehive, Elton John, Geneva, Roxy Music, U2, UB40, Leftfield, Rolling Stones, Happy Mondays, Durrati Column, The Who, Love, Puressence, The Verve, Mani, Reni, Johni nd Slade. Phew. I'm off for some tea. Bye!

Ian hughs - 10/24/97 13:51:18
My URL:http://Gone/down/pub.
My Email:Lockerbie UK
Favourite Band: Joy Division
Favourite Movie: Dr Who TVMovie
Sex? (M/F, yes/no): Male(Geezer).
Nice. Very nice. I'm from Britian. Nice. I never thought there would be any JD fans as far a feild as Canada. Nice. I'm from the UK, by the way. It's cold, it snows a lot, but that's just the way it is. During the 80's JD was the only thing that got me ou of bed in the morning! (Apart from cornflakes - Popular Brtish food!) Nice. BYE!

DraX of the 702 - 10/16/97 06:28:20
My Email:redmonkeya@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: Joy Division,New Order, Bauhaus
Give Me Money?: I really wish it solved life's problems
Please?: Corporations are sucking my life blood and soul.....
Good Page!! :) Pleased to see others who enjoy the music!!

du prez gert - 10/14/97 08:28:28
My Email:gert.duprez@stud.ehsal.be
Favorite Band: this one of course
Give Me Money?: What???
Please?: Why???
Nice page and beautiful presentation. Keep up the good work.

Daniel Loo - 10/08/97 20:39:11
My Email:C.M.D.Loo@bradford.ac.uk
Give Me Money?: provided you have JD items
Please?: Im looking for any JOYDIVISION Items!
Hi, Anybody who has JOYDIVISION/BLUEBOY/RAZORCUTS?etc items for sale, please let me know. Cheers Daniel

Daniel Loo - 10/08/97 20:37:22
My Email:C.M.D.Loo@bradford.ac.uk
Hi, Anybody who has JOYDIVISION/BLUEBOY/RAZORCUTS?etc items for sale, please let me know. Cheers Daniel

- 10/08/97 10:13:17
My Email:david.walther@ib.upu.org
Favorite Band: JOY DIVISION, NoMeansNo
Please?: I'm looking for bootlegs
Great fan of JD from Switzerland ­ Huge collection

Ubiquitous - 10/07/97 18:21:06
My Email:sarahc@rogers.wave.ca
Favorite Band: Morrissey, The Smiths
Give Me Money?: No thanks
Please?: I need my own money
Great page! I'm a big Joy Division fan and it's good to see it in Canada. Eh?

PsychoLib - 09/18/97 02:32:51
My URL:http://members.aol.com/sykoburbia
My Email:no comment
Favorite Band: Cure, Sisters, Joy Division.
Give Me Money?: I've got enough problems already.
Please?: ................................................
Your only dead once your forgotten.

........ - 09/14/97 14:09:11
My Email:TheseTears@aol.com
Favorite Band: The Cure/JoyDivision
Give Me Money?: no money
Please?: broker than you!
Really good page! I added it to my favorite places in the web. Keep up the good work!

Wheels - 09/01/97 23:14:09
My URL:http://nuttie.com
My Email:i.h8.male@home
Favorite Band: spice girls
Give Me Money?: yes

giancarlo - 08/29/97 18:09:42
My Email:i don't know
Favorite Band: otis reem
Give Me Money?: give me beer
Please?: i said beer damn you
hey there scooter, this is your cuz down in crotchfester, grandma says hi, i can call you scooter because you can't hit me from all the way up in mooseville

- 07/24/97 21:21:05

Corlyn - 07/21/97 03:07:36
My Email:Eatheral@aol.com
Favorite Band: Blur
Give Me Money?: I'm Broke
Please?: NOPE!!
Uh... could use some work but you've got pretty grabber lines. look at other home pages for some ideas.

michelle - 07/20/97 03:54:04
My Email:twirlygal@aol.com
Favorite Band: jawbreaker
Give Me Money?: sorry
Please?: nope
it has a catchy pick-up line...too bad there's nothing in the page yet...i have faith

Dr Jest ;-p - 07/19/97 22:57:12
My Email:Drjest@hotstar.net
Favorite Band: Michael Jackson
Give Me Money?: What do I get in return? ;-p
Please?: We can work something out
Umm...needs some work

Mr. Body - 07/18/97 17:14:14
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/Studio/2376
My Email:body_electric@geocities.co
Favorite Band: Electric Shaman
Give Me Money?: I'd be happy to
Please?: I already said yes
Needs some work, but it's ok, you just started.

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