Cute and Funny Quotes and Facts! Check it Out!

Nick says "Girls from Britain are so beautiful..." (But don't worry I'm sure he thinks girls from all other countries are just as beautiful!!)

Aj admits to otrageous behaviour like-"chucking fruit out of hotel windows at cars to see if it hits them"- he claims that sometimes you get so bored you want to run riot for a while" (AJ! Aj! Don't get yourself into too much trouble!

Kevin asked for Bryan Adams' autograph. He says "I'm a big fan and we'd just come out of the studio where we've been working with his producer, which was cool"

In November 1996 they were voted the most popular band in Europe. Whenn receiveing their awards Nick was talking for their acceptance speech and was kinda lost for words..."This is such an honour," he stammered: let's leave it at that!

Nic wants to be married and have a baby or two in about 10 years!!

Brian could see himself becoming a comedy film actor. He'd love to costar with Jim Carrey. He says "He's unique: I love the faces he pulls." Well Bran! The faces you pull are pretty goofy too! But sooo adorable of course!

Nick would eventually like to direct movies-"Eventually I'd like to make movies...maybe Aliens 4!

Brian-"I remember we were performing a song from the album on stage and I had to sing the first two verses. The dance routine was really difficult and I was concentrating so hard I blanked on the words. I ended up just humming along. The other guys were useless. They were creased up laughing and didn't try to help me out at all!" (Oh that's ok Brian, I still luv ya!!{this is me Alicia talking})

AJ-"I had my first kiss wehn I was four and kissed my next-door neighbour's daugher. Her name was Jennifer and then I ran away" (Awww... how cute!)

Kev-"When you're on the road it's difficult to keep up with the laundry so you find yourself without a clean pair of underpants. You have no choice but to pop back on yesterday's pair. They tend to be pretty snug, though, which is lucky."

Nick-"I used to stand on a tree stump in our back garden and sing, pretending the flowers were my audience. One day my mom caught me and enrolled me in singing lessons right away."

AJ-"I like funny girls who will pop in and say 'Here I am!' It doesn't matter what she looks like though, honestly!"

Howie-"Looking at famous artists like Prince, I thought they'd have a glamorous life-doing their show, going to parties adn sleeping in late. But no way. Sometimes we have to get up at 4am to get ont he road, and there are always promotions to do. I had no idea how much work goes into it."

Brian-"If I had a girlfriend I would probably go anywhere for her. If I had to go anywhere for one of my family, I would do that too. For anyone I loved or cared for I would do anything." (AHH! Brian!! It's no wonder I love you soo much!! {Alicia})

AJ-"In Germany someone threw a rock and it hit me in the face during a performance. I thought it was a cuddly toy or soemthing. It caught me just above the eye. It was quite a nasty cut. I had to carry on the show though, as it was part of a pop festival. If it had been our show, I owuld have got security to find out who threw it!"(Oh poor AJ! I hope it didn't hurt too much!)

Nick-"My family used to call me Charlie Brown 'cos I had a big round head and no hair. There's still baby pictures on display at home, which is a bit embarrassing. My mom's even got the family album out when a girl's been round and gone, "Here's a picture of Nick as a baby without any clothes on!"

AJ-"I'm the king of hotels when it comes to not paying my bil. I'll go through the mini bar, take all the cokes and orange juices and tell them I've not had anything at all when they ask the next morning. I do end up paying for it in the long run. I got away with it for a while but then they caught on" (AJ! AJ! You are soo bad!! But that's ok!)

Brian-"I take the mickey out of Howie because it takes so long for him to do eveyrhting. And Kevin, 'cos he's the oldest- if he doesn't laugh with us, we say 'You're too much of an old man to understand our jokes!"

Kev-"We did this live show at this radio station in Spain and when we came out, we were mobbed. I had a necklace on that meant a great deal to me- my brother gave it to me one Christmas-and this girl just ripped it off my neck!"(Awww... poor Kev!)

AJ-"My room at home is real tidy at the moment because I'm away. My keyboards are there, lots of Stephen King books and my sound system."

Nick-"I was aksed out by girls a bunch of times when I was at school. I like girls asking you out because it takes the pressure offyou having to do it, but it hasn't happened for a while, I'm sad to say!"(Oh Nick! I'm sure you'll have plenty of offers now!!)

Brian-"My ideal Saturday night would be to go to the park, play some basketball for an hour until it gets dark then go back and have a shower at my house. After that I'd go and pick up a friend, not anyone in particular, and go to the movies, or out for dinner like a date."(Ok Brian, sounds good to me!)

Brian-"We've got some brilliant fans. We get really excited when we're flying back into a country like Britain, because we get to meet them again- we literally sit ont he plane going, "Oh do you think Helen or Louise, or whoever, will be at the airport?"

Aj-"We had a lot of fun recording Get Down at Fun Factory! Toni the producer was really cool, a great writer. I think it shows we can rap a little bit, and it has more of that hip-hop sound."(Yep! We love it AJ!)

Howie-"I once put someone's name on the Statue of Liberty. I was going up a sprial staircase that led to the top and I saw everybody else's name and thought, "What the heck?" It was mine and somebody else's name in a heart, but I'm not gonna kiss and tell."(Well when anybody goes to NY, see if you can find it!!)

Nick-"I've never been drunk. I'm under age, so I'd get myself in trouble if I drank. It's never interested me. I've heard from some people that drinking isn't bad for your health if you keep it in moderation, but personally I don't like it." (Wow! Nick! You're sooo good!)

Kevin-"I'd like to be President for a day, just to see what iw would be like in his shoes. What laws would I pass? Erm, I think there needs to be money put into cancer and AIDS research, especially since my dad died of cancer. I'd just use the money they had for better things."

AJ-"We're really focused on not taking our fans for granted. You can't get caught up with it, because there is no way to please everybody. But when we can, we like to give them some special attention. We're just trying to be nice and give a little something back.">/p>

Brian-"If we've been to see a scary movie or something and we're sharing a room, and the lights are off when we walk in Nick will go (whispering 'It's dark in here isn't it?' And he's not being funny- he means it!"(hehe! How cute!)

Brian-"When I'm on the road the thing I miss most is sleeping in my own bed. When I get home I love sinking into my own sheets. I miss my pillow and duvet. Hotels are really uncomfortable. They're either too hard or way too soft."(Oh that's sweet Brian!)

Kevin-"If a girl's too loud and tries to get too much attention it kinda puts me off a little bit. And if they don't have very good manners, or if I hear them swearing, then that turns me off too."

AJ-"I'd love to get my eyebrow pierced amd get three tattoos done. I'd have one on my back between my shoulder blades- a sun about as big as three Coke cans. Then, on my left arm my nickname, 'Bone', and on my right arm a Japanese symbol.word meaning 'Eternal Life'"(Sounds cool AJ!)