A farmer buys a cute little filly that he plans on racing next season, but 
when he gets her home, his old stallion smells her and wants her and starts
kicking up dust. The farmer doesn't want her knocked up, because she won't 
be able to race, so he calls the vet. The vet tells him to tie a bedsheet 
around the philly's rump to keep the stallion away. So that day, the farmer
does just that. The next day, the farmer goes out to the corral to make 
sure the vet's solution worked, but the filly's nowhere to be found. The 
farmer follows her hoof trail to the neighbor's farm, and seees the 
neighbor's kid out by their barn. "Hey boy, did you see a filly run 
by with a bedsheet tied around her rump?" the farmer asks. The kid 
replies, "No sir, but one dashed past here early this morning with a 
handkerchief sticking out of her ass!" 

    Source: geocities.com/sunsetstrip/palms/Palms/7416

               ( geocities.com/sunsetstrip/palms/Palms)                   ( geocities.com/sunsetstrip/palms)                   ( geocities.com/sunsetstrip)