A teenage boy (Billy) went to his dad for guidance in the matters regarding
the birds and the bees.The dad being too busy with work didnt have the time
nor the patience to discuss such a dellicate matter with his teenage son.He
thought any prostitute off the street is more than qualified to teach his 
son everything he needs to learn about sex (afterall that was how he got 
his education in sex when  he was at that age)......

DAD: Here son .Take this $100 and go to the city and hire yourself a
prostitute.You'll know everything you need to know about sex by the time 
your done with her.
Billy was a bit confused by all this , but he decided to take up his dad on
his offer. He took the money and left ...
Later while Billy was waiting for the bus that'll take him to the city, his
grandmother happened to be walking by....

Grandmother: Why Billy , where are you off  to this time of the day?
Billy : I'm on my way to the city to hire myself a prostitute so i will 
learn all about sex.
GrandMother: ( Angry) Well thats a shame . it appears that your father is 
too busy to teach you something that should be explained to you by a member
of the family, and why waste the $100 . Come on Billy well go to my house 
and I'll teach you everything that you need to learn.
A couple of hours later Billy was back home.....
DAD: Well Billy did you do what i asked you to do?
Billy : Even better dad . I gave grandma twenty bucks and I fucked her
Billy : Hell yeah you Fucking son of a bitch !!! You've been Fucking my
mother too!!!!!

    Source: geocities.com/sunsetstrip/palms/Palms/7416

               ( geocities.com/sunsetstrip/palms/Palms)                   ( geocities.com/sunsetstrip/palms)                   ( geocities.com/sunsetstrip)