This page was made for my amusement, not just to bash Alanis. If you ike Alanis, you will probably get offended and mad at me and send me some hatemail. Go ahead. I don't mind. But please first read this

Here Are The Reasons Why I Seriously Dislike Alanis

Below are the reasons why I dislike here, continue reading or go read the hate mail I got from some Alanis lovers

  1. She poses for nude pictures ((click here) or here or even here, or here they're all different) even though she is less than perfectly beautiful. (due to my agreement w/ Geocities I had to make it non-pornographic)
  2. She is a man-izer. She once felt sick and had her stomach pumped. They found 5 oz. of seminal fluid in her stomach. If you figure it out that would be about 20 ejaculations, and since it only stays in the body for three days, she had to go down on 20 guys in 3 days. Which means she had gone down on a guy before and after every meal, approximately.
  3. She didn't write a the lyrics on the album.
  4. She didn't write a the music on the album.
  5. Her musical talents are limited to the harmonica (I believe). See here hold (not play) a guitar here
  6. She has an epileptic arm seizure thing going on.
  7. She tries to be angst driven. I know I would be terribly upset if I had sold millions of records. And made millions of dollars
  8. Look on the back of her album. What exactly is she trying to do with that snake? (Thanks to the local radio station for pointing that out to me, since I don't own it)
  9. She used to be bubble-gum pop-deva. Here are some pics. Pic 1, Pic 2
  10. She was on You Can't Do That On Television. Which was a fairly good show, when I was 6.
  11. Not only can't she sing (well that is), she mostly just whines.
  1. 12. Half the things she sings in that overplayed, overly whiney song "Ironic", aren't even ironic. Think about it. The definition of irony….the use of words to express the opposite of what one really means. That's it, straight from Websters.
  2. 13. Her annoying fans. See the Hatemail section
  3. 14. Her hypocritical fans. I was on the Alanis N.G. (gring), and I saw a post from a fellow Alanis disliker. The people in the NG told them to leave and that they were wrong for going into an Alanis group just to bash her. Well that is the same thing that happens with me. A bunch of whiney Alanis fans get together and visit my site, saying I have no right to criticize her. If you don't want to her why she suck then don't come here! It's that simple. I don't post anything anti-alanis in pro-alanis places and you should do the same!
