Important Notice:

Yahoo!, in all of it's infinite stupidity, is closing GeoCities this year, and as of August 2009 you will no longer be able to access Visions of the Electric Poet at this location. Please note the other (and permanent) address for my Jim Morrison art gallery is and the alternate location of the main site (Diary of a Mad Painter) is

Hope to see you there...sorry for the inconvenience, again, it's apparently because Yahoo decided they're not making enough money and don't want to do GeoCities webhosting anymore. Money-money-money, you know. Thanks for dropping by & remember to note my alternate locations as this one will stop working on or around the end of August 2009. Thanks!

*Also, here are the direct links to my other main Galleries:

Alice Cooper
Marilyn Manson
Cradle of Filth

Rock On!

Jim Morrison Art "Wilderness of Pain" © 2007-2009 Michele E. Fusco. About the Artist