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#3 AUGUST 1996

third issue back cover third issue front cover

Luis Oliveira
Marlene Borges Gothic Horns logo
Carlos Lobo

Thanks to Tózé Pinho e Hugo Lima (scannings)

Here's the third issue of your Mehr Licht!. The printing of the current issue was meant to be much better but it wasn't possible due to various complications. Maybe nest time...

Due to me leaving Those Barren Leaves, the zine will dissociate from one of it's fundamental principles - the divulgation of the band which, however, will continue to be reported, but not with the predominance demonstrated until now. Despite that principle no longer being considered, Mehr Licht! will continue [Fütter mein Ego] following all it's other purposes expressed in the editorial for the first issue.

Probably, there will be more things to write about from now on, with the settlement of the Super Rock and Paredes de Coura festivals and with the recovery of the Vilar de Mouros festival, as well as with other events which will occur from now on.

I must apologize for the delay of the current issue which was planed for March!...


Those Barren Leaves
Rosetta Stone
Dead Can Dance
Edgar Allan Poe

__________LIVE REVIEWS__________

Cais do Rock'96
(Zen, Primitive Reason, Mary Jane, Clockwork, The Astonishing Urbana Fall, Supernova, Blind Men's Buff, Monster Piece, Bird Scream, Red Beans, Orange, 1-Zero Amarelo)
The Young Gods
Awakening - 1st Gothic Festival
(Ignoto Deo, The Sisterhood Of Shadow, Martyrium, Those Barren Leaves )
The Jesus & Mary Chain
John Zorn

__________RECORD REVIEWS__________

Midnight Call
Passion Noire