Ok, here are just some little blurbs about my friends who have aol... the ones who don't have it will never know that they aren't on here...
They aren't in any order... I just randomly threw out names and wrote about them!! =)

Lindsay Carroll (since she was the first and only one to complain about not being mentioned)
Lindsay is really cool... she was in my math class last year and I have known her a really long time... We used to go to the same day camp at the local YMCA. She is 5'7, has blondish hair (which is sometimes tinted purple), she has blue eyes.
Occupation: full time princess
Personal Quote: I am wasting all my money on soda
Favorite Color/Thing: Purple penguins
Hey Cindy: Can I borrow ten dollars?
She's a junior with me at DHS.
We bum cigarettes off each other.

Kristin Flower
Flower Power!! She used to live in this hell town of Darien, CT with me, but she moved this summer to Spring, TX. She is soo missed here. She loves softball, dancing, talking on the phone, being hyper, and hateing those who hate her. She's a junior at whatever high school she goes to now.
Personal Quotes: Let the phone ring lets go back to sleep,let the world spin outside are door ur the only one I wanna see. hurry get back in I'm getting cold,get over here and warm my hands up boy it's you they love to hold,come on darlin lets go back to bed!
"Now and forever you are apart of me and the memories cut like a knife".........friends come and friends go but the CREW will never leave my mind, memories, and heart...I love you guys...

Ted Graves
What CAN'T I say about Ted? There's just so much! He lives in Pembroke, Mass. He's 17, and a senior at Silver Lake High School. He is a good friend of mine. Sometimes he really pisses me off b/c he doesn't think we're allowed to do things b/c he has a girlfriend. He's a curler with me, and at curling bonspiels we have dances every Saturday night. (A bonspiel is all weekend.) And he thinks that just b/c he has a g/f, we can't dance anymore. See, we used to be together, and when I'm like, "Wanna dance?" he always says, "We can't anymore..." and when he does that I just want to cry. I dance w/ all my other friends, but for some reason, Ted thinks I'll try and grope him or something. I'm not really sure what's going on in his head. He's the BIGGEST trekky you will ever hear about. Seriously! You should see his bedroom! (Hey! Like I said, we used to date!)

Mike Trenck
Mikey - what can I say about Mikey? He's dating Jax. He's a freshman at Sacred Heart University. He knows what he wants in life... He was on Post 911 (that means he was a kiddy-cop) in high school, an Emergency Medical Tech (EMT) and a Volunteer Firefighter... plus he used to drive me around, so I loved him for that too. =) Mikeyness!
Personal Quote: "I got no money COWBOY!"-Mike "Just how cold IS it?"- Mike and Jax.
Turk II

Erica Godfrey
Erica, what can I POSSIBLY say about her?? She's a good little Catholic girl, right Mike?? Yeah right... She is always partying, talking on the phone, draping herself over boys, hanging w/ friends, and getting me into trouble... even if it'a a tiny as getting caught for skipping study hall... We like to sit in Bio class and "compare" things... random things =) (Erica, we talked about the male reproductive parts on Friday, YOU MISSED IT!!!) I love Erica... She's on Post 911 too. Erica is a junior with me at DHS. She's dating JASON OLSEN!! hahahahahaahahaha!!!!!!!!

Laura Belden
Laura's awesome... I've known her a long time too. We have been friends since 1st grade, when we started as Brownies. Laura's into riding, softball, South Park, sleeping, talking on the phone, drinking Chocolate Blasts (even though the guy at Baskin Robbins hates her and Kristin). She loves annoying people with her Tickle Me Big Bird & Cookie Monster,
Her quotes: *HaTiNg ThE pRePpY BiTcHeS @ DHS*, Lifes a B*TCH then it has puppies, Yo Quiero Taco Bell, She likes hanging out w/ her Norwalk friends, she loves Puff Daddy, Scream, Mase, Sublime, Scream 2, goin' to the mall, and The Craft. She's also a JR with me at DHS.

Lauren Dunne
Lauren is like my sister. I met her when I was 12 at a curling bonspiel in Wayland, Mass. She is 19. She goes to bonspiels when she's not competeing in National Track Meets. Laur is number three in the state of Massachusetts. Now thats pretty damn fast. Lauren has a twin Caitlin. She's really nice too. I've stayed at Lauren's house about four times, and I think Cait is awesome. She is a pharmacist, and a freshman at the University of Hartford.

Jeff Hong
Jeff lives in Glastonbury, CT, and he is a real good friend of mine. He is a sophomore at UConn. Jeff is basically my "therapist." I tell him what I'm happy/sad about and he tells me what to do... I tell him what to do when he's got issues too.. that's our relationship. Most of my friends around here don't feel like hearing about my shit. Except Mike and that's only because I force him to listen. =) Jeff plays volleyball, and is fucken AWESOME at it!!!
Personal quotes: Personal Quote: "you are smarter than you think, stronger than you seem and braver than you believe"-pooh love was when i loved you, one true time, i hold onto...when i go home and lay my head down all i seem to think about is you...

Tracy Lynch
I've known Tracy forever too! She is a junior with me too. She is so awesome, but she's short... and for that remark she'll break my knees in english tomorrow. =) LOVE YAH TRACE!! I have known Tracy for almost eight years... thats a long time... She and I were Brownies and Juniors together... She quit in 6th grade and I'm just not good at quitting stuff that I've committed to, so I'm still in it, but now I'm a senior. Cool, huh? yeah, I know its not. Tracy has this AWESOME pool... we used to go swimming in it with her dog... that dog was the best dog in the whole world. We used to drive her nuts... remember that Trace?? It was fun. Tracy is obsessed with the movie The Shining, so she's always going around saying "REDRUM!!!" That's why her nickname is Satan's Child. She's possessed!!

Mike Micciche
Cheech... hmm. Soooo much to say about Cheech. Well? I love him. What else CAN I say? Nothing! No, he's got this awesome car he used to, or still calls the Ghetto Mobile... . Last year, religiously, every day he would go CLEAN HIS HUBCAPS!!!! (Their crome and he's anal.) I used to be able to see him b/c I was in science and he parked outside my classroom. It was sooo funny. He's on the golf team at school and he's the best trumpet player known to man. (Well....) He has Young Life at his house every Thursday, in his basement. He loves to play badmitton, and he kicks ass... especially Louis's. (J/K Lou!!!) He's the Yearbook chief editor... I'm just a insignificant editor, oh well!!

Grenadine is this band that played at this local place a few days ago... They're all really cool... James, Preston, Geoff, and Stefan are in the band... There's one other guy but I don't remember his name. Travis Demers is their manager... He's cool too.
If you want them to play for you, like a party or something... e-mail them.
Travis James Preston Stefan Geoff

Kristin Gomes
Kristin, aka: angel, baby shorty, gimp, and gnomes. And her name is spelled with a I N not a E N, she hates when people do that. She's a LIBRA and is a senior at DHS. She's got a boyfriend named John, who I've never met, but she raves about him so he must be cool. She plays soccer, indoor track, softball, and pool.
Occupation: She doesn't have one except she goes to school and plays sports. but she does sleep, which is her favorite pass time.
Personal Quotes: "I have to go pinch a loaf." "SWEEEET" "I love you" "Freaky Freaky" "You can't win when you are sitting on the bench"

Catherine Hovell
Catrin, wut can I say about Cat??? She's awesome and we have the same birthday!! In seventh grade, Lindsay organized a surprise party for the two of us.. neither of us really knew one another, but now we're friends and it's cool... She loves horseback riding (shows!!!), snowboarding, sailing, playing softball, yoinking, doing far too much, tubing, kneeboarding, biking (kinda), obsessing over above mentioned guy, falling into mud (oops), revisiting that scary place (KM!!)
Personal Quotes: "Yoink" "Kick it Root Down!!" "GROOMER!!" "Anyway..." "That pink furry bunny's tickling my fancy... literally"-- Kelly The DHS sailing team KICKS ASS!! "Smelly boat, smelly boat..."-- who else? "Shut your trap!! No, I'm fixing it"--shmuck

Liam Wright
What can I say about Liam?? Liam is awesome. He moved from Texas to Natick, Massachusetts. He's friends with Lauren Dunne (my sister). I went to visit Lauren for my birthday and while I was there I met Liam. He wass cool.

Damien Leonard
Hmm... how do I describe Damien?? Well, I think they made the word "player" to describe him. That's him in a nutshell... =) He's, like, the greatest guy, but he goes through girlfriends like they are toothbrushes! When one gets used and doesn't work the way it should, he replaces it. See? Like a toothbrush. Nah, but he's a great guy. He's a sophomore in college in Mass somewhere. I don't remember where he's going eventhough he told me a million times. He's like, best friends with Lauren. He is such an awesome guy!
The Dame

Jennifer Hayford
Jen is the coolest person in the whole world!! She is my really good friend. I go to her house and we sit in the backyard and talk about guy problems. She's going out with a sweetheart, his name is Colin. Jen moved to Darien last year and immediatley we became friends b/c we are so similar. She lives really close to me, so we used to sit on the bus together also. Now I have to walk, and she gets to take the bus. Jen is so funny. She'll be talking to you, and then all of a sudden she'll start skanking!! It's like, "Jen, STOP!!! I'm trying to talk to you!" she never sits still. She got the priviledge to sit in front of me in math class last year. Nah, just kidding. Jen, I love yah!!

Colin Donegan
Donegan... what can I say about you boy?? I dunno!! You are funny, and you always crack me up when you make fun of Fabs... That time when he was talking in english and he said "pond" instead of "pound." You were there to say "That's pound you moron!" You are so funnny. They are so cute together. They are both so shy and quiet when they are around people, and its so cute b/c they just sit there and don't even talk to each other!! J/K guys!! Love yah!!

Claire Forte
CLAIRE!!!! We are such good friends! We were best friends in 6th grade when we met. We just become really good friends again in the area of 8th/and freshman year... She is the coolest person in the whole world. She has long black hair with blue highlights. She used to work at Walgreens but she quit b/c they are all losers there. She and I have a mad obsession with a teacher we both had in eighth grade. We go back every once in a while to check him out, DAMN WHAT A HOTTIE!!!! He's in a band called Militia and he plays the drums... damn. Claire loves hottie freshmen and mailmen (JD)... she also loves ME!!! J/k =) Claire's da bomb...

More to come!!! E-mail me if you want to be added =)
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