This is Fernanda, Sandy, and Heather.... They are pretty cool... I don't know Fernanda really well.. I've know Heather forever, and I was in an art class with Sandy, untill she moved to Arizona (?? I think?)

This is another picture of Heather. Did I mention that she's won a lot of pageants?? I don't think I did. Her web page's link is on my COOL LINK PAGE.

This is Joe... or Jody, which is his real name... he is pretty cool! He lives in Calabash, NC - 15 miles from Myrtle Beach, SC!! He is 26... uhhh... yeah... that's Jody! His personal quotes: "Misunderstood, I have only myself as an audience....". "There is a God and he is exactly what the bible says he is." Um... yeah... enough about him.. but he IS single, so send him and e-mail...

This is Bri. Brian is 16 and he lives in Riverton, CT. He is so interesting. He is connected to the Internet and I don't feel like giving out his address, without permission you know? I'll get yelled at! He is with a teacher and his dad... Brian is really cool. I have only known him about a year, but I know he's realllllly nice and a cool guy. I've known him for longer, but we just recently became good friends. I met Bri at a curling bonspiel... One of the reasons I love curling so much is because you meet so many new people, and it is just really great. After the season ends, you keep in touch with everyone, and the people you meet are probably going to be really good friends that you'll have for a loooong time.

I've been talking about all my friends who live out of state, so I decided to give you and idea of who I am friends with locally. To talk about my IDIOT friends, here is the PERFECT example: Ian. Don't get me wrong, Ian's a great friend, but he just has WAY too much time on his hands!!! He was a freshman with me at school, but he got kicked out... Well, he sent me this one day. If you want to send me something, and if it's cool, I'll most likely put in on here. Thats just what I do.

This is Mike Trenck... he's one of my best friends. My friend Mike Miccici sent this to me. I'm using it for blackmail... He claims he was wasted when this picture was taken. I don't think so. I just think he's dumb!!! J/K!! I love Mikey!

This is JEFFREYNESS!!!! He's my best friend and he's awesome. He's a cool one. He's a senior at Fairfield Prep and he wants to go to college FAR away. He wants to go to colleges anywhere in New Hampshire, Vermont, or Maine. He likes Metallica, Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Save Ferris, DMB, Phish, and Weezer. He's so funny. He's on the phone with me right now and he's letting me listen to some random Weezer song, WHICH SUCKS!, and it's random. He's random, if I haven't mentioned already. He is random. He's also really huge. Seriously. I've never seen someone so big before in my life. He's got these mad biceps that are the size of my thigh! He's diesel.

SOOO not. Like, he's the WEENIEST boy I've ever met in my life, besides my ex, Ted. Ted atleast worked out. Jeff's skinny, tall, and beautiful. The pic might not show it, actually I know it dosn't, but he's really hot. I'm sure he'd love to hear this, but whateva! He can just cope...

This is Stacy (right). The other girl is Liz, but I don't know her. Stacy is Jeff's ex. (Jeff my best friend.) Stacy and I have been friends for awhile now. She's realllly cool. She lives in Norwalk and is a senior at St. Luke's. I went to 6 Flags with her and Jeff this summer. It was the first time I'd ever been there and it kicked ass. Oh well.

More to come...

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