When I woke up the next morning I was acutely reminded that the lotion wears off after a while and I definitely needed another application. Actually, I had my purse sized bottle and twice more I went into the ladies room at the newspaper office to give myself another dose.

Pete stopped by to invite me to his place for dinner. The offer was tempting but I needed at least another day or two before I considered having sex again. Mr. Denner had been standing next to my desk and decided to add his two cents. "Make sure you have a good cushion on her chair young man. Someone gave her bottom a good workout last night and she's been running to put more lotion on it all day."

I was shocked. Not by his mention of my bottom since sex was an open subject around here. No, what surprised me was his use of hyperbole. He's a very accurate reporter and I didn't think my two trips to the ladies room counted as "All Day". I harrumphed at him and he walked away.

I saw the question in Pete's eyes and said, "I went to the police station to see George last night."

He nodded, "I see. Cell three was it?"

My blush confirmed it. He reached out to hold my hand and said, "Well, I won't say I didn't have hopes for enticing you to my bed but I understand a session with him in cell three can be very intense not to mention exhausting. That does put a minor crimp in my plans but most of it is still possible."

Now I was curious and decided to hear him out before refusing. He outlined his agenda for us. First dinner at his place and then to watch an old movie together. He said we would skip the wild abandoned sex but he still wanted me to spend the night. Oh, I was supposed to bring my own pajamas and a change of clothes for the morning. His boss told him he could have tomorrow off so we could sleep late on Saturday. We'd start the day with breakfast and then go for a leisurely bicycle ride to Evans Peak. He said the bikes were optional and we could take a car but tradition called for two wheeled vehicles. I should explain that Evans Peak isn't really a major mountain. It's a small rise that occasionally pops up a few miles out of town and is a popular spot for an afternoon outing. We would be part of a large crowd of riders and a massive impromptu picnic invariably happens. I had actually been considering going to see what the big deal was and here was my chance. What's more, it became an assignment.

Mr. Denner overheard Pete's plan and decided that I should go and write up my impressions for the paper. So the issue of how to spend Saturday was settled. The only question was did I want to leave from my apartment or Pete's. I had already spent one night with him without sex and it was rather nice. I had also done some checking on his cooking skills and heard nothing but good reports. That fact was confirmed by the little Greek chorus on the other side of the room. My boss said, "What are you waiting for? Say Yes. One of his dinners went for over one hundred dollars at the last church auction. You'll get one for free and breakfast too. Sound like a pretty good deal to me."

Pete and I laughed and I smiled. "OK. When should I be there?"

We set a time and I agreed to pack an overnight bag.

The rest of the afternoon seemed to fly by. I was enjoying the attentions of more than one man but I was starting to lean towards Pete. As I gathered the clothes in my apartment I was in a quandary. The outfit for Saturday was an easy choice. However, the selection of suitable nightwear was another story. I had some things that were very sexy but I wasn't sure if I was ready for sex after the marathon last night. Pete said he was willing to forego that pleasure and it would be unfair of me to wear something too enticing. Besides, he specifically said I was to bring pajamas and I had the perfect thing. Comfortable but silky so if he wanted to touch me when we woke up it would be pleasurable for both of us. A morning frolic might be just the thing to start the day.

My next decision was what to wear that night. Nothing too fancy but something nice. He liked me in a dress last week so that's what I chose. I was slightly afraid that he would be in jeans and T-shirt and I would feel silly but he met me at the door in good slacks and a collared shirt. We admired each other for a moment before he let me in. A quick kiss and he ran off to the kitchen for last minute preparations while I put my bag in the bedroom.

The table was set with good china and candles. When he brought out the food it was beautiful to look at and absolutely delicious. I insisted on helping him wash the dishes and then we settled on his couch to watch a movie. It was one of those wonderful romantic films from the forties and we were snuggled together. He had some tissues ready for when I cried at the sad parts and held me close at the happy ending. Then we just sat and talked for hours. It didn't seem like a date, just two good friends spending an evening together without the pressure or eager anticipation of sex. Not that we ignored that subject entirely. There was some friendly flirting and a kiss or two. At one point he asked me what I thought of my experience the night before.

I thought for a moment before answering. "You described it pretty well. It was very intense and exhausting. I've never had a sexual experience that strong or that long. It might be different if I grew up here but I'm still new to spanking as foreplay. I'm not sorry I did it but I don't think I'll want to do it again. I hope that doesn't disappoint you."

He squeezed my hand and said, "Not a bit. George and Larry like that place but I don't think I would get much pleasure out of it. I know your rear end was stinging by the end of the game last weekend but that's about as far as I want to go."

I gave him a kiss and smiled. "Oh, by the way. I discovered your little secret about using the lotion for longer endurance."

He laughed, "Did George use that trick last night? Well, I'll be darned. First of all, I didn't think it was a secret and secondly, I only do that for the Spanking Game. There's no way I could last through that without the lotion. Otherwise I eschew artificial enhancement. My feeling is that sex is supposed to be pleasurable for both parties. I can't see myself not enjoying every sensation along with my partner. I don't think I run out of steam prematurely but if you think I need to change my ways just say so."

I snuggled closer and assured him that I had nothing but praise for his prowess. We kissed a few more times and talked some more. At last we both yawned and he said, "Come on beautiful. It's time for bed."

We changed into our pajamas (in separate rooms) and when we got to his bed he hugged me and ran his hands over the fabric. He commented, "Very nice to the touch but so is the woman inside."

I purred and after climbing under the covers he continued exploring the silky material and pretty soon I didn't feel so tired after all. I suppose you could call him a cad for not keeping his word about no sex that night but I was a willing participant in his downfall. It wasn't just a frantic coupling but a long and slow process. He was gentle and took his time. Even when he was inside he let me savor every moment. The only time his hand connected with my bottom was to caress it. I had engaged in more sex since coming to Riverton than for the last year or two. But this was the first time it went beyond that. He made love to my body and my brain.

After putting our pajamas back on I fell asleep in his arms. The last thought before I drifted off was that this man was the leading contender to spank me with Mrs. Olsen's hairbrush.

I woke up to the most wonderful aromas and stumbled into the kitchen. He was still in his night clothes and greeted me with a hug and a cup of delicious coffee. He explained that it was a special blend he got through a mail order house. The table was already set and he graciously let me squeeze the oranges so we would have fresh juice. I said the coffee wasn't the only thing I smelled and he looked at the clock. "The cinnamon rolls have about four more minutes to go. What do you want in your omelet?"

He went on to list the options available and when I made my choices he commenced preparing it. When he said it was going to be a gourmet breakfast he wasn't kidding. Everything was scrumptious and if he decided to leave the lumber business Dana's Diner was going to have very strong competition.

We showered together and did some wet groping but it was just for fun. As we were getting dressed he asked if I felt up to riding a bike. I said, "I don't think I'll need the lotion but a small application might be a good idea. The problem is that I don't have a bicycle."

He smiled. "First I'll help with the lotion and then I have a surprise for you."

The surprise was a brand new touring bike. He said, "Mr. Fitch at the Two Wheeler said you could take this for a test ride today. If you like it I'd like it's yours."

I knew very little about these vehicles but I recognized the brand. I thought he was talking about buying it for me so I shook my head and said, "I can't let you do that. This thing costs too much."

He laughed, "I would love to buy you expensive gifts but this is not from me. Mr. Denner called yesterday and said to pick out a nice one. He said that since he gives his paper carriers a bicycle his star reporter should be equally equipped. Especially since her assignment for today is to report on the events at Evan's Peak. Here, get on and I'll help you adjust the seat and handle bars."

I made a mental note to violate normal office decorum and give that old man a big kiss on Monday.

The ride to Evan's Peak was great fun. The roads were filled with other riders of all ages. It was truly a family outing and Howard and a few of his friends had their pickups at the base of the hill to carry us and our bikes the rest of the way. I know I couldn't have made it up that grade.

The day was filled with picnics, races of all kinds, a softball game, and general good fellowship. I can't remember when I had such a good time. Of course, it was a working holiday for me. As the Riverton Journal's start reporter I had to make sure I had all the names of the participants and especially the winners of each race. I know what you're thinking, why bother since everybody in town knew the results but when their names are published it makes it special.

Pete and I rode home together and when we got to my apartment I said, "Thank you for a wonderful day. Now I'm going to grab a quick supper and then to the office. I've got to get all these notes organized and write my article before I forget anyone."

He kissed me and replied, "I had a good time with you too."

I had the romantic thought that he might wait while I did my work and then spend the night together so I asked, "What do you have planned for tonight?"

His answer was not what I wanted. He said, "Did you notice the girl who was playing shortstop? We went to high school together but she went outside to go to college. She got married but it didn't last so she came home. I'm taking her to the Moving Finger to welcome her back to Riverton. You'll meet her at church tomorrow. I'm sure you'll like her."

How to describe my feelings? Anger? Disappointment? Jealousy? I had momentarily forgotten the Riverton attitude towards casual sex and had been making more of our budding relationship. I barely kept the venom out of my voice as I responded. "I'm looking forward to making her acquaintance. We can compare notes about life in the other world. I'm sure you will make sure she's reminded of her old days in town and welcomed properly."

I ate some tasteless leftovers and forced myself to go to the office. The poor keyboard got the benefit of my wrath as I wrote the article and I felt silly for the occasional tear in my eye. I was so intent on my work that the knock on the window really startled me. I wiped my face and opened the door to Howard. He bounded in and said, "Old man Denner works you too hard. Finish whatever you're doing and come with me. Evan's peak will be there a little longer and some of us are going to have a bonfire."

Not counting being over his lap at the special party, I had not seen much of Howard since the day he helped me move to Riverton. But he was just what I needed. He saved me from going home and having a long pity party. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself but this was not going to be the only time he showed up in the nick of time. And not just to save me from a bout of funk. More on that later.

We rode in his pickup and when we got to the top of the little mountain I saw a number of vehicles and the glow of a roaring fire. There was a small crowd around it with much laughter and singing to a barely audible guitar. I snuggled in his arms and pretty soon we were kissing (and wow could this guy kiss) and doing other stuff that enticed us to move to a quieter location.

It was a warm moonless night and the stars were glorious. From the quiet noises around us I gathered that we weren't the only couple taking advantage of the soft grass and relative privacy of the dark. I giggled when I heard the unmistakable sounds of Riverton style foreplay and got a soft swat on my own rear end. Then he tenderly squeezed it and I knew his hand would return there in a different manner before too long.

We lay down on the soft grass and continued the kissing and petting while getting our clothes off. The group skinny-dip last weekend was my introduction to out of doors nudity but that was just good natured fun. Being naked for more intimate activities in the open air was another new experience and it made everything even more exciting and arousing.

Just like the time in my old apartment, he got me to the point where I thought I couldn't wait a minute longer to feel him inside of me before he rolled me over. He raised me onto my knees and slowly added to the fire below with his gentle but stinging hand. A really good swat or two to finish and he found a welcome receptacle for his lust.

I could have stayed there all night but when the ground shuddered a bit he said, "Old Evan has had enough fun for this year. We better get moving."

As we gathered our clothes I noticed a number of silhouettes doing the same and we headed home. I was sitting close to him and whispered, "Can you spend the night at my place?"

He stroked my hair and said, "No, I have a better idea. Your tub is too small for two. Let's get some clothes for you to wear to church and you can see what a real shower is like tomorrow morning."

He helped me pack a few things if you can call his actions help. I was ready to drag him into my little bed but he insisted on waiting. A little while later I saw why. His house was on the edge of town and was beautiful. He had built it himself and it was awesome. I didn't get to see all of it right away since he now agreed with me that we belonged on a mattress.

A wild romp (which I leave to your imagination) and the delight of falling asleep in strong arms.

His shower was unbelievable. Plenty of room for both of us with the water coming from all angles. It was a good thing we started early since we were in there cleaning(?) each other for a long time. The breakfast was up to Pete's standards but was wonderful nevertheless.

Speaking of Pete, when I saw him I asked how his date went. He shrugged and said, "Not too well. It didn't take us long to remember why we only dated once in school."

I wasn't really gloating when I told him that Howard had taken me to the bonfire. If I expected a reaction from him I was disappointed. He smiled and said, "That's always a lot of fun. I'm glad you got to see it."

Oh well.

Continue to the next chapter of the Life in Riverton.

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