The police just left. A young college student had disappeared and since she was posing for me on the night she vanished they were well within their rights to suspect a single man living alone in the old Gray mansion. I showed them the picture I painted of her. It was not my greatest work but it showed her youthful innocence quite well. They searched the place from top to bottom and interviewed me for hours. I told them I did not know where she was but that was only part of the story. In truth, she is in another place and another time that I do not fully understand myself. Had they been more thorough in their rummaging they would've seen taken notice of another painting. It shows a young woman waiting on a bench next to the headmaster's office. She is nervous and knows that her appointment with him is not going to be pleasant. The door is slightly ajar and one can see an umbrella stand with more than a few thin but sturdy rattan canes and she is destined to become acquainted with them. Truly a study in apprehensive contemplation and without a doubt, my magnum opus.

After I inherited the place from Uncle Dorian I found some paints and detailed instructions. My self portrait already shows signs of aging but I wanted more than that. She was my inspiration. At midnight tonight I will become part of the painting, open the door completely and invite her in. If you look close you can see confusion as well as fear. She is dressed in the manner of a bygone era but in the next few hours she will come to have a better comprehension of the clothes and undergarments of the Victorian age as each layer is removed. With the first light of dawn I will reluctantly leave her and return to the real world while she reoccupies her spot on the bench. Her face will more animated as she looks through the door and is forced to gaze upon the canes. The part of her that meets the hard wood will keep her constantly reminded of their capabilities and the inescapable fact that they will be used on her again and again. In time, her expression may reflect resignation to her fate but I have the paints and can add whatever implements I think will keep her interest in our nightly games for many years.

From an artistic perspective, life is good.

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