This is just my logo

Welcome to the realms of the Millenniumking. I don't know how you found your way over to this hellhole. But since you are here, stick around for a while and explore these dark and godforsaken realms.

What might this be then?

One of my main interests is to provide headbangers like myself, with somewhat interesting and accurate information about the bands I prefer. My main target has been norwegian black metal gods Old Man's Child. That site has been up for a couple of years now, and it has been working just fine. Just recently I started up a Satyricon site, called The Dominions of Satyricon. I hope that will work out fine too, you never know...

There has been a whole lot of  other crappy sites over the years, that just went down the drain. But what the hell. It is fun anyway!

Well that's it about that. Got any questions? Just send me a mail.

This site © 1999 Millenniumking



Oh, I forgot...

Choose your path and continue your journey.

Old Man's Child - The Millennial Kingdom

The Dominions of Satyricon


See ya in hell


Galder - The God of Impiety