Kristn's Artstuffs

Yes, even KRISTN gets bored. This is the result. Proceed with kaution.

Cometh with me to ye olde Reniassance Faire!

don't put off until tomorrow the horrorshow tolchock you kan deliver today!

Get on da bus...Da GHETTO bus..I AM THE PIG!This is mocking Jhon.  This is what happens when I get a hold of church literature.This is one kewl katalog.  Check it out. Stalker, Texas Ranger-On your trail. A kewl dood with a kewl day of the week.  How nift.What more is there to say but....WORD.This is my art from my story for the SuperClub's story kontest last December. So is this.  Sounds interesting, eh? Rhiannon pays a lot of attention to her toilet paper...Thanx, dood!

Blu is Kew