This is my boy, Unkle Shadow. When I put this together he was experiencing the joys of having had an abcess and is in a recuperative state. But finally his stitches were out and eventually his fur grew back on his neck and head and was restored to his natural beauty. He no longer had the hose through his head. Yuck!

Sad tidings follow on this page for now. As of 12th October 2007 Unkle Shadow B. Splinterz life with us ceased. I have moved remains and been through at least half a dozen other pets but he was so a member of the family that my experience was far more profound than I have ever experience with the death of anyone close. We did know that it was only going to be a matter of time and I am thankful that Shadow's decline was only two days rather than two months. My life has been marked by Shadow's place in it. I have spent one half of my current existence with him in it. I miss him very much and hope that this website is reachable to link. He had a great run and was a dear friend. I hope we may meet again.

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