

Jen's Bagpipe Services
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Take me away
Take me away to your magical place.
Where nothing you could say,
Would change my pace.
Sweep me from this hell
There's nothing left to tell.
Carry me away
To a place where children play.
Somewhere where there are not rules
only lover's and their fools
Any day is fine
as long as you are mine
Please will you come and
Carry me Away?
Please come soon,
Perhaps by tomorrow's moon.

What You Give me
an excited smile
a warm embrace
that is all you could give
that is all I wanted
having you there
filled me with so many emotions
that when it was time to go
I would be left breathless
in a state of parallel
Craving for your return
not because of all the
things I vocalized
but because of all the
things I could not
and now that you're not here
I find myself
wanting, longing
for that attention from anyone.
But it's not the same
It never will be
You will always have that
Certain part of me.
I wait, hoping that one day
you might return
or that someone will fill
the void you have left.

Trapped and secluded
lost in a white world
having no where to go
having nothing to long for
you are left to face your reflection,
as your dreams, desires and fears
stare back at you in the mirror





I felt it again,
Those hurtful words.
I thought they had gone away.
The utterance of such words,
Tears my heart out
From inside the caged fortress of my chest,
And through my charred skin
Exposing it to the world.
These words throw my heart to the ground
And proceeds to stomp the life
From it's flowing chambers,
Causing it to die
And ceasing my existence
As a human being.
All of this,
Just because of those words



The Unknown
by Jen

Knowing what is right and wrong
Knowing what I’ve come to long
Not knowing the feeling of true love
Not feeling this from above

I fear the things I do not know
The same way the scarecrow,
Fears the crow.
I’m afraid to give my to trust others
Quite the opposite,
Of how children cling to their mothers
I keep my emotions inside
Sometimes I wish I could just hide,

Why can’t I just be free?
Trying to break these chains
They only bring me pains.
Trapped in a prison of uncertainty
What does the future hold for me?
It seems as if everyone knows their role
But I am left here, trapped in this hole.

I try and put on my happy face
It seems though that I cannot keep up with the pace,
Of everyone moving so quickly by.
I just turn around and sigh.

  Deeper and deeper I sink,
Into the darkness that has begun to stink
No one knows what I feel,
It’s like a homeless person looking for a meal.
They long for what they cannot obtain
That is why I sing this refrain.
Of longing for what I cannot have.


It's Hard

It's hard 
to see couples together everyday.
Seeing them share themselves with each other,
and knowing that I cannot do the same. 
It's hard
being afraid of an emotion that is unknown,
but yet it is something I am longing for.
it's Hard
to be alone.


Why am I so Stupid?
Sometimes I feel like I am a child 
who believes in cooties
I know what I want,
I know what I have to do to get what I want.
But I'm afraid,
Afraid to put it on the line,
Afraid of getting hurt.


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This site was last updated 06/21/04