Random Snippits of Thought

***Welcome to Kasi's Random Snippits of Thought. I decided to change the name from Thought of the Day to this, since trying to post a new thought everyday was WAY too much responsibility. hehe I'll keep my thoughts posted for awhile, before I take them off. Thanks for at least PRETENDING to be interested. hehe ***

Saturday - 10/07/06

I have no more thoughts. I lost them all when I started this project.

Monday - 04/26/04

"Alone again. Waiting and watching in an ever resting state of anxious sorrow. Holding back on my feelings of revelation. Draw the curtain, pose a smile."

Friday - 05/02/03

"Love is a temporary escape from reality. Once the euphoria fades you're left with a lifetime of monotony."

Sunday - 12/31/01

"Hi, banana. Hi, spaghetti. Hi."
-the Juliana Hatfield three

Sunday - 07/29/01

"Marla was like that cut on the roof of your mouth that would go away if you'd stop tonguing it, but you can't."
-Edward Norton's Character (Narrator) in Fight Club

Sunday - 07/22/01

I sure hope this sunburn turns into a tan, so my pain isn't a TOTAL loss.

Wednesday - 07/18/01

I'm not doing to well with this thought of the day thing, am I? hehehe It's hard to do this AND my livejournal...

Friday the 13th

"This too Shall Pass"

Thursday - 07/12/01


Wednesday - 07/11/01

"Tell it to the sky, or no one..."
-Tracy Bonham

Friday - Tuesday -- 07/06/01 - 07/10/01
