My CyberPals

P.S. to those of you that are not yet listed then I am sorry that I am such a slow mover...*s*...Pleez know that you are not forgotten.


My first pal being SPIKE. He is the first person that I began chatting with in the HH. We met in the bar about a year and a half ago. Has been a very good year and a half too. I have grown very close to SPIKE for many reasons. The first being that he is so gentlemanly, at least until you know him that is.*L*

He was the first person not to ask How Naughty are ya Nikki? That drew me towards him. We have had many good times in the bar and the library as well, and I know that we will have an everlasting friendship. *S*

So, if you haven't already had the opportunity to meet SPIKE, then if you see him work up a chat, and I assure you it may be one to remember. He is one of those that leave an impression on ya...*s*

SPIKE, I love ya...I owe you many thanx and you must know that I am forever here when ya need me.


My first gal pal would have to be Dax. I also met her in the bar she has not had the opportunity to chat for some time but we still try to keep in touch at least a little. If you know her, I will say that she is doing well and has found a nice man to court.. Dax, I wish you the best. Miss ya too girl...


Eury is another old friend, but a good one also. He and I have many music interests in common. That is our first thing to bring us together, He is a real sweet talker and a charmer too. So, ladies watch yourself, at the time he is still a free man...*S*

Eury, thanx for always being there when needed.


sentinel is one of a kind. *kotl* And well, I am still kicking my own ass for not getting to know him sooner. He is the kewlest dude ever, or so I think. I have said like hi/bye to him for quite some time now and just the first of this year I was able to get to know him. And I must add that is the best New Years gift one could ask. He and I have all the same music interests, attitudes towards certain things, and a great way of communication. He has in a very short amount of time became very close to my heart and I would like to express that now. Ladies he too is single and the Catch of any day, but, I put the hook in the water first*lol*. senti, I have already told you so I will not announce it to the world wide web... He is a bit shy so you may need to approach him, but once you get to know him he warms up rather nicely, I get a laugh daily. senti, thank you for coming into my life, I know we too will be forever friends, and I'm anxiously awaiting that Ozzy show...*w*


Now, I find Red to be the tough one of the house so to speak. It took me and her a long time to finally hit it off but we came to realizewithout much effort that we were alike inmany ways. She is always up for some good chat. She is a hardworking, loveable, and trustworthy person that I have tome to respect greatly. Red, your the best...


He is what I used to refer to as the stud man of the library. Having got to know him I realize he has a very high opinion of himself and was a hard fish to catch. Just ringing in the New Yer he proposed to his new found love, Sofia. She found his heart and gave him hers, making both very happy. As I am happy for them and their happiness. I wish the two of you the very best of luck in life journey together.

Lady Constance

Thee Lady Constance is one you will always remember . The only words you ever hear out of her are always kind. Even being mean, her wordssound kind. She is becoming a better friend to me all the time. She is around little to she is a very busy Lady. Every chance I get to just drop a hello I do, because I await her kind reply. She brightens a room the way the morning sun shines in an open window. Thank thee for shining on me. *S*


Bigboy is a very kind and gentleman as well. He is a real kind person and very laid back. Even though he and I couldn't jam out on the same music we always have a good chat. He is funto be around and a very considerate person. If you ever have the opportunity to make his acquaintace then I advise you to do so. That is, if you are up to having a lot of true and trustworthy friends.

Bigboy, I am pleased to say that you are very close to my thoughts as well.


Swan is a laugh in herself. She has a sever case of the sillies most of the time. You will no doubt have agreat time when she is near. I always do and some howmanage to end up on the floor *lmao*. Thanx Swanners for the many good times and the many more to come. She is also a great friend for a good listening ear and thoughts that may help...*s*. Thank you and I enjoy watching our friendship blossom. Always a pleasure to see you makin everybody laugh.


Well, her name says it all....hehe....she is a laugh and a half. Mischeif is alsoi a very dear trusting type of gal. I am honored to have acquired such a dear friend that I know will only get dearer!! If you ever get the chance she is a definite one for a mischeivous chat. But, Fellas, back off she is in love with THE Man!! But is welcome to meet new friends...*S*