Savage Garden Quiz

1. What song did Darren sing for audition to become a member of Daniel's band in 1992?
Little Shop of Horrors
Big in Japan
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood

2. Where did "I Want You" first break?

3. Which song on "Affirmation" is the equivalent of "Break Me, Shake Me"?
Crash and Burn
I Don't Know You Anymore
Gunning Down Romance

4. What is Kirsten Dunst's starsign?

5.Where was the video for "I Knew I Loved You" shot?
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco

6. Who does Darren call "the female me"?
Anna Maria LaSpina
Colby Taylor
Leonie Messer

7. Which song did Darren dedicate to his wife?
Truly, Madly, Deeply
I Knew I Loved You
I Want You

8. What is Daniel's favourite sport?

9. A song was made up by mixing 12 separate recordings of Darren's voice. Which one is it?
I Want You
A Thousand Words
Chained to You

10. "Last Christmas", the song that Darren did a remake for, belongs to which band?

Mmmm...Do I smell some burned brain around here? (lol) Well, the correct answers are listed at the bottom of the page. If you got over 5 answers right, you can consider yourself a Savage Garden fan; if you got all answers right, congratulations! You're a true Savaged Gardener (die-hard fan)!
Finally, if you got less than 5 answers right...well, that's O.K., at least you found out some things you didn't know about! You didn't waste your time, trust me!

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