
Hey! Here's a couple of old *therfore archives* Mofffatty reports and pictures. Some of the stuff on this page is from YTV's Hitlist.

Well I'm back! Straight back in fact from Lenzerheide, Switzerland where I got to take a first hand look at a hot new group called "The Moffatts"! (I shouldn't really say new, as they have been around for a while - but not like they are now!) These guys are incredible! They're causing quite the sensation in Germany, well... actually, all over Europe! And are they ever talented, extremely fun and friendly... and absolutely gorgeous! They are 4 brothers and 3 of them are triplets! There's Scott - 14, Bob, Clint & Dave who are 13! They have a huge hit out right now called, "I'll Be There For You" and judging by the incredibly loud, screaming girls at their concert and those chasing them around the ski slopes - they're probably going to be the next big sensation! I really hope we'll be able to bring them to Canada for all of you Hit List viewers to check out... 'cause they're gonna be massive!

Wow! What a wild weekend we had checking out "The Moffatts"! Everyone on our crew who met them was totally "charmed" by the guys.. they are so wild and wacky and at times, totally out of control! What we couldn't get over were all the dedicated fans who drove up from the States just to see these talented Canadian brothers! Usually we Canadians are the ones doing the chasing! We hope to have their video "I'll Be There For You" soon!

With so much happening this new season, I just haven't had time to give you some "behind the scene" scoops from this year's Psyko Blast... and so many of you have been asking! Well, I thought this was a good time to do it... so I start off with a gorgeous picture of Scott Moffatt! As you all know, the fab brothers were the stars of this year's Psyko Blast putting on 2 amazing concerts to thousands of screaming fans! Well, we always drive all the Psyko Blast performers from the dressing rooms to the stage in these huge vans for security reasons... it's only a matter of about 25 yards, so anyways, Bob, Clint, Dave and Scott pile into the vans all excited about performing when - Bang! the van hits a parked truck! The guys all screamed, but were all okay... and went on to do, dare I say... a bang up show! Also... both Psyko Blast shows were co-sponsored by "Tommy Hilfiger Jeans". Now if you saw both shows, you'll notice that in the first show Scott was wearing a "Roots" t-shirt and since "Roots" wasn't one of our sponsors, it was up to me - the Producer of psyko Blast to tell Scott that for the 2nd show, he couldn't wear anymore "Roots" clothing.... that was when he said that he really wanted to wear his other "Roots" shirt because it had an amazing Canadian Maple Leaf on it and he wanted to wear it for his Canadian fans! I left feeling quite bad as he obviously wanted to wear it and I thought nothing more about it. Then, the second show started and The Moffatts ran out on stage and there was Scott... in his "ripped" t-shirt, the Maple Leaf glissening in the sunshine with every single "Roots" logo cut right out of the shirt!!!! I laughed and laughed... what a cool idea by a very bright and cool Scott Moffatt!

Well, I'm finally back from England and Ireland!!! What an incredible trip I had! As you all know, Exan and I were invited to London, England by the fabulous Moffatts, for their "Girl Of My Dreams" video shoot!!! What an action-packed day that was! I just had to bring my camera along... check out the following "behind the scenes" shot of Bob & Clint I got for you... (It's taken on the bedroom set used in their video!) If you watched the show this weekend, you'd know that we actually stormed into Bob, Clint, Dave and Scott's hotel rooms and stole their pillowcases! Don't worry - they were good sports about it! I remember that when I was a kid, there was this hotel that was selling 1" pieces of the pillowcases The Beatles slept on, so I thought... wouldn't it be cool if we had a contest where our viewers could have a chance to win the actual pillowcase their favourite Moffatt slept on! The guys loved the idea and even let us come into their rooms to "try and take them away from them!" (We thought we'd find them in their pyjamas, and then blushed when we found out they sleep in just boxers!!!) So that's how we got their pillowcases and got them autographed for you! Exan, my cameraman - Shawn and I had a great time (as usual) with the entire Moffatts clan! One of my favourite moments was when Dave styled my hair with fancy hair wax!!! But that's another story! Instead of heading back to Canada with Exan and Shawn, "lucky moi" was invited to fly to Dublin, Ireland to see the one and only Robbie Williams (Take That) in concert! Stay tuned for more news on Robbie... he's gonna be huge here in Canada. In England he's #1.

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