Here's how this works, answer all the questions and then e-mail the answers to us to find out how special you are. AND NOW.....the long awaited Are You Special Quiz? which was created by US around May/June of '98 (I can really remember)..ENJOY and find out how special you are according to us.

1) Do you tend to talk to yourself?

2) Do you have an imaginary friend AND over the age of 25?

3) In the past year or so, have you learned anything from your teachers?

4) Do you ever have the urge to name the poor people without names, have unsuitable names, or a name that you do not approve of?

5) Are you sitting/standing/running in place etc.. etc.. taking this test?

6) Are you a gay black man? (inside joke, but you still have to answer it)

7) Do you plant trees made from processed trees?
7) a. If so, what method of watering your trees do you prefer, Capri Sun, Bottled Water, or Just Plain Old Spit?

8) Do you tend to sing and dance when there is no music whatsoever playing?

9) Do you like to play tetherball?

10) Do you drink Capri Sun?

11) Are you too lazy to tie your shoes whenever the are untied?

12) Do you randomly yell out numbers for no reason?

13) Do you tend you name garbage cans?

14) Do you like to make an ass of yourself when at the movies with friends or perhaps by yourself?

15) Would you see a crappy movie twice just for kicks?

16) Do you like Leonardo DiCaprio?